
Terms for subject Medical containing ovary | all forms | exact matches only
bulb of ovaryBulbus venae ovaricae (Rouget)
descent of ovaryDescensus ovarii
edema of ovaryEierstocködem (oophoritis serosa)
fibrothecoma of the ovaryFibrothekom des Ovars
free border of ovaryfreier Eierstockrand (margo liber ovarii)
granular layer of ovaryGranulosa
grey ovarygroßes graues Ovar
hilum of ovaryHilus ovarii
hilum of ovaryEierstockhilus
hyperactivation of the ovaryHyperactivatio ovarii
hypernephroma of the ovaryvirilisierender Lipoidzelltumor oder Hypernephrom des Ovars
hypernephroma of the ovaryNebennierenresttumor des Ovars
hypernephroma of the ovaryMaculinovoblastoma
hypernephroma of the ovaryLuteom
lateral surface of ovarySuperficies ovarii posterior
lateral surface of ovaryFacies lateralis ovarii
left ovarylinkes Ovarium (ovarium sinistrum)
left ovarylinker Eierstock (ovarium sinistrum)
ligament of ovaryEierstockband (ligamentum ovarii proprium, chorda uteroovarica)
ligament of the ovaryChorda uteroovarica
ligament of the ovaryLigamentum ovarii proprium
luteinized cell of granular layer of ovaryGranulosaluteinzelle
medial surface of ovarySuperficies anterior
medial surface of ovaryFacies medialis ovarii
medial surface of ovaryFacies intestinalis ovarii
ovary cancerOvarialkarzinom
ovary cancerEierstockkarzinom Eierstockkrebs
ovary cellOvarzelle
ovary inflammationUnterleibsentzündung
Ovary testOvary-Test
oyster ovaries"Auster-Eierstock" polykystischer Eierstock
plication of granular layer of ovaryGranulosafaltung
polycystic ovary diseasePCO-Syndrom
polycystic ovary diseaseStein-Leventhal-Syndrom
polycystic ovary diseasepolyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom
polycystic ovary syndromeStein-Leventhal-Syndrom
polycystic ovary syndromePCO-Syndrom
polycystic ovary syndromepolyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom
polykystic ovaries"Auster-Eierstock" polykystischer Eierstock
proper ligament of ovaryEierstockband (ligamentum ovarii proprium, chorda uteroovarica)
rat ovary hyperaemia testRattenovarhyperaemie-Test
resistant ovary syndromeGonadotropin-resistentes Ovarialsyndrom
right ovaryrechtes Ovarium (ovarium dextrum)
sclerocystic disease of the ovaryStein-Leventhal-Syndrom
sclerocystic disease of the ovaryPCO-Syndrom
sclerocystic disease of the ovarypolyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom
supernumerary ovaryHyperovarismus
supernumerary ovaryHyperovarie
suspensory ligament of ovaryPlica suspensoria ovarii (ligamentum Suspensorium ovarii)
suspensory ligament of ovaryLigamentum Suspensorium ovarii (ligamentum Suspensorium ovarii)
tubal end of ovaryExtremitas tubalis ovarii
tubal end of ovaryExtremitas tubaria
tubal end of ovaryExtremitas tubaria ovarii
tubal end of ovaryExtremitas tubalis
tubal extremity of ovaryoberer Eierstockpol (extremitas tubaria ovarii)
uterine end of ovaryExtremitas uterina ovarii
uterine end of ovaryExtremitas uterina
yellow body of ovaryGelbkörper (corpus luteum)