
Terms for subject Medical containing organs | all forms | exact matches only
accessory organsakzessorische Organe
accessory organs of the eyeOrgana oculi accessoria
accessory sex organakzessorisches Geschlechtsorgan
acoustic organHörorgan
acoustic organCortisches Organ
adhesive organHaftorgan
adhesive organHaftapparat
adhesive organHaptere
adjacent organNachbarorgan
analogous organsanaloge Organe
appliance for supporting or holding organs following an illnessApparat zum Stuetzen oder Halten von Organen nach einer Krankheit
articulatory organsArtikulationsorgane
articulatory organsSprechwerkzeuge
artificial organkünstliches Organ
auditory organHörorgan
auditory organGehörorgan
axial organAchsenorgan
before organ jointpräsynaptisch
Bidder organBidder-Organ
blood forming organsblutbildende Organe
blood-forming organsblutbildende Organe
central lymphoid organzentrales lymphatisches Organ
central lymphoid organprimäres lymphatisches Organ
Chievitz organChievitz Organ
Chievitz organjuxtaorales Organ
chylopoietic organschylopoietische Organe
copulatory organGonopodium
copulatory organPaarungsorgan
copulatory organKopulationsorgan
copulatory organBegattungsorgan
Corti organHörorgan (organum spirale)
Corti organCorti-Organ (organum spirale)
Corti's organHörorgan
Corti's organCortisches Organ
Corti’s organCortisches Organ
critical organkritisches Organ
damage to any internal organSchädigung eines innern Organs
disturbance on the balance organGleichgewichtsstörungen
donation of organsOrganspende
egg-laying organLegeorgan
egg-laying organEilegeapparat
egg-laying organLegeapparat
egg-laying organOvipositor
enamel organSchmelzorgan
enamel organZahnglocke
enamel organSchmelzglocke
end organNervenendorgan
end organEndorgan
endocrine organmetakeratische Drüse
endocrine organunechte Drüse
endocrine organInkretionsdrüse
endocrine organHormondrüse
endocrine organBlutdrüse
endocrine organinnersekretorische Drüse
endocrine organinkretorische Drüse
endocrine organendokrines Organ
endocrine organendokrine Drüse
European Society for Artificial OrgansEuropäische Gesellschaft für künstliche Organe
European Society for Organ TransplantationEuropäische Transplantationsgesellschaft
excretory organExkretionsorgan
excretory organAusscheidungs-Organ
excretory organAbsonderungsorgan
external female genital organsPartes genitales externae femininae s.muliebres
external male genital organsPartes genitales externae masculinae s.viriles
Federal Law on Organ,Tissue and Cell transplantationTransplantationsgesetz
female genital organsOrgana genitalia feminina
female genital organsO.g.muliebria
floral organ-identity genesBlütenorganidentitätsgene
foetal organfötales Organ
foreign organskörperfremde Organe (Andrey Truhachev)
functional tissue of an organParenchym
generative organsFortpflanzungsorgane
genital and urinary organ-relateduragenital
genital organsZeugungsorgane
genital organsSexualorgane (organa genitalia)
genital organsGenitalien (organa genitalia)
genital organsGeschlechtsorgane (organa genitalia)
genital organsOrgana sexualia
genitourinary organsHarn- und Geschlechtsorgane
Giraldés organGiraldés-Organ (paradidymis)
Giraldés organBeihoden (paradidymis)
glomus organGlomusorgan (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
glomus organHoyer-Grosser-Organ (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
glomus organGlomus neuromyoarteriale (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
glomus organKnäuelanastomose (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
glomus organMasson-Glomus (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
glomus organKnäueldrüse (anastomosis arteriovenosa glomeriformis, glandula glomiformis)
Golgi tendon organneurotendinöses Organ
Golgi tendon organGolgi-Sehnenorgan
Golgi tendon organneurotendinöse Spindel
Golgi's organsGolgische Körperchen
Golgi's organsSehnenspindel
hearing organHörorgan
hearing organGehörorgan
homologous organshomologe Organe
incision of organsAnschneiden von Organen
increase in the size of an organHypertrophie
incretory organInkretorgan
internal organinneres Organ
intromittent organPaarungsorgan
intromittent organGonopodium
intromittent organKopulationsorgan
intromittent organBegattungsorgan
involving the skin attaching various organs to the bodymesenterial
isolated organ tuberculosismetastatische Tuberkulose
isolated organ tuberculosisisolierte Organtuberkulose
Jacobson organOrganum vomeronasale
Jacobson organJacobson-Organ
Jacobson's organOrganon vomeronasale
Jacobson's organJacobsonsches Organ
labyrinthine organLabyrinth
luminous organLeuchtorgan
luminous organLumineszenzorgan
luminous organPhotophor
lymphoid organLymphoidorgan
lymphoid organlymphatisches Organ
male genital organsOrgana genitalia masculina
male genital organsO.g.virilia
Marchand's organMarchandsche Nebennieren
masticatory organsKauorgane
maturation of organsOrganentwicklung
multiple organ dysfunction syndromeMultiorganversagen-Syndrom
multiple organ failureMultiorganversagen
neurotendinous organGolgi-Sehnenorgan
neurotendinous organneurotendinöses Organ
neurotendinous organneurotendinöse Spindel
non-organ-specific autoimmune diseasenichtorganspezifische Autoimmunerkrankung
normal development of an organEugenesis
normal development of an organEugenesie
organ atrophyOrganatrophie
organ changeOrganwechsel
organ collectionErtrag von Organen
organ formationOrganogenese
organ harvestingErtrag von Organen
organ of CortiCorti'sches Organ
organ of CortiCorti-Organ (organum spirale)
organ of CortiHörorgan (organum spirale)
organ of CortiOrganum spirale
organ of CortiCorti Organ
organ of embryological structureOrgan mit embryonaler Struktur
organ of equilibriumstatisches Organ
organ of equilibriumGleichgewichtsorgan
organ of GiraldèsBeihoden (paradidymis)
organ of GiraldèsGiraldèssches Organ (paradidymis)
organ of GiraldèsParepididymis (paradidymis)
organ of GiraldèsParadidymis (paradidymis)
organ of GiraldésGiraldés-Organ (paradidymis)
organ of GiraldésBeihoden (paradidymis)
organ of hearing and equilibriumOrganum vestibulocochleare
organ of hearing and equilibriumOrganum statoacusticum
organ of hearing and equilibriumOrganum status et auditus
organ of hearing and equilibriumOrganum auditus
organ of sightOrganum vius
organ of sightSehorgan
organ of sightGesichtsorgan
organ of sightOrganon visus
organ of smellOrganum olfactus
organ of smellOrganon olfactus
organ of tasteOrganum gustus
organ of tasteGeschmacksorgan
organ of tasteOrganon
organ of touchOrganum tactus
organ of visionGesichtsorgan
organ of visionSehorgan
organ removal agencyzur Organentnahme berechtigte Stelle
organ removal for scientific purposesGewebeentnahme zu medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Zwecken
organ removal for therapeutic purposesGewebeentnahme zu therapeutischen Zwecken
organ replacement materialWerkstoff für den Organersatz
organ specific agentOrganmittel
organ-specific antigensorganspezifische Antigene
organ-specific autoimmune diseaseorganspezifische Autoimmunerkrankung
organ systemOrgansystem
organ tolerance doseOrgantoleranzdosis
organ transplantOrgantransplantat
organ transplantationOrganverpflanzun
organ transplantationOrganverpflanzung
organs of fertilizationBegattungsorgane
organs of RuffiniRuffinische Körperchen
organs of ZuckerkandlZuckerkandlsches Organ
organs of ZuckerkandlZuckerkandl-Organe (corpora paraaortica, glomera aortica)
para-ependymal organsparaependymale Organe
paralogous organsparaloge Organe
parietal organStirnauge
parietal organZirbelauge
parietal organEpiphysenauge
patient awaiting an organ transplantPatient,der vor einer Organtransplantation steht
peripheral lymphoid organperipheres lymphatisches Organ
peripheral lymphoid organsekundäres lymphatisches Organ
pharmacological target organpharmakologisches Zielorgan
physician which removes the organTransplanteur
pillars of Corti's organPfeilerzellen
pillars of Corti's organCortische Pfeiler
placoid organsPlakoidorgane
predisposition of an organOrgandisposition
premises for the organ removalEntnahmestelle
presumptive organ regionpräsumptiver Organbezirk
primary lymphoid organzentrales lymphatisches Organ
primary lymphoid organprimäres lymphatisches Organ
primitive organPrimitivorgan
primitive organsPrimitivorgane
reacting organErfolgsorgan
relating to an organ in the chest areaviszeral
removal of organOrganentnahme
removal of organs for grafts in an adultOrganentnahme zur Transplantation bei Erwachsenen
to remove organs as the need arisesEntnahme von Organen bei Gelegenheit
reorganisation into organsReorganisation in Organe
reproductive organGeschlechtsorgan
reproductive organ toxicityReproduktionstoxizität
reproductive organsGenitalien (organa genitalia)
reproductive organsSexualorgane (organa genitalia)
reproductive organsGeschlechtsorgane (organa genitalia)
respiratory organRespirationsorgan
Rosenmüller organParovarium (epoophoron)
Rosenmüller organRosenmüller-Organ (epoophoron)
Rosenmüller organNebeneierstock (epoophoron)
Ruffini end-organRuffini-Endkörperchen
Ruffini end-organRuffini-Körperchen
secondary lymphoid organperipheres lymphatisches Organ
secondary lymphoid organsekundäres lymphatisches Organ
selective organ traininggezieltes Organtraining
sense organEmpfindungsorgan
sense organ functionFunktionieren der Sinnesorgane
sense organsOrgana sensuum
sensory organEmpfindungsorgan
sensory organ precursorneurale Vorläuferzelle
sensory organ precursorSOP
sensory organ precursorSinnesorganvorläufer
sensory organsOrgana sensuum
sex organsSexualorgane (organa genitalia)
sex organsGeschlechtsorgane (organa genitalia)
sex organsGenitalien (organa genitalia)
sex organsOrgana sexualia
sexual organsGenitalien (organa genitalia)
sexual organsSexualorgane (organa genitalia)
sexual organsGeschlechtsorgane (organa genitalia)
shock organSchockorgan
signs of organ changesOrganzeichen
spiral organCorti-Organ (organum spirale)
spiral organHörorgan (organum spirale)
spiral organCorti'sches Organ
spiral organCorti Organ
spiral organOrganum spirale
static organstatisches Organ
static organGleichgewichtsorgan
storage organSpeicherorgan
subcommissural organSubkommissuralorgan
suctorial organSaugscheibe
suctorial organSaugnapf
supernumerary organPolyplasie
supporting organStützorgan
tactile end organTastkörperchen
tactile organFühlorgan
tactile perception of speech-organstaktile Wahrnehmung der Sprechwerkzeuge
tactual perception of speech organseigenes Abtasten der Artikulationsorgane als Kontrolle der Artikulationsbewegungen
taste organGeschmacksorgan
thoracic organsBrustorgane
thoracic organsBrusteingeweide
tissue or organ underdevelopmentHypoplasie
transplant organSpenderorgan
urinary organHarnorgan
urinary organHarnapparat
urinary organsHarnorgane (systema urinarium)
urinary organsuropoetisches System (systema urinarium)
urinary organsHarnapparat (systema urinarium)
urinary organsHarnsystem (systema urinarium)
urinary organsOrgana urinalia (organa urinalia)
urinary organsHarnbereitungssystem (systema urinarium)
urinary organsOrgana uropoetica (organa urinalia)
v.Baer primitive organsv.Baer Primitivorgane
vestigial organRest organ
vestigial organrudimentäres Organ
vestigial organRudiment
vestigial organVestigium
virtual organvirtuelles Organ
vomeronasal organOrganon vomeronasale
vomeronasal organJacobsonsches Organ
vomeronasal organJacobson-Organ
Weber organWeber-Organ (utriculus prostaticus)
Weber organUtrikulus (utriculus prostaticus)
Weber organProstatablindsack (utriculus prostaticus)
Weber's organUterus masculinus (sinus prostaticus, uterus masculinus, sinus pocularis)
Weber's organSinus pocularis (sinus prostaticus, uterus masculinus, sinus pocularis)
Weber's organUtriculus prostaticus (sinus prostaticus, uterus masculinus, sinus pocularis)
Zuckerkandl’s organZuckerkandlsches Organ