
Terms for subject Medical containing nails | all forms | exact matches only
arthrodesis of the nailNagelarthrodese
artificial nailAttrappennagel
asperity of nailAsperitas unguium
atrophy of the nailsOnychatrophie
body of nailCorpus unguis
body of the nailNagelplatte
Boehler nailBoehler Nagel
Boehler nailBoehler Laschennagel
bone marrow nailKnochenmarksnagel
bone nail driftNagelgleiten
cap nailKopfnagel
chemical softening of the nailNagelerweichung
compression nailKompressionsnagel
Crocker spoon nailCrocker Naegel
Digby nailDigby Nagel
double spread nailDrehspreiznagel
egg-shell nailsEierschalennägel
Ehalt nailEhalt Laschennagel
Emmet nail resectionEmmet Plastik
Emmet nail resectionEmmet Operation
extension nailExtensionsnagel
foveate nailsTüpfelnägel
foveate nailsOnychia punctata
foveate nailsGrübchennägel
fracture nailFrakturennagel
fracture nailKnochennagel
germinative zone of nailStratum germinativum unguis
glossy nailGlanznagel
Hahn bone nailHahn Knochennagel
hard plate of the nailNagelplatte
hereditary osteoonychodysplasia nail-patella syndromeBeckenhörner-Syndrom
hereditary osteoonychodysplasia nail-patella syndromeArthro-Osteo-Onycho-Dysplasie
Herzog nailHerzog Nagel
horny zone of nailHornschicht des Nagels (stratum corneum unguis, zona cornea unguis)
horny zone of nailStratum corneum unguis (stratum corneum unguis, zona cornea unguis)
inflammation of the nail skinParonychie
ingrowing naileingewachsener Zehennagel
ingrowing nailunguis incarnatus
ingrowing nailNageleinwachsun
ingrowing nailein gewachsener Nagel
ingrowing nailOnychokryptosis
ingrowing naileingewachsener Nagel
ingrown naileingewachsener Zehennagel
ingrown nailOnychokryptosis
ingrown nailunguis incarnatus
ingrown toe-naileingewachsener Nagel (unguis incarnatus)
ingrown toe-nailUnguis incarnatus (unguis incarnatus)
Johansson nailJohansson Nagel
keel-shaped nailKielnagel
kell-shaped nailsKielnagel
kell-shaped nailsHeller-Krankheit
keratinization of nailsNagelverhornung
Kuentscher nailKüntscher Nagel
Küntscher's nailKüntscherscher Knochennagel
lateral incision of nailNagelrandschnitt
nail bedNagelmatrix (matrix unguis, solum unguis, lectulum unguis)
nail bedHyponychium (lectulum unguis)
nail bedNagelboden
nail bedNagelbett (matrix unguis)
nail bed signNagelbettzeichen
nail bitingFingernägelbeißen
nail clipperNagelzange
nail extensionNagelextension
nail extraction forcepsNagelextraktionszange
nail extractorNagelzieher
nail foldNageloberhäutchen (eponychium, pterygium unguis)
nail foldEponychium (eponychium, pterygium unguis)
nail foldNagelfalz
nail fold diagnosisNagelfalzdiagnose
nail furrowFeer-Phänomen
nail furrowFeer Nagellinie
nail grooveNagelfalz
nail mantleNageloberhäutchen (eponychium, pterygium unguis)
nail mantleEponychium (eponychium, pterygium unguis)
nail matrixNagelbett (matrix unguis)
nail matrixNagelmatrix (matrix unguis, solum unguis, lectulum unguis)
nail mycosisNagelmykose
nail mycosisOnychomycosis
nail mycosisOnychomykose
nail plateNagelplatte
nail psoriasisNagelpsoriasis
nail rootNagelwurzel (radix unguis)
nail rootNagelbett (radix unguis)
nail with spreading actionSpreiznagel
Neufeld femoral neck nailNeufeld-Schenkelhalsnagel
osteosynthesis with bone nailsNagelung
osteosynthesis with bone nailsNagelfixation
osteosynthesis with bone nailsFrakturnagelung
osteosynthesis with bone nailsKnochennagelung
osteosynthesis with bone nailsVerschraubung
palmoplantar diffuse keratosis with watch-glass nails and osteohypertrophyKeratosis palmoplantaris diffusa mit Uhrglasnägeln und Knochenhypertrophie
palmoplantar diffuse keratosis with watch-glass nails and osteohypertrophyBureau Barrière Thomas-Syndrom
parrot beak nailHackennagel
pitted nailsGrübchennägel
pitted nailsOnychia punctata
pitted nailsTüpfelnägel
psoriatic nailpsoriatischer Krümelnagel
reedy nailgefurchter Nagel
ridges of nail bedCrista matricis unguis
ringworm of nailOnychomycosis
ringworm of nailNagelmykose
ringworm of nailOnychomykose
ringworm of the nailsPilzbefall der Nägel (tinea unguinalis)
ringworm of the nailsOnychomykose (tinea unguinalis)
root of the nailRadix unguis
root of the nailNagelwurzel
Smith-Petersen nailSchenkelhalsnagel
Smith-Petersen nailSmith-Petersen-Nagel
spoon nailNagelverdünnung
spoon nailCoelonychia
spoon nailEierschalennagel
spoon nailHohlnagel
spoon nailKoilonychie
spoon nailLöffelnagel
spoon nailoder Schüsselnagel
thumb-nail testDaumennagelprobe
to nailvernageln
to nailnageln
trepanation of nailNageltrepanation
trichophytosis of the nailNageltrichophytie
trilamellar nailDreilamellennagel
turtleback nailHippokratesnage
watch-glass nailUhrglasnagel
yellow nail syndromeSyndrom der gelben Fingernägel
yellow nailsSyndrom der gelben Fingernägel
zona germinativa of nailBasalplatte des Nagels (stratum germinativum unguis)
zona germinativa of nailStratum germinativum unguis (stratum germinativum unguis)