
Terms for subject Life sciences containing mine | all forms | exact matches only
application for mining licenceMutung
application for mining licenceMuthung
boundaries of a mining fieldVierung
boundary of a mining fieldMarkscheide
boundary stone of a mining fieldLochstein
boundary stone of a mining fieldMarkstein
boundary stone of a mining fieldTagepflock
boundary stone of a mining fieldLochortstein
catalogue of mining propertyBergbuch
catalogue of mining propertyBerggrundbuch
catalogue of mining propertyBelehnungsbuch
corner point of a mining fieldFeldeseckpunkt
damage due to miningBergschaden
in situ stress in minesin-situ-Spannungen im Untertagebergbau
inclined or horizontal mining borderEbenhöhe
large scale map of mineBetriebszustandsriss
large scale map of mineBetriebsriss
legal size of a mining fieldFeldmaß
legal size of a mining fieldFeldesmaß
main cross section representing the mean thickness of the strata of a mineNormalprofil
main cross section representing the mean thickness of the strata of a mineHauptschichtenschnitt
map of mining boundariesBergwerksbesitzkarte
map of mining boundariesBergwerksarealkarte
map of mining permissionPermissionsriss
map with mining field boundariesZulegungsriss
map with mining field boundariesFeldeszulegungsriss
maximal size of a mining concessionNormalfeld
maximal size of a mining concessionMaximalfeld
to measure out a mineabschinen
to measure out a mineabschienen
mine departmentsBergbauabteilungen
mine gas distribution mapGrubengaskarte
mine-level tunnelSohlbahn
mine-level tunnelSohlenstrecke
mine-level tunnelGrundstrecke
mine levellingGrubennivellement
mine surveying scienceMarkscheidekunde
mine surveyor's licenceZulassung von Markscheidern
minimal size of a mining concessionMinimalfeld
mining claims mapVerleihungsriss
mining concessions of one personGrubenfeld
mining field subdivision mapTeilungsriss
mining field subdivision mapFeldesteilungsriss
mining levelling staffGrubenlatte
mining-plan with horizontal projection planeAbbaugrundriss
mining-plan with vertical projection planeAbbauseigerriss
mining subsidence levellingBodensenkungsnivellement
mining subsidence levellingBergschadennivellement
modification of mining fieldsFeldesumwandlung
operational map of a mineBetriebsgrubenbild
operator of a mining fieldAufnehmer
ore rough from the mineRoherz
ore rough from the mineFoerdererz
overall map of a mineÜbersichtsgrubenbild
placing of boundary stone on a mining fieldErbvermessen
plan of mine levelsSohlenriss
plan of mine levelsSituationsriss
plan of mining areasBergbauflächenplan
position of a mining fieldFeldesstreckung
position of a mining fieldFeldeslegung
production map of a minebetriebliche Pläne
production map of a mineBetriebsplanwerk
review map of approved mining rightsBerechtsamsübersichtskarte
review map of approved mining rightsBerechtsamskarte
review-map of mining fieldsFelderkarte
review-map of mining fieldsFelderbesitzkarte
right to mine within specified bordersBelehnung
to set out boundary stones of a mining fieldlochsteinen
small mining areas claimed in addition to an existing mining fieldBeylehn
small mining areas claimed in addition to an existing mining fieldBeilehn
small mining areas claimed in addition to an existing mining fieldBeilehen
tunnel for drawing off water and exploring a mineErbstollen