
Terms containing managed | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSagent-managedmit Agents verwaltet (Pertaining to a computer or device that is managed by MOM and has the MOM agent installed on it)
comp., MSagent-managed computermit Agent verwalteter Computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
comp., MSagentless managedohne Agents verwaltet (Pertaining to a computer or device that is managed by MOM and does not have the MOM agent installed)
comp., MSagentless managed computerohne Agent verwalteter Computer (A computer without an agent that is monitored by a management server or a proxy agent)
gen.also managedmitverwaltet
f.trade.are managed or used for commercial, military or private purposeszu militärischen oder privaten Zwecken betrieben oder genutzt werden
gen.to be managed on a unified basis by the parent undertakingunter einheitlicher Leitung des Mutterunternehmens stehen
tax.business managed separatelygesondert geführter Betrieb
fin.capital managedGesamtausnützungskapital
market.centrally-managed costszentral verwaltete Kosten
transp.commercially-managed enterprisewirtschaftlich geführtes Unternehmen
AI.computer-managed instructioncomputergeführter Unterricht
AI.computer-managed learningcomputergeführtes Lernen
gen.do you manage?kommen Sie/kommst du/kommt ihr zurecht?
gen.easy to manageleicht handhabbar
econ.entrepreneurially managed growing companywachstumsstarkes junges Untermehmen
fin.externally managed portfolioextern verwaltetes Portfolio
stat., agric.forest land not regularly managedNichtwirtschaftswald
stat., agric.forest land regularly managedWirtschaftswald
law, agric.forest managed on the selection systemPlenterwald
fin.government managed export insurancestaatliche Exportversicherung
gen.He managed it in the twinkling of an eyeEr erledigte es im Handumdrehen
gen.I can manage with lessIch komme mit weniger aus
gen.I just managed itIch habe es gerade geschafft
gen.I just managed itIch hab es gerade geschafft
gen.I just managed itIch schaffte es gerade noch
ITI managed to restore the deleted fileIch konnte die gelöschte Datei wiederherstellen (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.I'll manageIch komme schon zurecht
agric.intensively managed plantationPlantagenwirtschaft
fin.internally managed investment portfoliointern verwaltete Investmentportfolio
econ.locally managed companyörtlich geführtes Unternehmen
transp.to manage a boat under sailein Boot unter Segel manövrieren
lawto manage a portfolioWertpapiere verwalten
gen.to manage an undertakingein Unternehmen leiten
fin.manage liquidityLiquidität steuern
comp., MSManage Privacy RelationshipsPrivate Beziehungen verwalten (The menu that enables users to assign a privacy relationship to contacts)
comp., MSmanaged ACS namespaceverwalteter ACS-Namespace (An ACS namespace that is partially managed by another Microsoft service)
gen.managed apartmentsServicewohnungen
comp., MSmanaged bean A Java object that allows you to implement access to the instrumentation of a resourceverwaltetes Bean (MBean)
health.managed careManaged Care
health.managed carestrukturierte medizinische Versorgung
gen.managed caregeführte Versorgung
comp., MSmanaged codeverwalteter Code (Code that is executed by the common language runtime environment rather than directly by the operating system. Managed code applications gain common language runtime services such as automatic garbage collection, runtime type checking and security support, and so on. These services help provide uniform platform- and language-independent behavior of managed-code applications)
comp., MSmanaged code extensionErweiterung durch verwalteten Code (An application-level add-in or document-level customization. Generally, an extension to Microsoft Office that is created by using Visual Studio Tools for Office)
comp., MSmanaged computerverwalteter Computer (A computer that has been discovered, on which a SCE agent is installed, and which is monitored and managed by SCE)
comp., MSManaged ComputersVerwaltete Computer (The default host group, which contains all host groups managed by Virtual Machine Manager)
comp., MSManaged Computers listListe verwalteter Computer (A list of computers matching the Managed Computer rule for an Agent Manager)
comp., MSmanaged content settingsEinstellungen für verwaltete Inhalte (Settings that are applied to the managed folders in users' mailboxes to control the retention and journaling of messages for messaging records management (MRM). Managed content settings define when messages that are no longer needed are to be removed or journaled (copied) to a separate storage location outside the mailbox)
econ., fin.managed currencymanipulierte Währung
econ., fin.managed currencykontrollierte Währung
f.trade.managed currencygesteuerte Währung
econ., fin.managed currencyregulierte Währung
comp., MSmanaged custom folderverwalteter benutzerdefinierter Ordner (A type of managed folder that is created by an Exchange administrator and placed in a user's mailbox for messaging records management (MRM) purposes. The retention and journaling of messages in managed custom folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the folder)
comp., MSmanaged dataverwaltete Daten (Objects whose lifetimes are managed by the common language runtime. The runtime automatically handles object layout and manages references to these objects, releasing them when they are no longer being used)
comp., MSmanaged default folderverwalteter Standardordner (A mailbox folder (such as the Inbox folder) that appears in Office Outlook by default and to which messaging records management (MRM) has been applied. The retention and journaling of messages in managed default folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the folder)
commun.managed deviceManaged-Device
fin.managed economyPlanwirtschaft
fin.managed economydirigistische Wirtschaft
comp., MSManaged E-mail FolderOrdner für verwaltete E-Mail (An e-mail folder with associated retention, archive, or expiration policies that are applied to its contents. Organizations can facilitate policy enforcement by providing such folders for users to classify e-mail messages)
commun.managed entityverwaltete Instanz
IMF.managed exchange rategesteuerter Kurs
IMF.managed exchange ratekontrollierter Wechselkurs
busin., ITmanaged-fixed costsprungfixe Kosten
busin., ITmanaged-fixed costsprungfixe Hauptkostenart
busin., ITmanaged-fixed costssprungfixe Hauptkostenart
IMF.managed floatschmutziges Floaten
IMF.managed floatflexibler aber gesteuerter Wechselkurs
IMF.managed floatkontrolliertes Floaten
IMF.managed floating with no predetermined path for the exchange rate IMF exchange rate classification system, 2006kontrolliertes Floating ohne einen vorgegebenen Wechselkurspfad
comp., MSmanaged folderverwalteter Ordner (A folder in a user's mailbox to which messaging records management (MRM) has been applied. There are two types of managed folders: "managed default folders" (such as the Inbox) appear, by default, in a user's Office Outlook mailbox; "managed custom folders" are created by Exchange administrators specifically for MRM. The retention and journaling of messages in managed folders are controlled by managed content settings that are applied to the folder)
comp., MSmanaged folder mailbox assistantPostfach-Assistent für verwaltete Ordner (A Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant that creates managed folders in users' mailboxes and applies managed content settings to them for messaging records management (MRM))
comp., MSmanaged folder mailbox policyPostfachrichtlinie für verwalteten Ordner (A logical grouping of managed folders. When a managed folder mailbox policy is applied to a user's mailbox, all the managed folders that are linked to the policy are deployed in a single operation, thereby making the deployment of messaging records management (MRM) easier)
agric.managed forestWirtschaftswald
fin.managed fundverwalteter Investmentfonds
fin.managed fundverwalteter Fonds
econ., amer.managed fundInvestmentfonds mit veränderlichem Wertpapierbestand
econ., amer.managed fundInvestmentfonds mit veränderlichem Portefeuille
law, ADR, amer.managed fundInvestmentfonds, dessen Wertpapierbestand auswechselbar ist
market., fin.managed futureManaged-Futures
comp., MSmanaged hostverwalteter Host (A virtual machine host that is managed by Virtual Machine Manager)
immigr.managed immigrationgesteuerte Zuwanderung
law, immigr.managed immigrationgezielte Zuwanderung
comp., MSmanaged instanceverwaltete Instanz (An instance of SQL Server monitored by a utility control point)
comp., MSmanaged instanceverwaltete Instanz (ssn)
immigr.managed inward migrationgesteuerte Zuwanderung
fin.managed loangebundener Konsortialkredit
comp., MSmanaged metadataverwaltete Metadaten (A hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items in SharePoint Server)
law, immigr.managed migrationgesteuerte Zuwanderung
immigr.managed migrationgesteuerte Migration
law, immigr.managed migrationgezielte Zuwanderung
comp., MSmanaged navigationVerwaltete Navigation (A feature that enables SharePoint customers to build their site navigation around a metadata term set, and that enables friendly URLs for pages in the navigation structure)
gen.managed networkgemanagtes Netz
commun.managed network servicesNetzwerkdienste
commun.managed objectManagementobjekt (facility or function managed by a management system)
comp., MSmanaged objectverwaltetes Objekt (An object that is managed using SCE, such as managed computers or managed network devices)
comp., MSManaged Object Format fileMOF-Datei (Based on the Interface Definition Language (IDL), a file that describes management information)
comp., MSmanaged propertyverwaltete Eigenschaft (A property that defines how items will be saved to the search index, how you may search for the property and whether or not the property is shown in search results)
IMF.managed rategesteuerter Kurs
IMF.managed ratekontrollierter Wechselkurs
commun.managed recorded information servicesverwaltete Ansagedienste
comp., MSmanaged service accountverwaltetes Dienstkonto (A new type of domain account designed to provide applications such as SQL Server or Exchange with automatic password management and simplified service principal name (SPN) management)
comp., MSmanaged solutionverwaltete Lösung (A complete solution that has been packaged. After this solution has been installed, the extent to which it can be modified is specified by the publisher)
IMF.managed tradestaatlich gelenkter Handel
econ., commer., polit.managed tradekoordinierter Handel
comp., MSmanaged volumeverwaltetes Volume (A local NTFS file system 5.0 volume whose disk space is managed by Remote Storage. Remote Storage frees up disk space by automatically moving infrequently accessed files to a remote storage device)
econ., industr., construct.managed workspaceGründerzentrum
econ., industr., construct.managed workspaceInnovationszentrum
environ.natural or managed ecosystemsnaturbelassene oder vom Menschen beeinflusste Ökosysteme
agric.naturally managed forestnaturnaher Wald
agric.naturally managed forestNaturwald
agric.naturally managed forestnaturgemässer Wald
environ.non-managed forest areasforstlich nicht bewirtschaftete Waldgebiete
insur.pensions managed fundverwalteter Pensionsfonds
environ.principle of managed retreatPrinzip des gesteuerten Rückzugs
econ., transp.properly managed undertakingordnungsgemäss geführtes Unternehmen
econ., transp.properly managed undertakinggut geführtes Unternehmen
transp.properly managed undertaking enjoying normal conditions of use of its carrying capacitygut geführtes Unternehmen mit normal ausgelasteter Beförderungskapazität
comp., MSqueryable managed propertyabfragbare verwaltete Eigenschaft (A managed property that can be queried against. The query must contain the managed property field name, either in the query itself or programmatically)
comp., MSRD Gateway-managed computer groupdurch das RD-Gateway verwaltete Computergruppe (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
comp., MSrefinable managed propertyeinschränkbare verwaltete Eigenschaft (A managed property that can be used as the basis for a refiner for search results)
fin.resources managed by the bankvon der Bank verwaltete Mittel
comp., MSretrievable managed propertyabrufbare verwaltete Eigenschaft (A managed property that can be displayed in search results)
law, transp.right to manage a lineBetriebsführungsrecht
comp., MSrights-managedRechte verwalten (Stored on a server or client computer that is configured to control access to content by using information rights management (IRM) technology)
comp., MSsearchable managed propertysuchbare verwaltete Eigenschaft (A managed property whose value can be returned by a query)
econ., fin.self-managed investment companysich selbst verwaltende Investmentgesellschaft
gen.She can't manage aloneSie weiß sich allein nicht zu behelfen
comp., MSsortable managed propertysortierbare verwaltete Eigenschaft (A managed property whose result set can be sorted based on the property before the result set is returned)
interntl.trade., environ.sustainably managed sourcesnachhaltig bewirtschaftete Wälder
lawthe Office shall be managed by the Presidentdas Amt wird von einem Präsidenten geleitet
market.unit-managed costsvon einzelnen Abteilungen verwaltete Kosten
gen.user-managed connectionanwenderverwaltete Verbindung
busin.vendor managed inventoryManagementtechnik, bei der die Vorräte und das Lager eines Unternehmens von seinen Lieferanten gesteuert werden.