
Terms for subject Optics branch of physics containing grids | all forms
calibrated grid platekalibrierte Gitterplatte
calibration gridJustiergitter (plate)
Canadian gridperspektives Gitter
capacitance of the control gridKapazität des Steuergitters
closely spaced gridengmaschiges Gitter
collector gridAuffanggitter
colour gridFarbgitter
control grid modulationSteuergittermodulation
controllable gridsteuerbares Gitter
cross-lines gridStrichplatte (as used in the focal plane of telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars)
cross-lines gridStrichkreuzplatte (as used in the focal plane of telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars)
decelerator gridBremsgitter
glass-plate gridGlasplattengitter
grid accuracyGittergenauigkeit
grid constantGitterkonstante
grid intersectionGitterschnittpunkt
grid-line imageGitterlinienbild
grid methodNetzverfahren
grid of pointsPunktraster
grid of pointsPunktgitter
grid plateRaster (of a repeater)
grid plateMeßraster (scale)
grid plateMaßstabsplatte (scale)
grid reference pointGitterbezugspunkt
grid representationGitterdarstellung
grid ruling engineGitterteilmaschine
optical grid scaleRaster
grid spacingGitterabstand (distance)
grid squareGitterquadrat
grid systemKartennetzsystem
grid systemGitternetzsystem
grid testGittertest
grid wire spacingAbstand der Gitterdrähte
image of a gridGitterbild
map gridKartennetz
moire gridMoiregitter
national gridLandeskoordinatennetz
optical grid linesoptische Rasterlinien
optical grid scaleMeßraster (of a repeater)
master optical grid scaleMaßstabsplatte (of a repeater)
parallactic gridparallaktisches Gitter
perspective gridprojektives Netz
points of grid intersectionGitterschnittpunkte
precision gridPräzisionsgitter (photogrammetry)
rectangular gridrechtwinkliges Koordinatennetz
reseau grid pointReseaugitterpunkt
resonant gridResonanzgitter
Ronchi gridRonchi-Gitter (grid of straight lines)
shift of the wire gridVerschiebung des Drahtgitters
spatial gridRaumgitter (photogrammetry)
specimen support gridObjektträgernetz
square map gridKartenquadratnetz
standard 0.1 in gridRastergrundmaß von 2,5 mm
standard optical grid scaleRasternormal
storage gridSpeichergitter (mesh)
swing of the wire gridKantung des Drahtgitters
terrestrial grid systemErdkoordinatensystem
test gridTestgitter
uniform gridgleichmäßiges Gitter
wire gridDrahtgitter (mesh)