
Terms for subject Medical containing frontal bone | all forms | in specified order only
cerebral surface of frontal boneFacies interna ossis frontalis
cerebral surface of frontal boneFacies cerebralis ossi frontalis
curvature index of the frontal boneSehnenbogenindex
curvature index of the frontal bonesagittaler Frontalindex
curvature index of the frontal boneKrümmungsindex des Stirnbeins
frontal boneOs frontale
frontal boneStirnknochen (os frontale)
frontal boneStirnbein (os frontale)
frontal surface of frontal boneFacies frontalis ossis frontalis
frontal surface of frontal boneFacies externa ossis frontalis
nasal part of the frontal bonePars nasalis ossis frontalis
orbital plate of the frontal bonePars orbitalis ossis frontalis
orbital surface of frontal boneFacies orbitalis ossis frontalis
temporal surface of frontal boneFacies temporalis squamae frontalis
temporal surface of frontal boneFacies temporalis ossis frontalis
zygomatic process of the frontal boneProcessus zygomaticus ossis frontalis (processus zygomaticus ossis frontalis)