
Terms for subject Physics containing degree of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
color degree of freedomFarbfreiheitsgrad
degree of a mapAbbildungsgrad
degree of absorptionAbsorptionsgrad
degree of acidityAcidität
degree of admissionFüllungsgrad
degree of arcBogengrad
degree of associationAssoziationsgrad
degree of availabilityVerfügbarkeit
degree of branchingVerzweigungsgrad
degree of coverageBedeckungsgrad
degree of dampingDämpfungsgrad
degree of deformationVerzerrungsgrad
degree of deformationDeformationsgrad
degree of degeneracyGrad der Entartung
degree of degeneracyEntartungsgrad
degree of degenerationGrad der Entartung
degree of degenerationEntartungsgrad
degree of depolarizationDepolarisationsgrad
degree of dispersionDispersität
degree of dispersivityDispersitätsgrad
degree of divergenceDivergenzgrad
degree of enrichmentAnreicherung
degree of feedingFüllungsgrad
degree of hardnessHärte-grad
degree of hardnessHärte
degree of hyperstaticityGrad der statischen Unbestimmtheit
degree of static indeterminacyGrad der statischen Unbestimmtheit
degree of ionizationDissoziationsgrad
degree of occupationBesetzungsgrad
degree of prismatic deviationPrismengrad
degree of reliabilityZuverlässigkeitsgrad
degree of reliabilitySicherheitsgrad
degree of reversibilityUmkehrbarkeitsgrad
degree of reversibilityReversibilitätsgrad
degree of roughnessRauhigkeitsgrad
degree of selectivitySelektionsgrad
degree of sharpnessSchärfegrad
degree of supercoolingUnterkühlungsgrad
degree of superheatingÜberhitzungsgrad
degree of symmetrySymmetrieordnung (der Achse, of the axis)
degree of symmetrySymmetriegrad (der Achse, of the axis)
degree of temperatureTemperaturgrad
degree of thermal dissociationthermischer Dissoziationsgrad
degree of topological mappingAbbildungsgrad
degree of turbidityTrübungsgrad
degree of vacuumGüte des Vakuums
degree of wearVerschleißgrad
internal degree of freedominnerer Freiheitsgrad
intramolecular degree of freedominnermolekularer Freiheitsgrad
mechanical degree of freedommechanischer Freiheitsgrad
molecular degree of freedommolekularer Freiheitsgrad
number of degrees of freedomZahl der Freiheitsgrade
rotational degree of freedomRotationsfreiheitsgrad
thermodynamic degree of freedomthermodynamischer Freiheitsgrad
translational degree of freedomTranslationsfreiheitsgrad
vibrational degree of freedomSchwingungsfreiheitsgrad