
Terms for subject General containing artillery | all forms | exact matches only
artillery artificerArtilleriemechaniker
artillery barrageArtilleriefeuer
artillery command postArtilleriegefechtsstand
artillery fire from covered positionsArtilleriefeuer aus gedeckten Stellungen
artillery guns cannonsArtilleriegeschütze
artillery liaison command postArtillerie-Verbindungskommando
artillery milArtillerie Strich
artillery weaponsArtilleriegeschuetze
artillery weaponsGeschuetzausruestung
artillery weaponsArtillerie
Division for Artillery Ordnance and AmmunitionAbteilung Artilleriewaffen und Munition
fire of artillery pieces pushed forward for laying direct fireDirektfeuer der vorgeschobenen Artilleriegeschütze
model for artillery trainingArtilleriezimmerschiessgeraet
super-heavy artillery gunschwere Langrohrkanone
super-heavy artillery gunschweres Langrohrgeschuetz
the total number of artillery pieces and multiple rocket launchersdie Gesamtzahl der Artilleriegeschütze und Mehrfachraketenwerfer