
Terms containing a?e | all forms | in specified order only
health., med.A&E departmentNotdienst
health., med.A&E departmentUnfallambulanz
health., med.A&E departmentUnfallstation
transp., met.black R.A.E.treatmentneutralschwarzätzung
lawconstitute a criminal offenceseStraftatbestand erfüllen
construct.coping of a wall, capping, e.g. saddle back copingMauerabdeckung
econ.Council Decision on the attainment of a high degree of convergence of the economic policies in the Member States of the E.E.C.Konvergenzbeschluss
econ.Council Decision on the attainment of a high degree of convergence of the economic policies in the Member States of the E.E.C.Entscheidung des Rates zur Erreichung eines hohen Grades an Konvergenz der Wirtschaftspolitik der Mitgliedstaaten der E.W.G.
food.ind., chem.E 479 athermooxidiertes Sojaöl
food.ind., chem., engl.E 479 aE 479 a
food.ind., chem.E 150 aeinfache Zuckerkulör
food.ind., chem.E 150 aE 150a
chem.E 472 aE 472 a
food.ind., chem.E 470 aNatrium-, Kalium- und Calciumsalze der Speisefettsäuren
food.ind., chem., engl.E 470 aE 470 a
chem.E 472 aMono- und Diglyzeride von Speisefettsäuresn, verestert mit Essigsäure
food.ind., chem.E 553 a iMagnesiumsilicat
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iE 553 a i
food.ind., chem.E 553 a iiMagnesiumtrisilicat
food.ind., chem., engl.E 553 a iiE 553 a ii
engl.E 450 a iiiE 450 iii
engl.E 450 a iiiE 450 a iii
gen.E 450 a iiiTetrenatriumphosphat
engl.E 450 a ivE 450 a iv
engl.E 450 a ivE 450 v
gen.E 450 a ivTetrakaliumphosphat
chem.E553aE553ai Magnesiumsilicat
chem.E160agemischte alpha-beta-gamma-Carotine
chem.E551aKieselsäure,gefällt und getrocknet
chem.E472aMono und Diglyzeride von Speisefettsaeuren
chem.E150aeinfaches Zuckerkulör
food.ind., chem.E=407=averarbeitete Eucheuma-Alge
chem.E150aZuckercouleur einfachAlkohol
chem.E553aE553aii Magnesiumtrisilicat
chem.E450a iE450ai
chem.E450a iE450a i
chem.E450a iDinatriumdihydrogendiphosphat
chem.E450a iiiTetranatriumdiphosphat
chem.E450a iiiE450a iii
chem.E450a iiiE450aiii
chem.E450a ivE450a iv
chem.E450a ivTetrakaliumdiphosphat
chem.E450a ivE450aiv
gen.E.A.G.G.F. CommitteeAusschuss des E.A.G.F.L
gen.E.A.G.G.F. Expert GroupExpertengruppe " E.A.G.F.L. "
hobbyE.B.AEuropäischer Sportschiffahrtsverband
tech.effective temperature A.S.H.V.E. Yaglouamerikanische Effektivtemperautur nach Yaglou
comp., MSe-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theE-Mail-Adresse
med.E.S.A.testEmbryo-Sinapis alba-Test
comp., MSinternet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theInternet-E-Mail-Adresse
econ.new product,i.e.a product existing only in the most recent periodneues Gut,d.h.ein erst seit jüngster Zeit existierendes Gut
busin.obligations arising out of a B/EWechselverpflichtungen
med.Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EVirus der Wildseuche
med.Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EPasteurella multocida
med.Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EBact.multocidum
med.Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EGeflügelcholera-Baz.
med.Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EBac.avisepticus s.cholerae gallinarum s. plurisepticus s.septicaemiae haemorrhagicae
gen.Please send the Conference Organisation Department a list of your delegates to this meeting as soon as possible. E-mail address: ... fax ....Bitte um möglichst baldige Übermittlung der Teilnehmerliste an den Konferenzdienst: E-Mail-Adresse: ...Fax:...
abbr.s.a.e.stamped addressed envelope
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding theBenutzername