
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Selection | all forms | exact matches only
Content Selection PipelineInhaltsauswahlpipeline (The infrastructure that links together the stages and pipeline components necessary to gather, filter, score, and select content)
contiguous selectionzusammenhängende Auswahl (A selection that consists of a set of objects that are logically sequential or adjacent to each other)
Direct SelectionDirektauswahl (A tool that lets you select and manipulate an individual anchor point or segment on a vector path)
disjoint selectionzusammenhanglose Auswahl (A selection that consists of a set of objects that are not logically sequential or physically adjacent to each other)
explicit selectionexplizite Auswahl (A selection that a user intentionally makes with an input device)
extended selectionerweiterte Auswahl (A selection technique that is optimized for the selection of a single object or single range using contiguous selection techniques. However, it also supports modifying an existing selection using disjoint selection techniques)
extended-selection list boxListenfeld für erweiterte Auswahl (A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See also extended selection and list box)
feature selectionFunktionsauswahl (The process of choosing the attributes that are most relevant to analysis, or most valuable. Some data mining algorithms can perform automatic feature selection, or recommend the columns that contain useful features)
feature selectionFeatureauswahl (The process of choosing the attributes that are most relevant to analysis, or most valuable. Some data mining algorithms can perform automatic feature selection, or recommend the columns that contain useful features)
Filter By Selectionauswahlbasierter Filter (A technique for filtering records in a form, datasheet, or data access page in which you retrieve only records that contain the selected value)
Filter Excluding Selectionauswahlausschließender Filter (A technique in which you filter records in a form, datasheet, or data access page to retrieve only those records that don't contain the selected value)
heterogeneous selectionheterogene Auswahl (A selection that includes objects of different types or with different properties)
homogeneous selectionhomogene Auswahl (A selection that includes objects of the same type or with the same properties)
hover selectionHoverauswahl (A selection technique designed to optimize selection and activation of an object. Selection is initiated when the user moves the pointer over the object for a length of time that is longer than a time-out)
implicit selectionimplizite Auswahl (A selection that is the result of inference or the context of some other operation)
Matched Name Selection MethodAuswahlmethode für übereinstimmende Namen (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
matched name selection methodAuswahlmethode für übereinstimmende Namen (The mechanism used to help a caller differentiate between users with names that match the touch-tone or speech input)
multiple selectionMehrfachauswahl (The process of selecting nonadjacent and adjacent files and objects)
multiple-selection list boxListenfeld für Mehrfachauswahl (A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections)
nonadjacent selectionnicht angrenzende Auswahl (A selection of two or more cells or ranges that don't touch each other)
range selectionBereichsauswahl (A selection that consists of a set of objects that are logically sequential or adjacent to each other)
region selectionBereichsauswahl (A selection technique that involves dragging out a bounding outline (also referred to as a marquee) to define the selected objects)
selection anchorAuswahlanker (The point at which a selection operation was initiated. This point might be at the visual beginning or end of the selection, depending on how the user made the selection. For example, if the user makes a text selection by moving the mouse pointer from the end of a sentence to its beginning, the selection anchor will be at the end of that sentence)
selection appearanceAuswahldarstellung (The visual display of an object when it has been selected)
selection endAuswahlende (The point at which a selection operation ends. This point might be at the visual beginning or end of the selection, depending on how the user made the selection. For example, if the user makes a text selection by moving the mouse pointer from the end of a sentence to its beginning, the selection end will be at the beginning of that sentence)
selection handleAuswahlziehpunkt (A graphical control point of an object that provides direct manipulation support for operations of that object, such as moving, sizing, or scaling)
selection netrechteckiger Auswahlbereich (A means of selecting more than one shape at a time by dragging the Pointer tool to define an area that encloses all the shapes to be selected)
Selection Net toolrechteckigen Bereich auswählen (A tool that defines a rectangular area that encloses all the shapes to be selected)
selection rectangleAuswahlrechteck (A rectangle with sizing handles that surrounds a selected object or objects)
Selection toolAuswahlwerkzeug (A tool to select an entire path, shape, block of text, or group of objects)
single-selection list boxListenfeld für Einfachauswahl (A list box that supports only selection of a single item in the list)
touch selectionTouchauswahl (Selecting images and/or text by tapping)
touch selection handleTouch-Auswahlpunkt (A handle that enables touch selection scenarios that are not possible or are difficult to accomplish with standard touch gestures alone)