
Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations containing Municipal Department | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Municipal DepartmentMagistratsabteilung
Municipal Department 21A District Planning and Land Use Central WestMA 21A - Stadtteilplanung und Flächennutzung Innen - West
Municipal Department 6 - Accounting Services, Duties and ChargesMA 06 - Rechnungsund Abgabenwesen
Municipal Department 70 Ambulance and Patient Transport ServicesMA 70 - Rettungs- und Krankenbeförderungsdienst der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 19 Architecture and Urban DesignMA 19 - Architektur und Stadtgestaltung
Municipal Department 14 Automated Data Processing, Information and CommunicationsMA 14 - Automationsunterstützte Datenverarbeitung, Informationsund Kommunikationstechnologie
Municipal Department 21B District Planning and Land Use South and NortheastMA 21B - Stadtteilplanung und Flächennutzung Süd - Nordost
Municipal Department 29 - Bridge Construction and Foundation EngineeringMA 29 - Brückenbau und Grundbau
Municipal Department 34 Building and Facility ManagementMA 34 - Bau- und Gebäudemanagement
Municipal Department 37 Building InspectionMA 37 - Baupolizei
Municipal Department 8 City ArchivesMA 08 - Wiener Stadtund Landesarchiv
Municipal Department 63 - Commerce and Trade, Legal Aspects of Food SafetyMA 63 - Gewerbewesen und rechtliche Angelegenheiten des Ernährungswesens
Municipal Department 55 Community ServicesMA 55 - Bürgerdienst
Municipal Department 7 Cultural AffairsMA 07 - Kultur
Municipal Department 26 - Data Protection and E-GovernmentMA 26 - Datenschutz und E-Government
Municipal Department 13 Education, Out-of-School ActivitiesMA 13 - Bildung und außerschulische Jugendbetreuung
Municipal Department 62 - Elections and Specific Legal AffairsMA 62 - Wahlen und verschiedene Rechtsangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 22 Environmental ProtectionMA 22 - Umweltschutz
Municipal Department 27 EU Strategy and Economic DevelopmentMA 27 - EU-Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung
Municipal Department 5 Financial AffairsMA 05 - Finanzwesen
Municipal Department 68 - Fire Services and Disaster ReliefMA 68 - Feuerwehr und Katastrophenschutz
Municipal Department 38 Food SafetyMA 38 - Lebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 49 Forestry Office and Urban AgricultureMA 49 - Forstamt und Landwirtschaftsbetrieb der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 1 General Personnel MattersMA 01 - Allgemeine Personalangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 24 Health Care and Social Welfare PlanningMA 24 - Gesundheits- und Sozialplanung
Municipal Department 50 Housing Promotion and Arbitration Board for Legal Housing MattersMA 50 - Wohnbauförderung und Schlichtungsstelle für wohnrechtliche Angelegenheiten
Municipal Department 35 Immigration, Citizenship, and Registry OfficesMA 35 - Einwanderung, Staatsbürgerschaft, Standesamt
Municipal Department 17 Integration and DiversityMA 17 - Integration und Diversität
Municipal Department 64 - Legal Affairs: Construction, Energy, Railways, Traffic and AviationMA 64 - Rechtliche Bau-, Energie, Eisenbahn- und Luftfahrtangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 65 - Legal Affairs: Transport and TrafficMA 65 - Rechtliche Verkehrsangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 59 Market AuthorityMA 59 - Marktamt
Municipal Department 44 Municipal Swimming PoolsMA 44 - Bäder
Municipal Department 3 Occupational Safety and HealthMA 03 - Bedienstetenschutz und berufliche Gesundheitsförderung
Municipal Department 42 Parks and GardensMA 42 - Wiener Stadtgärten
Municipal Department 2 Personnel ServiceMA 02 - Personalservice
Municipal Department 53 Press and Information ServicesMA 53 - Presse- und Informationsdienst
Municipal Department 54 ProcurementMA 54 - Zentraler Einkauf
Municipal Department 57 Promotion and CoordinationMA 57 - Frauenförderung und Koordinierung von Frauenangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 15 Public Health Services of the City of ViennaMA 15 - Gesundheitsdienst der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 33 Public LightingMA 33 - Wien leuchtet
Municipal Department 69 - Real Estate ManagementMA 69 - Liegenschaftsmanagement
Municipal Department 39 - Research Centre, Laboratory and Certification ServicesMA 39 - Prüf-, Überwachungs- und Zertifizierungsstelle der Stadt Wien
Municipal Department 28 - Road Management and ConstructionMA 28 - Straßenverwaltung und Straßenbau
Municipal Department 40 Social Welfare, Social and Public Health LawMA 40 - Soziales, Sozialund Gesundheitsrecht
Municipal Department 51 Sports OfficeMA 51 - Sportamt
Municipal Department 67 - Supervision of On-Street ParkingMA 67 - Parkraumüberwachung
Municipal Department 41 SurveyorsMA 41 - Stadtvermessung
Municipal Department 46 - Traffic Management and OrganisationMA 46 - Verkehrsorganisation und technische Verkehrsangelegenheiten
Municipal Department 18 - Urban Development and PlanningMA 18 - Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung
Municipal Department 25 - Urban Renewal and Assessment in Matters of Housing Construction and PromotionMA 25 - Stadterneuerung und Prüfstelle für Wohnhäuser
Municipal Department 60 - Veterinary BoardMA 60 - Veterinäramt
Municipal Department 10 - Vienna Children's Day Care CentresMA 10 - Wiener Kindergärten
Municipal Department 9 - Vienna City LibraryMA 09 - Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
Municipal Department 56 Vienna SchoolsMA 56 - Wiener Schulen
Municipal Department 30 - Vienna Waste Water ManagementMA 30 - Wien-Kanal
Municipal Department 31 Vienna WaterworksMA 31 - Wasserwerke
Municipal Department 48 - Waste Management, Street Cleaning and Vehicle FleetMA 48 - Abfallwirtschaft, Straßenreinigung und Fuhrpark
Municipal Department 45 Water ManagementMA 45 - Wiener Gewässer
Municipal Department 58 Water RightsMA 58 - Wasserrecht
Municipal Department 11 - Youth and Family Welfare OfficeMA 11 - Amt für Jugend und Familie
service centres of Municipal Department 10 - Vienna Children's Day Care CentresServicestellen der Wiener Kindergärten