
Terms containing Local Group | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSdomain local grouplokale Gruppe der Domäne (A security or distribution group that can contain universal groups, global groups, other domain local groups from its own domain, and accounts from any domain in the forest. Domain local security groups can be granted rights and permissions on resources that reside only in the same domain where the domain local group is located)
gen.group of local authoritiesGemeindeverband
polit.Intergroup of local and regional representatives of the political groups in the European Parliamentinterfraktionelle Arbeitsgruppe kommunaler und regionaler Mandatsträger im Europäischen Parlament
gen.Joint Study Group of the European Parliament for regional and local questionsStudiengruppe des Europäische Parlaments für Regional- und Gemeindefragen
comp., MSlocal administrators grouplokale Administratorgruppe (The group of users who have permission to perform administration tasks on the local server computer. The permissions for this group are set by using the administration tools for the operating system)
hi.energ.local gauge grouplokale Eichgruppe
astronaut.Local Grouplokale Gruppe
comp., MSlocal grouplokale Gruppe (A security group that can be granted rights and permissions only to resources on the computer on which the group is created. Local groups can have any user accounts that are local to the computer as members, as well as users, groups, and computers from a domain to which the computer belongs)
astr.local group of galaxieslokale Gruppe von Galaxien
astr.local group of galaxieslokale Nebelgruppe
comp., MSLocal Group Policy EditorEditor für lokale Gruppenrichtlinien (The Microsoft Management Console snap-in used to edit Group Policy objects)
commun.local group selectorOrtsgruppenwähler
construct.Regional and local authorities Contact GroupKontaktgruppe "Regionale und lokale Gebietskörperschaften"