
Terms for subject Slang containing IN | all forms | exact matches only
get ten days in the glasshousefür zehn Tage in den Bau kommen
in a jiffyratzfatz
in dragin/im Fummel
in hockverschuldet
in hockverpfändet
in the bobokaputt
in the nuddynackt
in the pudding clubschwanger
put a bun in the oveneinen Braten in die Röhre schieben (Andrey Truhachev)
put a bun in the ovenden Braten in die Röhre schieben (Andrey Truhachev)
Put a sock in it!Halt's Maul!
Put a sock in it!Halt mal die Klappe!
See you in the soup. австрал.Bis dann.
smack in the pussjdm. in die Fresse hauen derb