
Terms containing Header | all forms | exact matches only
gen.account headerKontoüberschrift
gen.address headerAdresskopf
gen.address headerAdresskennsatz
agric.anger headerSchneckenheader
reptil.awl-headersSchnauzennattern (Lytorhynchus)
mater.sc., industr., construct.bag headerBeutelverschlussstreifen
pack.bag headerBeutelverschlußstreifen (sealing tape of paperboard, aus Karton)
construct.blind headervorgetäuschte Mauerwerkslänge
construct.blind headergehackter Binderstein
construct.blind headerGrundstein
gen.block headerKopf
ITblock headerKopf des Blocks
ITblock headerBlockkopf
microel.block headerBlockvorsatz (deskriptive Daten am Anfang eines Blocks)
stat., ITblock header recordStraßenverzeichnis
chem., el.blow-down headerEntlüftungssammler
met.boiler headerEndkammer
microel.bond the chip to the headerdas Chip auf den Montagesockel bonden
construct.bonder, bondstone, headerKopfstein
construct.bonder, bondstone, headerBinderstein
construct.brick headerKopfseite des Ziegels
construct.brickwork one header wide½-Steindickes Mauerwerk
earth.sc., mech.eng.brine headerSolesammelstueck
refrig.brine headerSolesammelstück
construct.bull headerBinderstein mit sichtbarer Seite
construct.bull headerBinderstein mit gerundeten Kanten
mech.eng.charging pump suction headerHochdruckeinspeisepumpen-ansaugsammler
construct.clipped headerzurückgesetzter Binderstein
construct.clipped headerzurückgesetzter Binder
mech.eng.cold gas headerKaltgassammler
mech.eng.cold headerKaltsammler
mech.eng.cold reheat headerkalte Zwischenueberhitzerschiene
el.common-header plantSammelschienensystem
el.common-header plantSammelschiebenanlage
tech., mech.eng.common steam headerDampfsammelschiene
mech.eng.compartment spray nozzle headerRaum-Spruehverteilerleitung
mech.eng.component cooling pump inlet headerZwischenkuehlpumpen-Eintrittssammler
mech.eng.component cooling pump inlet headerZwischenkuehlkreispumpen-Eintrittssammler
tech.condensate pump discharge headerKondensatdruckleitung
comp., MScontent headerInhaltsheader (Part of the file structure of a Windows Media file that contains information necessary for a client computer to decompress and render the content data. In a packaged file, an additional content header exists and contains the key ID, content ID, and license acquisition URL. This content header can also include a required individualization version number and attributes defined by the content provider)
construct.continuous headerHolzringankerrahmen
mech.eng.coolant exit headerKuehlmittelaustrittssammler
tech.cooling headerKühlerkopf
mech.eng.core spray headerVerteiler für Kernnotkuehlung
construct.course of headersBinderschicht
construct.course of headers bondersBinderschicht
chem., el.culvert headerHalbwölber
coal.dint headerSenklader
tech.discharge headerLuftauslassrohr
el.distributing headerHauptverteiler
mech.eng.distribution headerVerteilsammler
mech.eng.distribution headerEintrittsverteilsammler
mech.eng.distribution header downcomerSammelleitungs-Fallrohr
footb.diving headerKopfballtorpedo
footb.diving headerFlugkopfball
gen.diving header footballFlugkopfball
mech.eng., construct.door headerTuerkaempfer
construct.double headerdoppelter Bindesparren
tech.drain headerAblaßsammler
comp., MSevent headerEreignisheader (The portion of an event that defines the temporal properties of the event and the event kind. Temporal properties include a valid start time and end time associated with the event)
comp., MSevent headerEreignisheader (ssn)
construct.false headerzurückgesetzter Binder
construct.false headerzurückgesetzter Binderstein
construct.false headerhalber Ziegel
tech.feed headerSpeisekopf
tech.feed-water headerSpeisewassersammelleitung
gen.female headerBuchsenleiste
tech.file headerDateikopf
comp.file headerDateivorsatz
comp.file header labelDateianfangskennsatz
construct.flare headergeflammter Binderziegel
construct.flight headerTreppenauflageholz
construct.flight headerTreppenwangenauflage
comp., MSform headerFormularkopf (Use to display a title for a form, instructions for using it, or command buttons that open related forms or carry out other tasks. Displays at the top of the form in Form view and at the beginning of a printout)
tech.format headerFormatkopf
tech.frame headerRahmenkopf
transp., chem.fuel header compartmentKraftstoffspeisebehälterraum
commun., ITfunctional group headerKopfzeile einer funktionellen Gruppe
tech.gland steam headerWellendichtungsdampfsammelleitung
tech.gland steam headerStopfbuchsendampfsammelleitung
microel.glass headerGlassockel
gen.good/great/strong header of the ballkopfballstarker Spieler
comp., MSgroup headerGruppenkopf (A place for information, such as group name or group total, at the beginning of a group of records)
construct.half headerSchichtenschließer
construct.half headerViertelstein
construct.half headerHalbkopfstein
tech.hand headerHand-Sickmaschine
tech.header areaKopfbereich
agric.header augerFörderschnecke
agric.header augerSchneckenzubringer
construct.header binderBinderstein
construct.header binderBinder
tech.header bitKopfbit
construct.header blockBetonblockstein mit Öffnung
comp., MSheader blockHeaderblock (In SOAP, an element placed in the Header element and which contains control information. For example, information that influences payload processing, such as a credentials element that helps control access to the operation)
polygr.header blockDateiblock am Anfang
construct.header blockBetonblock mit Öffnung
construct.header bondStreckerverband
construct.header bondBinderverband
tech.header box refineryUmkehrkammer am Ruecklaufstueck
industr.header brickBinder
el.header byteHeader-Byte
радиоакт.header byteKopfbyte (CAMAC)
IT, dat.proc.header cardVorlaufkarte
work.fl., mater.sc.header cardKopfkarte
comp.header cardLeitkarte
tech.header code wordKopfkennwort
mech.eng., el.header-connectedin Sammelschienenschaltung
mech.eng., el.header-connectedsammelschienengeschaltet
mech.eng., el.header-connectedSammelschienen-
construct.header courseStreckerschicht
construct.header courseBinderlage
construct.header courseBinderschicht
tech.header dataKopfdatum
gen.header dataKopfdaten
met., mech.eng.header dieStößelgesenk
met., mech.eng.header dieStauchstempel
met.header dieVerformungsform
commer.header discountKopfrabatt (xakepxakep)
commun.header error controlHeader-Error-Control
commun.header error controlKopffehlersicherung (ATM)
commun.header extensionKopfzusatz
tech.header fieldKopffeld
comp., MSheader fileHeaderdatei (A file that is identified to be included at the beginning of a program in a language such as C and that contains the definitions of data types and declarations of variables used by the functions in the program)
tech.header flash pipeSammelrohr
mining.header flueBinderkanal (Koksofen)
construct.header-highbis zur ersten Binderlage hoch
tech.header in constructionStrecker
tech.header informationKopfinformation
gen.header informationKopfdaten
construct.header jointStoßfuge (Mauerwerk)
construct.header joistOberschwelle
construct.header joistRähm
comp.header labelAnfangskennsatz
microel.header labelDateianfangsetikett
comp.header labelKopfetikett
IT, tech.header labelDateikennsatz
phys.header labelDateianfangs-Kennsatz
tech.header labelVorsatz
mater.sc.header labelDachreiteretikett
gen.header labelReiteretikett (auf Verpackung)
gen.header labelDateianfangskennsatz
gen.header labelAnfangsetikett
microel.header labelDateivorsatz
microel.header labelAnfangsmarkierung
pack.header labelReiteretikett
tech.header label checkVorsatz-Pruefung
tech.header label checkKennsatz-Pruefung
ITheader length fieldLängenfeld im Vorsatz
tech.header lineKopfzeile
tech.header lineÜberschriftszeile
tech.header lineTitelzeile
comp.header lineÜberschriftzeile
comp.header lineAnschriftzeile
gen.header on goal footballKopfstoß
el.header pipeSammelrohr
el.header pipeSammler
el.header pipeSammelleitung
construct.header plateRohrwand
construct.header plateRohrboden
tech.header recordKennsatz
tech.header recordKopfsatz
gen.header recordAnfangskennsatz
ITheader recordAnfangssatz
busin., ITheader recordLeitsatz
comp.header recordVorsatz
comp., MSheader rowKopfzeile (The first row in a spreadsheet. The header row contains category labels that describe the contents of the columns)
tech.header rowTitelreihe
comp.header segmentVorlaufsegment
comp.header segmentKopfsegment
comp., MSheader sourceSteuersatzquelle (A document that contains the header row (or header record) to be used with the data source specified for a mail-merge main document)
progr.header statementAnfangsanweisung (ssn)
tech.header stubSammlernippel
nucl.phys.header systemVerteilersystem
mech.eng.header tankFalltankreservekammer
agric.header tankFalltank
tech.header tankAusgleichsbehälter
tech.header tankAusgleichsbehaelter
el.header-terminal capacitanceElektrodenkapazität
tech.header textKopftext
construct.header tileKachel mit Aussparung
gen.header windschralender Wind
gen.header wordsKopf der Titelaufnahme
gen.headers and trailers of a tapeNachrichtenvorsatz und Bandende
comp., MShost headerHostheader (A piece of information that enables IIS to resolve a request based on the domain name specified by the browser, rather than one based only on the IP address and port number. For example, the host header name for the URL http://www.microsoft.com is www.microsoft.com. By using host headers, you can use the same IP address and port for multiple IIS Web sites)
comp., MSHTTP headerHTTP-Header (An informational listing at the top of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request or response)
tech.individual headerEinzelsammler
tech.inlet headerEintrittssammler
tech.instruments headerMessstandrohr
engin.intake headerSaugspinne
engin.intake headerEinlassspinne
tech.intake headerAnsaugsammler
engin.intake header preheatingSaugspinnenvorwärmung
engin.intake header pressureSaugspinnendruck
comp., MSinterchange headerAustauschheader (In EDI, a part of an interchange, or group of logically associated documents, used to indicate the start of the interchange)
tech.intercooling system header tankFallbehaelter im Zwischenkuehlsystem
tech.intermediate leak-off headerZwischenabsaugungssammelleitung
commun.IP headerIP Paket-Header
gen.IP headerIP Header
commun.IP packet headerIP Paket-Header
gen.IP packet headerIP Header
el.junction headerMischstrecke
commun.L1 headerL1-Nachrichtenvorsatz
el.lateral headerSeitenverteiler
el.lateral headerSeitensammler
tech.leak-off steam headerWrasendampfsammelleitung
tech.list headerListenkopf
construct.long headerVollbinder (Mauerwerk)
tech.macro definition headerMakro-Anfang-Anweisung
comp., MSmail headerE-Mail-Kopfzeile (Information at the top of an e-mail message, including the name and address of the sender and recipient, the date and time sent, the subject, and other information that is not part of the body text of the message. The mail header is used by an e-mail client or program)
tech.main cooling system header tankFallbehaelter im Hauptkuehlsystem
tech.manifold headerSammelrohr
comp., MSmedia headerMedienheader (A label that provides information about the backup media.)
comp.message headerNachrichtenvorsatz
comp., MSmessage headerNachrichtenkopf (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
comp.message headerNachrichtenvorspann
comp.message headerNachrichtenkopf
comp., MSmetadata headerMetadatenheader (ssn)
el.mixing headerMischstrecke
tech.oil vapour extraction headerÖldunstsammelleitung
comp., MSorder headerAuftragskopf (The part of a sales order or purchase order that applies to the entire order)
comp., MSorder headerVerkaufs-/Einkaufskopf (The part of a sales order or purchase order that applies to the entire order)
busin., ITorder header costbestellfixe Kosten
busin., ITorder header costsbestellfixe Kosten
comp., MSOrderForm headerKopfzeile der OrderForm (The logical grouping of fields at the root of the OrderForm that map to the OrderFormHeader table in the Commerce Server Data Warehouse)
mech.eng., el.outlet headerAustrittssammler
comp., MSP2 headerP2-Kopfzeile (A hidden section of an e-mail message. From the time a message is first created, information about it is added to the message header, including technical details, such as who created the message and the software used to compose it)
comp., MSP1 headerP1-Kopfzeile (" The information contained in an e-mail message that is required to send and deliver a message between messaging servers by using SMTP protocol commands. The message envelope contains the sender e-mail address and the recipient e-mail address information. Recipients never see the message envelope, because it is not part of the message content, and it is discarded when the message reaches its destination. The X.400 messaging standard equivalent to the message envelope is called the "P1 header." The message envelope is often referred to as the "P1 header.")
microel.package headerSockel
microel.package headerGehäusesockel
comp., MSpacket headerPaketkopfzeile (In network protocol communications, a specially reserved field of a defined bit length that is attached to the front of a packet for carry and transfer of control information. When the packet arrives at its destination, the field is then detached and discarded as the packet is processed and disassembled in a corresponding reverse order for each protocol layer)
ed.page headerDateikopf
comp., MSpage headerKopfzeile (One or more identifying lines printed at the top of a page. A header may contain a page number, a date, the author's name, and the document title, the name of chapter)
comp.page headerSeitentitel
gen.page headerKopfzeile
tech.paragraph headerParagraphenüberschrift
tech.procedure headerProzedurkopf
tech.program headerProgrammkopf
agric.push headerÄhrenmäher
construct.queencloser, half headerlänglicher Halbsteinziegel
construct.quoin headerLäufer als Eckbinder
construct.quoin headerEckbinderstein
construct.quoin headerEckbinder
tech.raw water headerRohwassersammelleitung
tech.raw water ring headerRohwasserringleitung
comp., MSreport headerBerichtskopf (A report section used to place information, such as a title, date, or report introduction, at the beginning of a report)
tech.report headerProtokollkopf
tech.report headerListenkopf
comp., MSrequest headerAnforderungsheader (An informational listing at the top of an HTTP request)
comp., MSresponse headerAntwortheader (An informational listing at the top of an HTTP response)
industr.rich gas headerStarkgasdüsenleitung
gen.rivet headerNietkopfsetzer
gen.rivet headerNietkopfanstauchmaschine
polygr.rolling headersrollende Kopfzeilen
gen.running headerfortlaufende automatische Überschrift
tech.seal steam headerSammelleitung
tech.seal-steam headerStopfbuchsendampfsammelleitung
tech.seal-steam headerSperrdampfsammler
comp., MSsection headerAbschnittsüberschrift (The horizontal bar above a form or report section in Design view that displays the type and name of the section)
tech.section headerKapitelüberschrift
comp.section headerAbschnittskopf
tech.sectional header of a boilerTeilkammer
commun.segment headerSegmentkopf (MAN)
tech.shaft seal steam headerWellendichtungssammelleitung
microel.silicon-header interfaceGrenzschicht zwischen Silizium und Sockel
construct.sludge removal headerSchlammrinne
construct.sludge removal headerSchlammleitung
construct.snap headerHalbziegel (Binder)
construct.snapped headerHalbziegel (Binder)
comp., MSSOAP headerSOAP-Header (The extensibility elements of a SOAP message. The SOAP header allows additional information to be sent with a SOAP request)
tech., mech.eng.steam headerDampfsammler
tech.superheater headerÜberhitzerspinne
gen.superheater headerÜberhitzerkasten
tech.superheater outlet headerÜberhitzeraustrittssammler
agric.supply headerSaugöffnung
IT, dat.proc.to suspend headers and footersden laufenden Kopf-und Fußtext unterdrücken
busin., ITtable headerTabellenkopf
gen.take a headereinen Kopfsprung machen
tech.text headerTextkopf
construct.three-quarter headerDreiviertelbinderstein
construct.three-quarter headerDreiviertelbinder
construct.timber headerWechselholz
construct.timber headerHolzwechselbalken
tech.transmission headerÜbertragungsvorsatz
met.tube headerRohraufweitedorn
commun.uplink SACCH L1 headerL1-Nachrichtenvorsatz des Aufwärts-SACCH-Kanals
ITuser header labelBenutzeranfangsetikett
tech.user header labelBenutzeranfangs-Etikett
gen.user header labelBenutzeranfangskennsatz
nucl.pow., mech.eng.vacuum headerVakuumsammelleitung
gen.water headerWasservorlage (in Rohrleitung)
met.water-tube boiler with headerWasserkammerkessel
met.water-tube boiler with one headerEinkammerkessel
met.water-tube boiler with simple headerGanzkammerkessel
met.water-tube boiler with two headersZweikammerkessel
industr., construct., chem.wind headerWindhaube
auto., BrEwindscreen headervorderer Dachquerträger
auto., amer.windshield headervorderer Dachquerträger
comp., MSWRM headerWRM-Header (A rights management header that is used by a client to locate or acquire a license for the piece of content in which it is stored)
comp., MSX-headerX-Header (" An e-mail message header that begins with "X-".")
comp., MSX-Header storage optionX-Header-Einstellungen (The option that adds an X-Header to the Internet header of spam messages. Information contained in this X-Header is specified by administrators in the Administration Center)
comp., MSx-ua-compatible headerX-UA-kompatibler Header (An HTML header in which the HTTP-EQUIV property has a value of x-ua-compatible, which allows content to specify the document compatibility modes supported by the webpage)