
Terms for subject Environment containing DATA | all forms | exact matches only
aquatic toxicity data bankDatenbank über giftige Schadstoffe in Wasser
basic dataGrundgegebenheiten
catalogue of data sourcesUmweltkatalog der Datenquellen
catalogue of data sourcesDatenquellenkatalog
central data acquisition systemzentrales Datensammlungssystem
collection of historical datahistorische Untersuchung
comparable datavergleichbare Daten
Comparable datavergleichbare Daten
core data setKerndatensatz
data acquisition The act of collecting and gathering individual facts, statistics or other items of informationDatensammlung
data aggregationZusammenfassung,
data aggregationDatenkumulierung
data analysis The evaluation of digital data, i.e. data represented by a sequence of code charactersDatenanalyse
data base A computerized compilation of data, facts and records that is organized for convenient access, management and updatingDatenbank
data carrier A medium on which data can be recorded, and which is usually easily transportable, such as cards, tape, paper, or disksDatenträger
data centre An organization established primarily to acquire, analyze, process, store, retrieve, and disseminate one or more types of dataDatenzentrum
data compilationDatenzusammenstellung
data exchange A reciprocal transfer of individual facts, statistics or items of information between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participantsDatenaustausch
data handlingDatenverwaltung
data interpretationDatenauswertung
Data Management and SupportDatenverwaltung und Hilfsdienste
data modellingDatenmodell-Erstellung
data on the state of the environmentUmweltzustandsdaten
data on the state of the environment No definition neededUmweltzustandsdaten
data processing Any operation or combination of operations on data, including everything that happens to data from the time they are observed or collected to the time they are destroyedDatenverarbeitung
data processing lawDatenverarbeitungsrecht
data processing system An assembly of computer hardware, firmware and software configured for the purpose of performing various operations on digital information elements with a minimum of human interventionDatenverarbeitungssystem
data processing systemDatenverarbeitungssystem
data protection Policies, procedures or devices designed to maintain the integrity or security of informational elements in storage or in transmissionDatenschutz
data recording technique The body of specialized procedures and methods used for the preservation, collocation or registration of individual elements of informationDatenerfassungsmethode
data recording techniqueDatenerfassungsmethode
data screeningDaten prüfen
data screeningDaten filtern
data sheetsDatenbögen
data warehouseDatenhaltung
data warehouseDaten-Lagerhaltung
economic dataÖkonomische Daten
economic data No definition neededÖkonomische Daten
emission data Data concerning pollutants released into the environment from a permanent or mobile installation or from productsEmissionsdaten
emission dataEmissionsdaten
Environmental Chemicals Data and Information NetworkDatenbank für Umweltchemikalien
Environmental Chemicals Data and Information NetworkDatenbank "Umweltchemikalien"
environmental dataUmweltdaten
environmental data Information concerning the state or condition of the environmentUmweltdaten
European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data SourcesETC/Umweltkatalog der Datenquellen
European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data SourcesETC/Datenquellenkatalog
geo-referenced dataGeographisch kodierte Daten
ILCD Data NetworkILCD-Datennetzwerk
Interchange of Data between AdministrationsProgramm "Dokumentenaustausch zwischen Verwaltungen"
Interchange of Data between AdministrationsGemeinschaftsaktion über Datenaustausch zwischen Verwaltungen
interchange of data between administrationsGemeinschaftsaktion über Datenaustausch zwischen Verwaltungen
Interchange of Data between AdministrationsDokumentenaustausch zwischen Verwaltungen
interchange of data between administrationsDokumentenaustausch zwischen Verwaltungen
interchange of electronic data A transference of binary coded information items between two or more computers across any communications channel capable of carrying electromagnetic signalsElektronischer Datenaustausch
International Reference Life Cycle Data SystemReferenzsystem für Lebenszyklusdaten
International Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data NetworkILCD-Datennetzwerk
literature data bank A fund of information on a particular subject or group of related subjects, divided into discrete documents and usually stored in and used with a computer systemLiteraturdatenbank
literature data bankLiteraturdatenbank
minimum premarketing set of dataMindestvorvermarktungsdaten
monitoring dataMeßdaten
monitoring data No definition neededMeßdaten
no datakeine Angaben
operating data Data referring to the practical carrying-out of a processBetriebsdaten
per capita dataPro-Kopf-Daten
per capita data No definition neededPro-Kopf-Daten
pooling, combination, linkage of data, of informationDatenverknüpfung, Kreuzen von Dateien, Zusammenfassen und Verwalten von Informationen, Informations-Pooling
population dynamics dataAngaben zur Populationsdynamik
problem oriented dataproblemorientierte Daten
Problem oriented dataproblemorientierte Daten
Process dataProzeßdaten
process dataDaten verarbeiten
Process dataDaten verarbeiten
prognostic dataPrognosedaten
red data listrote Liste
safety data sheetSicherheitsblatt
Screen dataDaten prüfen
Screen dataDaten filtern
statistical dataStatistische Daten
statistical data No definition neededStatistische Daten
validate databestätigen
validate dataDaten validieren
Validate dataDaten für gültig erklären
World Data Centre for AerosolsWeltcentrum für Aerosol-Information