
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ACS | all forms | exact matches only
ACS claim ruleACS-Anspruchsregel (The logic used by ACS to transform input claims into output claims; claim rules are contained within rule groups and are thereby associated with relying party applications)
ACS management portalACS-Verwaltungsportal (A Web-based user interface that ACS administrators can use to manage the configuration settings of a specific ACS namespace)
ACS management serviceACS-Verwaltungsdienst (A Representational State Transfer (REST) Web service that enables programmatic management of an ACS namespace, using the Open Data (OData) protocol)
ACS rule groupACS-Regelgruppe (A named set of rules that define which claims are passed to a relying-party application)
ACS rules engineACS-Regelmodul (The component in ACS that processes the input claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS receives from clients and which generates the output claims that are present in the security tokens that ACS issues to relying-party applications)
ACS service identityACS-Dienstidentität (A credential that is registered with an ACS namespace and intended for use by autonomous applications or clients)
managed ACS namespaceverwalteter ACS-Namespace (An ACS namespace that is partially managed by another Microsoft service)