
Terms for subject Medical containing Ä | all forms | exact matches only
A bandA-Bande
A bandanisotrope Bande
A-blood-group antigenA-Blutgruppenantigen
a.c. intervalIntersystole
A cellAlpha-Zelle
A cellGlukagon-absondernde Zelle
A cellα-Zelle
A cellA-Zelle
a companion diseaseBegleitkrankheit
a extension stirrupExtensionsbügel
a extension stirrupKirschner-Bügel
a extension stirrupDrahtspannbügel
A.G. ratioAlbumin-Globulinverhältnis
a ganglionic megacolonkongenitales Megakolon
a ganglionic megacolonaganglionäres Megakolon
a ganglionic megacolonMegacolon congenitum
a ganglionic megacolonangeborene Kolektasie
a ganglionic megacolonHirschsprung-Krankheit
a.h.hypermetropischer Astigmatismus
a laxityLaxheit
a pleural pressure measurementPleuraldruckmessung
A siteA-Stelle
A siteAkzeptorposition
A siteA-Bindungsstelle
A siteAkzeptorstelle
a-tocopherolVitamin E
a.v. intervalVorhofkammer-Intervall
a.v.b.Fasciculus atrioventricularis (fasciculus atrioventricularis)
a.v.b.Hissches Bündel (fasciculus atrioventricularis)
acetyl coenzyme AAcCoA
acetyl coenzyme AAcetyl-Coenzym A
acyl coenzyme AAcyl-CoA
acyl coenzyme AAcyl-Coenzym A
adding water to split a compoundHydrolyse
AIDS after a transfusionPosttransfunsions-Aids
alveolar a cleftAlveolarspalte
amaurotic cat's eye blindness of one eye due to various intraocular conditions in which a bright reflection is observed at the pupil as it would appear from the tapetum lucidum of a catamaurotisches Katzenauge
animal killed having been found in a moribond conditionaus Krankheitsgründen getötetes Tier
anti-A blood-groupingAnti-A Blutgruppenbestimmung
antihemophilic factor AFaktor VIII
antihemophilic factor AHämophilie-Faktor A
antihemophilic factor AAHF
antihemophilic factor AAHG
antihemophilic factor Aantihämophiles Globulin A
antihemophilic factor APlättchen-Cofaktor I
antihemophilic factor AHämophilie-Faktor VIII
antihemophilic factor Aantihämophiler Faktor A
antihemophilic factor Aantihämophiler Faktor
apply a bandageeinen Verband anlegen (Andrey Truhachev)
apraxia of moving a memberinnervatorische Apraxie
apraxia of moving a memberkortikale Apraxie
apraxia of moving a membergliedkinetische Apraxie
arc of a circlearc de cercle
atresia of a follicleFollikelatresie
ball of a toeZehenballen
batch of a vaccineHerstellungscharge eines Impfstoffes
before a nerve jointpräsynaptisch
below a tough outer coveringsubkapsulär
beside a veinparavenös
binocular loupe with a head-bandbinokulare Kopflupe
binocular loupe with a head-bandBinokularlupe mit Kopfband
blood-group ABlutgruppe A
bloodless extraction of a foreign bodyunblutige Entfernung eines Fremdkoerpers
born with a caulmit der Glückshaube geboren
bougie à boulebougie à boule
bound fraction of a samplegebundener Anteil einer Probe
buccal surface of a toothFacies buccalis dentis
bump on a cellMikrovillus
bursting of a blood vesselBlutsturz
c.a. intervalkardioarterielles Intervall
calcification of a tendonSehnenverkalkung
cancer à deuxCancer à deux
cancer à deuxCarcinoma conjugatum
cancer à deuxCarcinoma conjugale
catheter à demeureDauersonde
catheter à demeureVerweilkatheter
chicken leg with a portion of the backHähnchenschenkel mit Rückenstück
chief of a hospital departmentChefarzt
chief of a hospital departmentChefarztin
chlorophyll aChlorophyll a
choice of a neurosisNeurosenwahl
cholyl coenzyme ACholyl-CoA
cholyl coenzyme ACholyl-Coenzym A
clicking of a jointGelenkknacken
cloning of a human beingKlonieren von einem Mensch
closed reduction of a fracturegeschlossene Reposition eines Bruches
closed reduction of a fracturegeschlossene Einrichtung eines Bruches
closing of a woundWundheilung
closure of a fistulaFistelverschluss,Fistelplastik
coenzyme ACoenzym A
coenzyme aCoenzym A
coenzyme ACoA
coenzyme A transferaseCoA-Transferase
coenzyme A transferaseCoenzym A-Transferase
to complete a preparatory training periodAbleistung einer Vorbereitungszeit
completion of a cureNachkur
concanavalin AconA
concanavalin AConcanavalin A
concentration of a substance in solutionTiter
contraction of a jointGelenkkontraktur
contracture of a jointGelenkkontraktur
contrast-enhancing coats applied with a metal ion beamBeschattung
contrast-enhancing coats applied with a metal ion beamBedampfung
crown of a toothCorona dentis (corona dentis)
crown of a toothZahnkrone (corona dentis)
crushing of a nerveNervenquetschung
cutting a boneOsteotomie
cyclosporin ACyA
cyclosporin ACyclosporin A
decantation carried out using a sterile systemAbfüllung unter Verwendung eines sterilen,geschlossenen Systems
decapsulation of a kidneyDekapsulation einer Niere
diabolo-like deformation of a vertebral bodyFischwirbelform
diabolo-like deformation of a vertebral bodyDiaboloform
diet with a large amount of bulk foodsSchlackendiät
difficult graft by a flap methodschwierige Hautlappenplastik
discontinuance of a treatmentUnterbrechung einer Behandlung
discontinuation of a therapyAbsetzen einer Therapie
dislocation of a tendonSehnenluxation
dispersion of a radioactive substanceAustreten eines radioaktiven Stoffen
displacement of a toothZahnverschiebung
distension edge of a bullet injuryDehnungssaum
distribution pattern of a drugVerteilungsschema eines Arzneimittels
D.M.B.A.fusocellular sarcomaDMBA-Spindelzellsarkom
Doctor qualified as a university lecturerDoctor habilitants
double-blind comparative trial with a cross-over designDoppelblind-Vergleichsversuch
draw-a-man testMensch-Zeichentest
draw-a-man testZeichne-einen-Menschen-Test
draw-a-man testDraw-a-man-Test
draw-a-person testDraw-a-person-Test
drug with a narrow therapeutic rangeArzneimittel mit geringer therapeutischer Breite
early stage of a diseaseFrühstadium einer Krankheit
egg fertilised with a view to insertionzu Implantationszwecken befruchtete Eizelle
elicitation of a reflexReflexausloesung
enoyl coenzyme AEnoyl-CoA
enoyl coenzyme AEnoyl-Coenzym A
enoyl coenzyme A hydrataseEnoyl-Coenzym-A-Hydratase
enoyl coenzyme A hydrataseEnoyl-CoA-Hydratase
enzymatic system with a very rapid turnoverFermentsysteme mit sehr rascher Erneuerung
enzyme entrapped within a cross-linked matrixEinschluss eines Enzyms in eine vernetzte Matrix
eruption on a mucous surfaceEnanthem
European Network for the Treatment of A IDSEuropean Network for the Treatment of AIDS
evasion of a jointArthrektomie
evasion of a jointGelenkresektion
excision of a ganglionGangliektomie
excision of a ganglionGanglionexzision
excision of a ganglionGanglionektomie
excision of a lobeLappenresektion
excision of a lobeLappenentfernung
excision of a lobeLobektomie
exit of a nerveNervenaustritt
experimentation tainted with a dehumanizing purposeExperiment,das die Menschenwürde verletzt
expression of a cloned proteinHerstellung eines geklonten Proteins
extirpation of a glandAdenektomie
extirpation of a glandDruesenexstirpation
extirpation of a glandLumphknotenextirpation
extract in a suspensionAuszug in suspendierter Form
extraction of a cataractStarextraktion
extraction of a toothZahnziehen
extraction of a toothZahnextraktion
fall into a faintin Ohnmacht fallen (Andrey Truhachev)
feeding by a stomach tubeVerabreichung mit der Schlundsonde
feeding by a stomach tubeSondenfütterung
feeding by a stomach tubeSondenernährung
female carrying a lethal geneein Letalgen tragendes Weibchen
fertilization of a human egg with animal spermBefrüchtung einer menschlichen Eizelle mit dem Samen eines Tieres
to find a marketAbsatz finden
fitting a urine bagKatheterismus
flocculation reaction on a slideObjektträger-Flockungsreaktion
folie à deuxinduziertes Irresein
folie à deuxinduzierte Psychose
fornico-mucosal rupture of a renal calyxFornixruptur
fornix of a lesser renal calyxFornix des Nierenkelchs
fracture from a bulletSchussbruch
gelatinase AA-Gelatinase
gelatinase AGelatinase
going to the toilet a lotPolyurie
groove for a spinal nerveSulcus nervi spinalis vertebrae (sulcus nervi spinalis)
groove for a spinal nerveSulcus nervi spinalis (sulcus nervi spinalis)
half of a double kidneyHalbniere
he died of a broken hearter starb an gebrochenem Herzen (Andrey Truhachev)
head of a finger ot toeTrochlea phalangis
head of a finger ot toeCaput phalangis
healing of a woundWundheilung primäresekundäre (by firstsecond intention)
healing of a woundWundheilung
hematopoiesis as a function of the foetal ageHaemopoese - Haematopoese - je nach Alter des Fetus
hemophilia Aklassische Hämophilie
Hep A vaccineHep A-Impfstoff
hepatitis AVirushepatitis Typ A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
hepatitis AMS-l-Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
hepatitis Aepidemische Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
hepatitis AHepatitis A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
hepatitis A antibody of the IgG classAntikörper der IgG-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
hepatitis A antibody of the IgG classIgG-Anti-HAV
hepatitis A antibody of the IgG classAnti-HAV-IgG
hepatitis A antibody of the IgM classIgM-Anti-HAV
hepatitis A antibody of the IgM classAntikörper der IgM-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
hepatitis A antibody of the IgM classAnti-HAV-IgM
hepatitis A IgGAntikörper der IgG-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
hepatitis A IgGAnti-HAV-IgG
hepatitis A IgGIgG-Anti-HAV
hepatitis A IgMAnti-HAV-IgM
hepatitis A IgMAntikörper der IgM-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
hepatitis A IgMIgM-Anti-HAV
hepatitis A virusHepatitis-A-Virus
Hepatitis A-VirusHepatitis-A-Virus
hepatitis virus AHepatitisvirus A
hepatitis virus AH.IH
hernial protrusion of a testisSkrotalhernie
hernial protrusion of a testisHodengeschwulst! Hodentumor
hernial protrusion of a testisHodensackbruch
hernial protrusion of a testisHodenbruch
HL-A histocompatibility systemHLA-Histokompatibilitätssystem
holder of a certificateInhaber eines Zertifikats
household hepatitis A contactHepatitis A-Kontakt zu Hause
human influenza virus AInfluenzavirus A des Menshen
hydroxyacyl coenzyme AHydroxyacyl-CoA
hydroxyacyl coenzyme AHydroxyacyl-Coenzym A
hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme AHydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme AHydroxymethylglutaryl-Coenzym A
ß-hydroxy-ß-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductaseHMG-CoA-Reduktase
IgG antibody to hepatitis A virusIgG-Anti-HAV
IgG antibody to hepatitis A virusAntikörper der IgG-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
IgG antibody to hepatitis A virusAnti-HAV-IgG
IgM antibody to hepatitis A virusIgM-Anti-HAV
IgM antibody to hepatitis A virusAntikörper der IgM-Klasse gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
IgM antibody to hepatitis A virusAnti-HAV-IgM
immunoglobulin AIgA
impaction of a stoneSteineinklemmung
implantation in the uterus at a later datespätere Reimplantation in die Gebärmutter
implantation of a pacemakerSchrittmacher-Implantation
implantation of a tendonSehnenverpflanzung
implantation of a tendonSehnentransplantation
in a faintohnmächtig
in a test tubein vitro
in a variety of shapespolymorph
inability to earn a livingErwerbsunfähigkeit
inadequate immunization of a populationImpflücke
incapable of earning a livingerwerbsunfähig
incarceration of a herniaBrucheinklemmung
incarceration of a herniaInkarzeration
incarceration of a herniaBruchinkarzeration
incomplete immunity of a populationImmunitätslücke
inflammation of a joint-lubricating membraneSynovialitis
inflammation of a muscleMyositis
inflammation of a tendon sheathTenosynovitis
inflammation of a valveKlappenentzündung
inflammation of a valveValvulitis
inflammation of a veinVenenentzündung
inflammation of a veinPhlebitis
inflation of lungs with a fixativeInstillierung der Lungen mit Fixierlösung
influenza A H1N1 v virusneuartiges Influenza-Virus
influenza A H1N1 v virusneuartiges Influenza-Virus des Typs AH1N1
influenza A H1N1 v virusInfluenzavirus AH1N1v
influenza A virus subtype H1N1Influenza-A-Virus H1N1
influenza A virus subtype H1N1Grippevirus A/H1N1
influenza A virus subtype H1N1Influenzavirus A/H1N1
inhalation equipment designed to sustain a dynamic air flowInhalationsanlage,die einen dynamischen Luftstrom ermöglicht
inoculum from a surface waterInokulum aus Oberflächenwasser
insemination allowed on a doctor's recommendationbei medizinischer Indikation zulässige Befruchtung
inside of a tubeLumen
institutional hepatitis A contactHepatitis-A-Kontakt in Krankenhäusern
interposition of a fatty tissue flapFettlappeninterposition
introducing hydroxyl into a substanceHydroxylierung
isovalery coenzyme AIsovaleryl-CoA
isovalery coenzyme AIsovaleryl-Coenzym A
isthmus of a kidneyNierenisthmus
ketoacyl coenzyme AKetoacyl-CoA
ketoacyl coenzyme AKetoacyl-Coenzym A
L. and A.Licht- und Akkomodationsreaktion
labial surface of a toothFacies labialis dentis
lasting psychoses of a schizophrenic characteranhaltende Psychosen schizophrenen Charakters
ligature of a ductus arteriosus apertusDuktusligatur
loose body in a jointGelenkmaus
lower surface of a toothFacies palatina dentis
L.Sc.A.linke vordere Schulterlage
malonyl coenzyme AMalonyl-CoA
malonyl coenzyme AMalonyl-Coenzym A
mania a potuDelirium tremens (delirium tremens, delirium ebriositatis)
mania a potuSäuferwahnsinn (delirium tremens, delirium ebriositatis)
mania a potuAlkoholdelirium (delirium tremens, delirium ebriositatis)
mania a potuTrinkerdelirium (delirium tremens, delirium ebriositatis)
margin of a woundWundrand
material for ringing a boneDrahtungsmaterial für einen Knochen
measuring for a prosthesisProthesenanmessung
medical officer in a shipping companyReedereiarzt
methylcrotonyl coenzyme AMethylcrotonyl-CoA
methylcrotonyl coenzyme AMethylcrotonyl-Coenzym A
methylglutaconyl coenzyme AMethylglutaconyl-CoA
methylglutaconyl coenzyme AMethylglutaconyl-Coenzym A
methylmalonyl coenzyme AMethylmalonyl-CoA
methylmalonyl coenzyme AMethylmalonyl-Coenzym A
mincer fitted with a discZerkleinerungsgerät mit Scheibe
neck of a toothCollum dentis
non-A non-B hepatitisNANB-Hepatitis
non-A, non-B hepatitisNon-A-Non-B-Hepatitis
non-A non-B hepatitisNon-A-Non-B-Hepatitis
novel influenza virus A H1N1neuartiges Influenza-Virus des Typs AH1N1
novel influenza virus A H1N1neuartiges Influenza-Virus
novel influenza virus A H1N1Influenzavirus AH1N1v
number of embryos necessary to produce pregnancy in a sterile womanAnzahl der Embryonen,die zur Hervorrufung einer Schwangerschaft bei einer sterilen Frau erforderlich sind
numbers of patients served by a general practitioner's practiceZahl der Patienten einer Hausarztpraxis
official approval as a specialistFacharztanerkennung
on a reciprocal basisauf der Grundlage der Gegenseitigkeit
open reduction of a fractureoffene Reposition eines Bruches
open reduction of a fractureoffene Einrichtung eines Bruches
opening from a bronchusBronchostoma
osteomyelitis of a jawKieferosteomyelitis
outside a vesselextravaskulär
palmitoyl coenzyme APalmityl-CoA
palmitoyl coenzyme APalmityl-Coenzym A
part of a cellZytoplasma
Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EGeflügelcholera-Baz.
Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EVirus der Wildseuche
Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EPasteurella multocida
Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EBact.multocidum
Pasteurella multocida or Pasteurella septica serotypes A,B,C,D,EBac.avisepticus s.cholerae gallinarum s. plurisepticus s.septicaemiae haemorrhagicae
pathological DNA causing a diseasepathologische DNA,die eine Krankheit hervorruft
patient affected by a chronic diseasechronisch Kranker
patient suffering from a chronic diseasechronisch Kranker
person immunized by group A red corpusclesdurch rote Blutkörperchen der Gruppe A immunisierte Person
pharmacological characteristics of a substancepharmakologische Eigenschaften
pharmacological properties of a substancepharmakologische Eigenschaften
plastic operation of a bile ductGallengangsplastik
plastic surgery by a flap methodplastischer Verschluss
plastic surgery of a postoperative herniaNarbenhernienplastik
pocket of a woundWundtasche
pole of a kidneyNierenpol
Popular initiative "for a reasonable drug policy"Eidgenössische Volksinitiative "für eine vernünftige Drogenpolitik"
potency of a genePotenz eines Gens
potentialities of a personalityPersönlichkeitsinventar
preclinical diagnosis of a disease of late onsetvorklinische Diagnose einer spät zutagetretenden Krankheit
precursor of vitamin AVorstufe von Vitamin A
predisposing gene of a diseaseprädisponierendes Gen
preformed vitamin Avorgebildetes Vitamin A
prolan AFollikelreizstoff
prolan Afollikelstimulierendes Hormon
prolan AProlan A
propionyl coenzyme APropionyl-CoA
propionyl coenzyme APropionyl-Coenzym A
propionyl coenzyme A carboxylasePropionyl-CoA-Carboxylase
protein AProtein A
to prove their family relationship through a DNA testihr Verwandschaftsverhältnis durch den DNA-Test nachweisen
provitamine AKarotin
provitamine ACarotinoid
pulp of a toothZahnmark (pulpa dentis)
pulp of a toothPulpa dentis (pulpa dentis)
pulp of a toothNucleus dentis (pulpa dentis)
pulp of a toothZahnpulpa (pulpa dentis)
puncture of a jointArthrozentese
put a tourniquet onabschnüren
radiograph of a toothZahnaufnahme
reduction of a triple combination therapyReduzierung einer Tritherapie
registered under the plenary jurisdiction of a Member stateunter der unbeschränkten Hoheitsgewalt eines Mitgliedstaats eingetragen
regression of a diseaseAbklingen (einer Krankheit)
remove a bandageden Verband abnehmen (Andrey Truhachev)
resection of a bronchusBronchusresektion
resection of a nerveNervenresektion
resection of a nerveNeurektomie
resection of a nerveNervenexzision
roller of a bandageBindenkopf
root of a hairHaarwurzel
R.Sc.A.rechte vordere Schulterlage
rupture of a coronary arteryKoronarruptur
rupture of a tendonSehnenruptur
S.A.K. Wilson's diseasehepatolentikuläre Degeneration
S.A.K. Wilson's diseaseprogressive familiäre Linsenkerndegeneration
S.A.K. Wilson's diseaseWilsonsche Linsenkerndegeneration
S.A.K. Wilson's diseaseS.A.K. Wilsonsche Krankheit
sacrodextra anterior position S.D.A.rechte vordere Steisslage
Salmonella paratyphi AParatyphus A Bakterie
Salmonella paratyphi AParatyphusbazillus A
sanguineous correction of a retroverted uterusReposition der umgestuelpten Gebaermutter auf operativem Weg
secreting a clear sticky lubrication in a jointsynovial
see a psychologisteinen Psychologen aufsuchen (Andrey Truhachev)
seminal fluid collected in a condomKondomejakulat
serious risk of malformation of a naturally conceived childhohes Risiko der Mißbildung des natürlich gezeugten Kindes
to set a fractureeinen Bruch richten
sheat of a tendonVagina tendinis (vagina tendinis)
sheat of a tendonSehnenscheide (vagina tendinis)
site of a diseaseSitz
site of a diseaseSitz einer Krankheit
site of a diseaseLokalisation
skip a beat hearteinen Schlag aussetzen (Andrey Truhachev)
slit-like stenosis of a cardiac ostiumFischmaulstenose
speed with which a molecule is movingDriftgeschwindigkeit des Moleküls
splitting of a heart soundSpaltung eines Herztones
stabilization of a diabetesEinstellung eines Diabetes
staging of a tumorTumorstadieneinteilung
stimulation of a miscarriageHerbeiführen einer Fehlgeburt
strangulation of a herniaInkarzeration
strangulation of a herniaBrucheinklemmung
strangulation of a herniaBruchinkarzeration
substance with a thyrostatic actionSubstanz mit thyreostatischer Wirkung
succinyl coenzyme ASuccinyl-CoA
succinyl coenzyme ASuccinyl-Coenzym A
supplied with a condomcondomatus
suppuration of a sutureFadeneiterung
surrounded by a halohaloniert
swine influenza virus A H1N1neuartiges Influenza-Virus
swine influenza virus A H1N1neuartiges Influenza-Virus des Typs AH1N1
swine influenza virus A H1N1Influenzavirus AH1N1v
tablet with a basis of hexamethylenetetramine iodobenzylateTablette auf der Grundlage von Hexamethylentetraminjodbenzylat
tablet with a protective coatingTablette mit Schutzumhüllung
tablets with a basis of calcium and iron iodobenzylateTabletten auf der Grundlage von Kalzium und Eisenjodbehenat
taking of a blood sampleBlutprobenentnahme
the blood sample is taken on an empty stomach by puncturing a veinBlut wird Personen im nuechternen Zustand durch Venenpunktion entnommen
the woman has stated that she is willing to have it implanted at a later datedie Frau hat ihre Bereitschaft zur späteren Implantation erklärt
thrombosis of a sinusSinusthrombose
tissue with a high turnoverGewebe mit großem Umsatz
to amputate a limbein Glied absetzen
to be in a feverfiebern
to call for a medical opinionärztliches Gutachten einholen
to catch a coldsich erkälten
to check up a patienteinen Patienten gründlich untersuchen
to contract a diseasesich eine Krankheit zuziehen
to discontinue a treatmenteine Behandlung unterbrechen
to discontinue a treatmenteine Behandlung absetzen
to give a medical opinionärztliches Gutachten abgeben
to make a microscopic preparationeinen Abstrich machen
to make a postmortem examinationobduzieren
to operate upon a patienteinen Patienten operieren
to operate upon a patient for appendicitiseinen Patienten wegen Appendizitis operieren
to refer a patienteinen Patienten überweisen
to refresh a woundeine Wunde auffrischen
to regulate a diabeteseinen Diabetes einstellen
to take a swabeinen Abstrich machen
torsion of a pregnant uterusTorsion des graviden Uterus
total antibody to hepatitis A virusAnti-HAV
total antibody to hepatitis A virusAntikörper gegen das Hepatitis-A-Virus
transfer of a patientÜberweisung eines Patienten
to treat with a stream currentmit strömendem Wasserdampf behandeln
treatment at a watering-placeBadekur
treatment of a woundWundbehandlung
triggering of a reflexReflexausloesung
tuberculosis in a jointGelenktuberkulose
tuberculosis of a jointtuberkulöse Arthritis (arthritis fungosa)
tuberculosis of a jointTumor albus (arthritis fungosa)
tuberculosis of a jointfungose Arthritis (arthritis fungosa)
tumor of a metatarsal boneMarschfraktur
tumor of a metatarsal boneDeutschländersche Fussgeschwulst
tumor of a metatarsal boneMarschgeschwulst
tumor of a testicleHodensackbruch
tumor of a testicleSkrotalhernie
tumor of a testicleHodengeschwulst! Hodentumor
tumor of a testicleHodenbruch
twisting number of a DNABasenpaare pro Helixwindung
twisting of a pedicleStieldrehung
type A operationArbeitsgang des Typs A
using a condomcondomatus
validity of a measurementValidität von Untersuchungen
validity of a measurementValidität von Tests
value for a dietary intakeWert für die Zufuhr mit der Nahrung
viral hepatitis type AHepatitis epidemica
viral hepatitis type AHepatitis infectiosa
viral hepatitis type AIcterus catarrhalis
viral hepatitis type AIcterus simplex
viral hepatitis type AVirushepatitis
viral hepatitis type Aepidemische Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
viral hepatitis type AMS-l-Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
viral hepatitis type AVirushepatitis Typ A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
viral hepatitis type AHepatitis contagiosa
viral hepatitis type Aepidemische Gelbsucht
viral hepatitis type AHepatitis A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
virus A hepatitisepidemische Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
virus A hepatitisMS-l-Hepatitis (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
virus A hepatitisVirushepatitis Typ A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
virus A hepatitisHepatitis A (hepatitis epidemica, hepatitis contagiosa)
vitamin AVitamin A₂
vitamin ARetinol 2
vitamin AAxerophthol
vitamin AXerophthol
vitamin A1Retinol
vitamin ARetinol
vitamin AVitamin A₁
vitamin Aantixerophthalmisches Vitamin
vitamin ADehydroretinol
vitamin AEpithelschutzvitamin
vitamin AVitamin A₁
vitamin ARetinol
vitamin A₂ alcoholRetinol 2
vitamin A₁ alcoholVitamin A₁
vitamin A₂ alcoholDehydroretinol
vitamin A₂ alcoholVitamin A₂
vitamin A alcoholVitamin A₁
vitamin A₁ alcoholRetinol
vitamin A alcoholRetinol
West's endonasal operation on a lachrymal sacTraenensackoperation vom Naseninnern aus nach West
white patch on a mucous membraneLeukoplakie
wire suture of a boneKnochendrahtnaht
with a genetic defectbelastet
with a valence of threetrivalent
within a blood vesselintravaskulär
within a veinintravenös
wound caused by a biteBissverletzung (vulnus morsum)
Showing first 500 phrases