
Terms for subject Microsoft containing click | all forms | exact matches only
click distanceklickavstånd (The number of links between a content item and an authoritative page linking to the content item)
click to callklicka för att ringa upp (The feature with which a mobile phone user can place a voice call by clicking a contact's single phone number or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) URI)
Click-to-RunKlicka-och-kör (A streaming technology that quickly installis Office over the Internet, internal networks, local file systems, or from offline media)
cost per clickkostnad per klick (The amount an advertiser's account is charged each time the advertiser's ad is clicked by a search user or site visitor)
double-clickdubbelklicka (To press and release a mouse button twice in rapid succession without moving the mouse. Double-clicking is a means of rapidly selecting and activating a program or program feature)
one-click publishpublicering med enkelklickning (A feature in Visual Studio that lets you deploy a Web application from the development computer to a server by clicking a button on a toolbar, and to deploy changes by clicking the button again, without having to redeploy the full application. You can create multiple publishing profiles to define the settings for different publishing scenarios, such as deploying to a test server, to a production server, and so on)
One-click Subscribeenklicksprenumeration (A plug-in that enables users to quickly insert an HTML tag into the body of an email message that, when clicked, adds the email address of the email recipient to the specified list)
Quick Click categorySnabbklickskategori (A default color category that is assigned to an item when you click the Categories column for the item in your Inbox or other table view. You set this color category from the Categorize menu)
Quick Click flagSnabbklicksflagga (A default flag that is assigned to an item when you click the Flag Status column in your Inbox or other table view. You set the default time, date, or other criteria for the flag from the Follow Up menu)
right-clickhögerklicka (To position the mouse over an object, and then press and release the secondary (right) mouse button. Right-clicking opens a shortcut menu that contains useful commands, which change depending on where you click)
right-click equivalentmotsvarar högerklickning (Any action that opens a shortcut menu or other feature that you usually open by using a right mouse button)
single clickenkelklick (One mouse click (usually with the left mouse button))
two-finger right-clicktvåfingershögerklickning (A multi-touch gesture that consists of either a left-down movement, or right-down, right-up or left-down, right-down, left-up, right-up (roll))
with one clickmed ett musklick (Done by positioning the pointer over an item and pressing the left mouse button once)