
Terms containing allotment | all forms | exact matches only
commun.additional allotmentytterligare tilldelning
law, life.sc.allotment areaträdgårdsmark
agric.allotment gardenkoloniträdgård
commun.allotment of a radio frequencyfrekvensutdelning
commun.allotment of a radio frequencyfrekvenstilldelning
insur.allotment of bonusfördelning av återbäring
construct.allotment of landbestämning av markanvändning
construct.allotment of landmarkanvändning
lawallotment of sharestilldelning av aktier
comp., MSallotment remainingåterstående avrop (The number of units of allotted service that remain in the service contract)
comp., MSallotment typeavropstyp (A unit of service, such as a case or a range of coverage dates, specified in a service contract that indicates how much access a customer has to customer service)
comp., MSallotment usedgjorda avrop (The number of units of allotted service that have been used)
comp., MSAllotments RemainingÅterstående avrop (A field in the contract line dialog where the user enters the number of allotments remaining)
comp., MSAllotments UsedGjorda avrop (A field in the contract line dialog where the user enters the number of allotments used)
agric.community allotmentallmänning
demogr., agric.creation of allotmentsavstyckning
commun.frequency allotmentfrekvenstilldelning
commun.frequency allotmentfrekvensutdelning
commun.frequency allotment planfrekvenstilldelningsplan
environ.land allotment Procedure by which big land properties are divided in parcels of smaller sizejordlott
environ.land allotment Procedure by which big land properties are divided in parcels of smaller sizemarktilldelning
environ.land allotmentjordlott
gen.land allotmentmarktilldelning
law, agric.lease of garden and field allotmentsmarkarrende
fin.letter of allotmentmeddelande om tilldelning
fin.minimum allotmentlägsta tilldelning
econ.minimum allotmentminsta tilldelning
fin.minimum allotment amountminsta tilldelningsbelopp
fin.Minimum allotment amountMinsta tilldelningsbelopp
fin.minimum allotment ratiominsta tilldelningskvot
fin.Minimum allotment ratioMinsta tilldelningskvot
el.noise allotmentbrustilldelning
fin., engl.over-allotment optionGreenshoe
lawpayment in full on allotmentfull betalning vid fördelning
commun.primary allotmentprimär tilldelning