
Terms containing in the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.abalone, scallops, etc. simmered in the shell貝焼
gen.abalone, scallops, etc. simmered in the shell貝焼き (かいやき)
gen.n ability in the bedroom房術
gen.n ability in the bedroom房中術
gen.accompanied singing in which the singing is emphasized over the instrumental part唄物 (emphasised)
gen.accompanied singing in which the singing is emphasized over the instrumental part歌物 (emphasised)
gen.n across-the-board fall in prices全面安
gen.address used after the names of one's parents, grandparents, etc. in a letterひざ元
gen.address used after the names of one's parents, grandparents, etc. in a letter膝許
gen.address used after the names of one's parents, grandparents, etc. in a letter膝下
gen.address used after the names of one's parents, grandparents, etc. in a letter膝元
gen.n agreement used to prevent unauthorized or faked divorce by couples in Japan in the future不受理申出
gen.n yoji an economy that lingers in the doldrums after bottoming out鍋底景気
gen.n yoji an ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north四神相応
gen.n another drink in the morning迎え酒
gen.n athlete competing in the middle-number match in a team competition, i.e. second in 3-on-3, third in 5-on-5中堅 ichi1 news1 nf04 (kendo, judo, etc.)
gen.athlete who competes in the first match of a team competition先鋒 news2 nf32 (kendo, judo, etc.)
gen.attack the enemy in his unguarded moment虚を衝く
gen.attack the enemy in his unguarded moment虚を突く
gen.attack the enemy in his unguarded moment虚をつく
gen.n adj-no balance figure in the black黒字 ichi1 news1 nf02 (くろじ)
gen.n vs bathing in the open air行水
gen.n beginning character or characters that uniquely identify a poem in the Hyakunin Isshu決まり字 (esp. used in competitive karuta)
gen.n bend in the road曲り角
gen.n bend in the road曲がりかど ichi1
gen.n bend in the road曲り目
gen.n bend in the road曲がり目
gen.n bend in the road曲がり角 news1 nf18
gen.bend over in the shape of the the character kuくの字に曲げる
gen.n uk "bird-in-the-cage" children's game籠目籠目
gen.n booth or stall set up on the sidewalk in front of a shop or home出し見世 (esp. food booths at festivals)
gen.n booth or stall set up on the sidewalk in front of a shop or home床見世 (esp. food booths at festivals)
gen.n booth or stall set up on the sidewalk in front of a shop or home床店 (esp. food booths at festivals)
gen.n booth or stall set up on the sidewalk in front of a shop or home出し店 (esp. food booths at festivals)
gen.n uk bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame戸まら (as part of a pivot hinge)
gen.n uk bottom of a door that fit into cavities in the frame (as part of a pivot hinge, くるる)
gen.n box in which ashes of the deceased are kept骨箱
gen.n broaching the topic of a poem or essay in its opening lines破題
gen.exp burying one's head in the sand見て見ぬふり
gen.exp burying one's head in the sand見ぬ振り
gen.exp burying one's head in the sand見て見ぬ振り
gen.cage rattan or cane used in bed in the tropicsダッチ・ワイフ
gen.cage rattan or cane used in bed in the tropicsダッチワイフ gai2
gen.n calendar in the form of a book綴暦 io
gen.n calendar in the form of a book綴じ暦
gen.n carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim継続審査
gen.exp castle in the air絵にかいた餅
gen.exp castle in the air絵に描いた餠
gen.n yoji castle in the air空中楼閣
gen.exp castle in the air絵に描いた餅
gen.n castle on a hill in the plains平山城 (ひらさんじょう)
gen.n Catcher in the Ryeライ麦畑でつかまえて (novel by J. D. Salinger)
gen.n cavities in the frame of a door used as part of a pivot hinge (くるる)
gen.celebration in honor of the dragon god by fishermen after a good haul磯まつり
gen.celebration in honor of the dragon god by fishermen after a good haul磯祭り
gen.celebration in honor of the dragon god by fishermen after a good haul磯祭
gen.n ceremony on the fifth day of the 10th lunar month in which the emperor would watch prize archery弓場始め (Heian and Kamakura periods)
gen.n city renewal that occurred in the Taisho and Meiji eras市区改正
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "bu"バ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "dzu"ダ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "gu"ガ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "hu or fu"ハ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "ku"カ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "mu"マ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "nu"ヌ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "pu"パ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "ru"ラ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "su"サ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "tsu"タ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "yu"ヤ行
gen.n classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "zu"ザ行
gen.n clocks made in Japan, mainly in the Edo period和時計
gen.n clouds in the sky天雲
gen.n cloudy sky that appears when the migrating birds that stayed for winter and autumn in Japan leave to go north鳥曇
gen.n cloudy sky that appears when the migrating birds that stayed for winter and autumn in Japan leave to go north鳥曇り
gen.n conspicuously gay male who belongs to the leather subculture and engages in bodybuildingハード・ゲイ
gen.n conspicuously gay male who belongs to the leather subculture and engages in bodybuildingハードゲイ
gen.contributors in the river field河川功労者
gen.n cooking over the fire of an unclean home or a home in mourning合火
gen.n cooking over the fire of an unclean home or a home in mourning合い火
gen.n couple in which the wife is bigger than the husband蚤の夫婦
gen.n vs cracks or fissures in the ground地割れ news2 nf41
gen.n cracks that form in the ice on Lake Suwaお神渡り
gen.n cracks that form in the ice on Lake Suwa御神渡り
gen.n cramp in the calf転筋
gen.n cramp in the leg腓返り
gen.n cramp in the legこむら返り
gen.n crematorium smoke rising in the sky空の煙
gen.n obsc crow cawing in the morning暁鴉
gen.n crow in the mountains山鴉
gen.n crow in the mountains山烏
gen.n vs cut into long thin shavings primarily vegetables, in the manner a pencil is sharpened with a knife笹がき
gen.n vs cut into long thin shavings primarily vegetables, in the manner a pencil is sharpened with a knife笹掻き
gen.n vs cutting in a way that blunts or rounds the cutそぎ切り
gen.n vs cutting in a way that blunts or rounds the cut削ぎ切り
gen.adj-i dark even in the daytime昼尚暗い
gen.adj-i dark even in the daytime昼猶暗い
gen.n dark night in the rainy season五月闇
gen.n dark sweet liquid produced after the third heating in a thermal sugar-refining process三温糖
gen.n yoji dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out黒田売買
gen.n yoji dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow白田売買
gen.n yoji decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests豊作貧乏
gen.n yoji decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests豊作飢饉
gen.n yoji decline in fishermen' s income caused by the sharply lower fish prices as a result of an overabundant catch大漁貧乏
gen.n vs decrease in the number of children少子化
gen.n direction of the loom or weave in a roll of fabric布目 news2 nf45 (nunome)
gen.n disposition to operate in the red赤字体質 (あかじたいしつ)
gen.n distinctive character used in the names of all people belonging to a single clan or lineage通字
gen.n dog-in-the-manger捻くれ者
gen.n dog-in-the-mangerひねくれ者
gen.n double slap in the face往復びんた (second slap administered by the return motion of the back of the hand)
gen.n double slap in the face往復ビンタ (second slap administered by the return motion of the back of the hand)
gen.n vs dozing off in the middle of doing something寝落ち
gen.draw in the air切る ichi1 news1 nf11 (with a sword, etc., きる)
gen.dress in the latest Western fashionハイカラ
gen.exp n drop in the bucket雀の涙
gen.exp n drop in the bucketすずめの涙
gen.n drop in the bucket九牛の一毛
gen.n drug included in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia局方品
gen.n vs drying in the shade陰乾 io
gen.n drying in the shade素干し
gen.n vs drying in the shade陰干 io
gen.n vs drying in the shade陰干し (かげぼし)
gen.n vs drying in the shade陰乾し
gen.n vs drying in the sun天日乾燥 (tenpi-kansō)
gen.n dust, etc. that gathers in the bottoms of sleeves袂糞 (esp. in Japanese traditional clothing)
gen.adj-no n dyed-in-the-wool筋金入り
gen.exp early in the morning朝っぱらから
gen.adv early in the morning朝早く
gen.n early in the New Year年明け news1 nf09
gen.effect of reducing the ambiguity in analysis解析多義削減効果
gen.n eggplant picked eaten in the autumn秋茄子
gen.n eldest grandson of an Emperor in the line of descent皇太孫
gen.n embargoes against Japan by America, Britain, China, and the Dutch starting in 1940ABCD包囲陣
gen.n embargoes against Japan by America, Britain, China, and the Dutch starting in 1940ABCDライン
gen.n employee who joined the company in the same year as oneself同期 ichi1 news1 nf04 (dōki)
gen.n entry of a change of holders in the register of shareholders名義書き換え
gen.n entry of a change of holders in the register of shareholders名義書換
gen.adj-f expected to arrive occur in the near future来たるべき
gen.adj-f expected to arrive occur in the near future来るべき
gen.n experienced in matters of the heart訳知り
gen.n eyes capable of seeing in the dark夜でも見える目
gen.n family crest featuring a ring of bamboo with a sparrow in the middle竹に雀
gen.family crest in the shape of such an object五徳
gen.family status in the Imperial Court名家 news2 nf34
gen.n family working in the forest industry林家
gen.exp adv far away in the distanceはるか遠く
gen.exp adv far away in the distance遥か遠く
gen.farm land in the mountain山間農地
gen.n feces contained long in the intestines宿便
gen.n five families of the Fujiwara clan Konoe, Kujo, Nijo, Ichijo, and Takatsukasa entrusted as imperial regents and advisors starting in the Kamakura period五摂家
gen.n flanking attendant to the main deity of veneration in a temple脇士
gen.n flanking attendant to the main deity of veneration in a temple夾侍
gen.n flanking attendant to the main deity of veneration in a temple挟侍 oK
gen.n flanking attendant to the main deity of veneration in a temple脇侍
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal玉にきず
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal珠に瑕
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal珠にきず
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal珠に疵
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal玉に疵
gen.exp n flaw in the crystal玉に瑕
gen.n form of hopscotch in which the player kicks a stone through the course石けり
gen.n form of hopscotch in which the player kicks a stone through the course石蹴り
gen.n form of poetry found on the stone Buddha Foot monument at Yakushi Temple in Nara仏足石歌体 (following a 5-7-5-7-7-7 moraic pattern)
gen.n form of torture in which the victim kneels on triangular wedges and stone slabs are placed on their lap石抱き
gen.n fragmentary view taken in the direction of an arrow矢視図 (やし・づ)
gen.garden at the shoin of Daisen'in temple大仙院書院庭園
gen.n gate in the middle of the corridor connecting an annex to a pond-side building中門 (in traditional palatial-style architecture, ちゅうもん)
gen.general term for plants in the Artemisia genus
gen.general term for plants in the Artemisia genus
gen.general term for plants in the Artemisia genus
gen.general term for plants in the Artemisia genus
gen.n general term for the nine holes in the body of humans and other mammals九竅
gen.gentle slope in the mountains山間緩斜面
gen.get things in the wrong order彼方此方 ichi1 spec1 (back to front)
gen.get to know the world by being in contact with people人摺れ
gen.get to know the world by being in contact with people人擦れ
gen.n vs getting on in the world世渡り
gen.n obsc getting ready to go out in the snow雪じたく
gen.n obsc getting ready to go out in the snow雪仕度
gen.n obsc getting ready to go out in the snow雪支度
gen.n vs getting red in the face赤面 ichi1
gen.n grave, specifically the hole in the ground墓穴 news2 nf30 spec2
gen.n greying of the body fats of a corpse which rests in a moist but airless place死蝋 (graying)
gen.n greying of the body fats of a corpse which rests in a moist but airless place屍蠟 (graying)
gen.n greying of the body fats of a corpse which rests in a moist but airless place死蠟 (graying)
gen.n greying of the body fats of a corpse which rests in a moist but airless place屍蝋 (graying)
gen.n groove in a shamisen player's fingernail caused by the friction of the string of the instrument糸爪
gen.n groove in a shamisen player's fingernail caused by the friction of the string of the instrument糸道
gen.n groove in the body of wooden plane which holds the blade押さえ溝
gen.n groove in the surface of the brain脳溝
gen.n hairline that grows to a point in the middle of the forehead富士額
gen.n hairstyle introduced in the Meiji era consisting in a bun or chignon tied at the back of the head束髪
gen.n yoji having free time to spare in the midst of busyness忙中有閑
gen.n yoji having something of the artist in one芸術家肌
gen.n yoji having something of the politician in one政治家肌
gen.adj-i having the smell of having been dried in the sun日向臭い
gen.n hemorrage in the fundus of the eye眼底出血
gen.n hiding in the leaves葉隠れ
gen.n hiding in the nest巣隠れ
gen.adj-na n adj-no high in the instep甲高
gen.adj-i high in the sky空高い
gen.adv high in the sky空高く
gen.n high in the sky天辺
gen.high waves in the midsummer土用波 (どようなみ)
gen.highlight in the hairメシュ
gen.highlight in the hairメッシュ gai1 (messhu)
gen.hold in the arms懐く (e.g. a baby)
gen.hold in the arms抱く ichi1 (e.g. a baby)
gen.hold in the arms and carry him out of the ring吊り出す
gen.hold in the hand提げる news2 nf36 spec2
gen.hold in the mouth銜む
gen.hold in the mouth含む ichi1 news2 nf28 (ふくむ)
gen.hold or carry under or in the arms抱える ichi1 news1 nf08
gen.hole in the butt end of a Chinese spear腕貫
gen.n obsc hole in the curtains to allow someone backstage to see the audience人見 (in kabuki theatre)
gen.n hole in the ground
gen.n hole in the ground穴倉
gen.n hole in the ground穴ぐら
gen.n hole in the ground穴蔵 (あなぐら)
gen.n hole-in-the-wall穴場 news2 nf47
gen.n hole-in-the-wallキャッシュサービスコーナー
gen.hover in the background蟠る
gen.n humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener謙譲語2 (or a third party)
gen.n humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener謙譲語II (or a third party)
gen.n humble language in which the listener or a third party is the indirect object of an action謙譲語1 (or the recipient of an object, etc.)
gen.n humble language in which the listener or a third party is the indirect object of an action謙譲語I (or the recipient of an object, etc.)
gen.exp if even the most crooked person is surrounded by good people, he will straighten up as does mugwort growing in a hemp field麻の中の蓬
gen.n yoji inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中見舞い ichi1
gen.n inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中伺
gen.n yoji inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中見舞 ichi1
gen.n inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中お見舞
gen.n inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中お見舞い
gen.n inquiry after someone's health in the hot season暑中伺い
gen.n yoji instruction in the ways of love恋愛指南
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わりよければすべて良し
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わり良ければ総て良し
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わり良ければ全て良し
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わりよければすべてよし
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わりよければ全てよし
gen.exp it will all come good in the end終わり良ければすべて良し
gen.n jack-in-the-boxびっくり箱
gen.n uk jack-in-the-pulpit天南星
gen.n juvenile delinquents roaming about the city in groupsチーマー
gen.n kerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole headお高祖頭巾 (except eyes)
gen.n kerchief worn by women in former times in Japan in cold weather, covering the whole head御高祖頭巾 (except eyes)
gen.n adj-na yoji knowing how to get on in the world処世達者
gen.n adj-na yoji knowing how to get on in the world処世上手
gen.n adj-na yoji knowing the secret of success in life処世達者
gen.n adj-na yoji knowing the secret of success in life処世上手
gen.lady-in-waiting working in the inner palace of the Edo castle中﨟 oK (Edo period)
gen.lady-in-waiting working in the inner palace of the Edo castle中臈 (Edo period)
gen.n yoji land-tax rate during the Edo period, in which the government took 70 percent of the year's crop and the farmers kept 30 percent七公三民
gen.n language used in red-light districts during the Edo period遊里語
gen.let loose a tiger in the field虎を野に放つ
gen.adj-na light in the head気が変
gen.light literature popular in the late Edo period戯作
gen.n vs lodging in the same hotel同宿
gen.n lucky day but not in the morning先負
gen.n lucky day in the morning, but not in the afternoon先勝 news2 nf37
gen.make in the shape of形取る
gen.make in the shape of模る
gen.make in the shape of形どる
gen.make in the shape of象る
gen.make one hold something in the mouth含ませる news2 nf28
gen.make one hold something in the mouth含ます
gen.make the necessary preparations in secret手をまわす
gen.make the necessary preparations in secret手を回す
gen.make way in the world世を渡る
gen.make way in the world身を起こす
gen.make way in the world世に出る
gen.n man in charge of delivering letters and packages during the Edo period便屋
gen.n man in the street只の人
gen.n man in the technical line技術畑の人
gen.n Man of the Year, referring to a man born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current year年男 news1 nf22
gen.adj-na adj-no n yoji many drastic events in the course of events波乱万丈
gen.adj-na adj-no n yoji many drastic events in the course of events波瀾万丈
gen.exp many irons in the fire二束の草鞋 ik
gen.exp many irons in the fire二足の草鞋
gen.n mark in the shape of the katakana "re"レ印
gen.n mark placed in one of the four corners of a hanzi to show the tone in Chinese声符
gen.n mark placed in one of the four corners of a hanzi to show the tone in Chinese声点
gen.n adj-no yoji match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster虚虚実実
gen.n adj-no yoji match between persons equal in shrewdness mobilizing all the tricks each can muster虚々実々 news2 nf39
gen.melt in the fire火で溶ける
gen.n uk melt-in-the-mouth口どけ
gen.n uk melt-in-the-mouth口解け ik
gen.n uk melt-in-the-mouth口溶け
gen.n member country of the executive committee in an international organization理事国 (organisation)
gen.n method of awarding rare in-game items in mobile games only when the player has bought a full set of other in-game itemsコンプリートガチャ
gen.n method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense - imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian periods暈繝
gen.n method of dying in which a color repeatedly goes from dense to diffuse, diffuse to dense - imported from western China and used in Buddhist pictures, temple ornaments, etc., during the Nara and Heian periods繧繝
gen.monk in charge of business in the monks' quarters房室
gen.n monument to the faithful who died in battle忠霊塔
gen.n monument to the faithful who died in battle忠魂碑
gen.n movement in China in 1957 to get people to move to the countryside下放運動
gen.n name of ancient country located in the modern Fukuoka prefecture筑前
gen.n ninth month in the lunar calendar菊月
gen.nip something in the bud芽を摘む
gen.n occlusion in the circle of Willisウィリス動脈輪閉塞症
gen.n official in charge of the administration of domains and general affairs of powerful noble families政所 (from the middle of the Heian period)
gen.exp n page in the history books歴史の一ページ
gen.exp n page in the history books歴史の1ページ
gen.participation in the planning stages参画
gen.n passing university entrance exams in the last year of high school現役合格 (instead of failing then taking gap year(s))
gen.n person at a public bath in charge of heating the water and filling the baths湯番
gen.n person collapsed and dying dead in the street行き倒れ
gen.n person engaging in walking activities in the mountains山行者
gen.n person in the business業界人 (entertainment, music, film, etc)
gen.n person in the same business同業者 (どうぎょうしゃ)
gen.n person in the wrong不正者
gen.n hon person living in the imperial palace内裏様 (esp. the emperor)
gen.n hon person next in rank to the chief retainer and in charge of general management and accounting in a samurai family御用人 (Edo period)
gen.n person next in rank to the chief retainers and in charge of general management and accounting in a samurai family用人 (Edo period)
gen.n person who is in the way余し物
gen.person who rents a house in the same block of houses as oneself相借家
gen.person who rents a house in the same block of houses as oneself相店
gen.n person whose physical suitability for conscription in the former Japanese military could not be determined in that year戊種 (e.g. due to illness)
gen.n person working in the television industryテレビマン
gen.n persons acting under the pretence of chivalry who formed gangs and engaged in gambling俠客 oK
gen.n persons acting under the pretence of chivalry who formed gangs and engaged in gambling侠客 news2 nf36
gen.exp pie in the sky絵にかいた餅
gen.exp pie in the sky絵に描いた餠
gen.exp pie in the sky絵に描いた餅
gen.n playing cards bearing proverbs in the traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary伊呂波ガルタ
gen.n playing cards bearing proverbs in the traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary以呂波歌留多 ateji
gen.n playing cards bearing proverbs in the traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabary伊呂波歌留多 ateji
gen.n playing cards bearing proverbs in the traditional ordering of the Japanese syllabaryいろは歌留多 ateji
gen.n playing in the mud泥んこ遊び
gen.n playing in the mud泥遊び
gen.n vs playing in the sand砂遊び
gen.n playing in the sea海遊び
gen.n playing in the snow雪遊び
gen.n poems inscribed beside the stone Buddha Foot monument at Yakushi Temple in Nara仏足石歌
gen.n poems inscribed beside the stone Buddha Foot monument at Yakushi Temple in Nara仏足石の歌
gen.n police investigation carried out in the immediate vicinity of a crime site地取り捜査
gen.n yoji noise, smell, air, water pollution in the neighborhood近隣公害
gen.n popular stories of everyday life in the Edo period浮世草紙
gen.n popular stories of everyday life in the Edo period浮世草子
gen.n position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrumentアンブシュール
gen.n position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrumentアンブシュア
gen.n position at the imperial court in ancient China内閣大学士
gen.n pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table寄鍋 io (traditionally a winter meal)
gen.n pot of chicken or seafood, and vegetables in a dashi broth, usu. cooked at the table寄せ鍋 (traditionally a winter meal)
gen.n professor specializing in the readings of kanji in classic Confucianist texts音博士
gen.n protective covering for books, often in the form of a folding case with clasps
gen.n public finance adjustment reserve funds stipulated in the Local Finance Act財政調整基金
gen.public official stationed in the capital内官 (under the ritsuryo system)
gen.n public official stationed in the capital京官 (under the ritsuryo system)
gen.n yoji public opinion sentiment as reflected in the print media活字世論
gen.n quarterly trend report of the prices of intensively used land in major cities地価LOOKレポート
gen.n racketeering by interceding in civil disputes and threatening the use of violence民事介入暴力
gen.n radio or television program broadcast in the same time slot on all or most days帯番組 (programme)
gen.n radio or television serial broadcast in the same time slot each day or week帯ドラマ
gen.raised platform on the bank of a river for enjoying the cool in summer川床 (かわ・どこ)
gen.raised platform on the bank of a river for enjoying the cool in summer河床 (kashō)
gen.n vs regard in the same light as同一視
gen.n relation in the second degree二親等
gen.n renting a house in the same block of houses as somebody else相借家
gen.n renting a house in the same block of houses as somebody else相店
gen.n reparation in the form of service役務賠償
gen.n reporter assigned to cover a particular person in order to get the most up-to-date information番記者
gen.n residence for low class samurai enrolled in one of the police forces組屋敷 (Edo period)
gen.rest in the shade of a tree木陰で憩う
gen.revealing a card in the upright position正位置 (tarot, etc.)
gen.n rice in the husknews2 nf41
gen.n round plaque carrying the image of a Buddha usually hammered from behind used in temples and shrines懸仏
gen.n uk round, red-painted good-luck doll in the shape of Bodhidharma, with a blank eye to be completed when a person's wish is granted達磨 news2 nf41 spec2
gen.n sake-like liquid produced by the fermentation of fruits left by monkeys in tree caches or hollows in rocks猿酒
gen.seam in the back背筋 news1 nf18
gen.n vs secluding oneself in the mountains山篭り
gen.n vs secluding oneself in the mountains山籠り
gen.n vs secluding oneself in the mountains山ごもり
gen.see well in the dark夜目がきく
gen.see well in the dark夜目が利く
gen.n set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryouiki日本霊異記
gen.n set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryouiki日本現報善悪霊異記
gen.n set of three books of Buddhist stories, written in the late 8th and early 9th century, usually referred to as the Nihon Ryouiki日本国現報善悪霊異記
gen.n vs shampooing in the morning朝シャン
gen.n Shinto ritual in which a shaman or priest soaks bamboo grass in boiling water and sprinkles the water on worshippers湯立ち (originally a form of divination, later a purification ceremony, now primarily used to pray for good health)
gen.n Shinto ritual in which a shaman or priest soaks bamboo grass in boiling water and sprinkles the water on worshippers湯立 io (originally a form of divination, later a purification ceremony, now primarily used to pray for good health)
gen.n Shinto ritual in which a shaman or priest soaks bamboo grass in boiling water and sprinkles the water on worshippers湯立て (originally a form of divination, later a purification ceremony, now primarily used to pray for good health)
gen.n side dish served in order to encourage the consumption of alcohol強い肴 (kaiseki cuisine)
gen.n single kanji that is read twice with different pronunciations in the Japanese reading of Chinese texts再読文字 e.g. 将 is read as「まさに...んとす」
gen.n vs sitting in the open air露座
gen.n adj-na yoji skilled in the art of persuasion説得上手
gen.n vs slap in the faceぴんた
gen.n vs slap in the faceびんた
gen.n slender rope that goes through the hole in a coin緡縄
gen.n social organisation for people originating from the same town, village, or island who live in an urban center far from home郷友会 (predominantly used by people from Okinawa)
gen.n someone chosen by the board of directors from among the directors to actually represent the company in its dealings with the outside world代表取締役 (だいひょうとりしまりやく)
gen.n someone or something that just gets in the way足まとい
gen.n someone or something that just gets in the way足纏い
gen.n someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purpose御邪魔虫
gen.n someone who gets in the way without serving any useful purposeお邪魔虫
gen.n someone who plays the part of a 'heel' bad guy in wrestling, films, etc.ヒール役
gen.Taiwan someone whose ancestors had lived in Taiwan before the Kuomintang related immigration wave本省人
gen.exp something in the way目の上の瘤
gen.exp something in the way目の上のこぶ
gen.n obsc something narrow in the middle中細
gen.something standing in the open野立て ik
gen.something standing in the open野点て
gen.something standing in the open野点
gen.something that will help one develop in the future肥し
gen.something that will help one develop in the future肥やし news2 nf38 spec2
gen.adj-i somewhat weak in the head少々足りない
gen.adj-i somewhat weak in the head少少足りない
gen.n spare umbrella kept at work in the event of a sudden shower置き傘 news2 nf31
gen.strong in the face of criticism or adversity打たれ強い
gen.n strong local wind blowing around the Hira mountains in Shiga prefecture比良颪 (sinks boats on the lake and stops trains of the Kosei Line)
gen.n strong local wind blowing around the Hira mountains in Shiga prefecture比良おろし (sinks boats on the lake and stops trains of the Kosei Line)
gen.n vs studying in the morning朝自習 (by oneself)
gen.n yoji sudden reversal in the tide of events局面一転
gen.exp suffix used to negate a verb in the non-past tenseまへん
gen.exp suffix used to negate a verb in the non-past tenseへん
gen.exp suffix used to negate a verb in the non-past tenseません
gen.exp suffix used to negate a verb in the past tenseませんでした
gen.n sword with undulations in the bladeフランベルグ
gen.n sword with undulations in the bladeフランベルク
gen.n sword with undulations in the bladeフランベルジェ
gen.n sword-shaped stoneware found in archeological sites in eastern Japan dating to the end of the Jomon period石剣
gen.n yoji take the initiative in doing something thereby setting an example for others to follow率先垂範
gen.take the lead in牛耳を執る
gen.take the lead in牛耳る news2 nf44
gen.n Tarui accent, used in the Kinki region and parts of Hokuriku垂井式アクセント
gen.n tempura made with egg yolk in the batter金ぷら (hence golden colored)
gen.n tempura made with egg yolk in the batter金麩羅 (hence golden colored)
gen.n tempura made with egg yolk in the batter金プラ (hence golden colored)
gen.n obsc ten important Rinzai temples, second in significance to the Kyoto Gozan十刹 oK
gen.term used in error to refer to young men that were made to do forced labour in the ritsuryo system衛士
gen.n adj-no thick-soled footwear, popular in the late 1990s厚底
gen.n third compartment of the stomach in ruminants葉胃
gen.n third in a sequence denoted by the iroha system
gen.n third note in the diatonic scale (used in key names, etc.)
gen.n third rank in the game of go囲碁三級
gen.exp yoji tiger in front, wolf in the back前虎後狼
gen.adj-i feeling of tightness in the chest胸苦しい
gen.adv till one's blue in the face逆立ちしても
gen.n torture in which the victim is bound and placed in a tub of snakes蛇責め
gen.n torture in which the victim is whipped with arrow shafts矢柄責め
gen.n suf uk touched in the head呆け ichi1 (from)
gen.n suf uk touched in the head惚け ichi1 (from)
gen.n obsc toy for use in the bath浮人形
gen.n toy from Fukushima prefecture in the shape of a red cow, also used as a talisman against smallpox赤べこ
gen.n traditional Chinese spelling system in which two characters are used: the first one for the onset, the second one for rhyme and tone反切
gen.n traditional koshogatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree usu. persimmon tree with a pole while threatening to cut it down in case it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the tree成木責 io
gen.n traditional koshogatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree usu. persimmon tree with a pole while threatening to cut it down in case it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the tree成り木責め
gen.n traditional koshogatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree usu. persimmon tree with a pole while threatening to cut it down in case it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the tree成木責め
gen.n traditional koshogatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree usu. persimmon tree with a pole while threatening to cut it down in case it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the tree生り木責め
gen.n traditional textile of the Yaeyama Islands in Okinawaミンサー
gen.n travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky中神
gen.n travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky天一神
gen.n turning an object in the wrong direction逆ねじ
gen.n turning an object in the wrong direction逆捻 io
gen.n turning an object in the wrong direction逆捩じ
gen.n twelve coinages minted in Japan during the Nara and Heian periods皇朝十二銭
gen.n twisting of the truth in one's writing舞文曲筆
gen.n yoji two books on the art of war in ancient China六韜三略
gen.n two o'clock in the morning丑の刻
gen.n unidentified craft said to have washed ashore in Ibaraki Prefecture during the Edo period虚舟 (sometimes alleged to have been a UFO)
gen.n yoji unparalleled in the whole country海内無双
gen.n uppercut move in the Street Fighter video game series昇龍拳
gen.n uppercut move in the Street Fighter video game series昇竜拳
gen.n urine remaining in the bladder after urination残尿
gen.n vs obsc using information obtained in the course of one's duties窃用
gen.exp variation of "arimasu" used by the prostitutes of the Yoshiwara red light district in the Edo periodありんす
gen.n various information recorded in the almanac暦注 (as regards astronomy, astrology, etc.)
gen.adj-t adv-to very much out in the open公々然 (as in a information)
gen.adj-t adv-to very much out in the open公公然 (as in a information)
gen.n very old type of kiln made by digging a hole in the side of a hill穴窯
gen.n yoji view in the distant offing where the sea and skyline cannot be distinguished水天髣髴
gen.n yoji view in the distant offing where the sea and skyline cannot be distinguished水天彷彿
gen.exp views in and around the city of Kyoto洛中洛外図 (paintings and drawings)
gen.n warfare in which soldiers fling themselves at the enemy肉弾戦
gen.uk was in the process of doing
gen.uk was in the process of doingoK also pronounced どころ when a suffix
gen.uk was in the process of doingichi1
gen.water balance in the atmosphere大気水収支
gen.n water left in buckets on the roadside during the summer for travellers振舞水
gen.n water left in buckets on the roadside during the summer for travellers振舞い水
gen.n water left in the pot after one has boiled soba蕎麦湯
gen.n water left in the pot after one has boiled sobaそば湯
gen.water trickling from moss, rocks, or cliffs in the summer滴り
gen.n water warmed in the sun日向水
gen.water which gathers in the nodes of bamboo after falling as rain at noon on the 5th day of the 5th month lunar calendar, thought to be effective when used in medicines神水
gen.n way of holding a calligraphy brush, with elbow away from the body and arm in the air懸腕
gen.n winning hand consisting of one kong of 1's, one kong of 9's and one tile each of every other number, plus one more suited tile, all in the same suit九連宝灯
gen.n winning hand containing the same chow in each of the three suits三色同順
gen.n winning hand containing the same pung in each of the three suits三色同刻
gen.n winning with a discard in the first turn人和
gen.n winning with a self-drawn tile in the first turn地和
gen.n women in the sciences理系女子
gen.n women in the sciences理系女性
gen.n vs yoji working in the field in fine weather and reading at home in rainy weather晴耕雨読
gen.n vs working in the fields畑仕事
gen.n working in the theater座付 (theatre)
gen.n working in the theater座付き (theatre)
gen.n yoji works written in kana in the Heian period仮名文学
gen.write in the square style真で書く
gen.n young men who are not competitive as in tradition male stereotypes, including in the avid pursuit of money and sex, and who may also be kind, co-operative and family-oriented草食系男子
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