
Terms containing Network | all forms | exact matches only
commun., ITaccess networkpiekļuves tīkls
comp., MSad hoc networkekspromta tīkls (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
transp., avia.airport networklidostu tīkls
h.rghts.act., polit.Anti-Racist Network for Equality in EuropeAntirasisma tīkls vienlīdzībai Eiropā
commun., ITbackbone networkpamattīkls
commun., ITbackhaul networkatvilces maršrutēšana
comp., MSbaseband networkpamatjoslas tīkls (A type of local area network in which messages travel in digital form on a single transmission channel between machines connected by coaxial cable or twisted-pair wiring. Machines on a baseband network transmit only when the channel is not busy, although a technique called time-division multiplexing can enable channel sharing. Each message on a baseband network travels as a packet that contains information about the source and destination machines as well as message data. Baseband networks operate over short distances at speeds ranging from about 50 kilobits per second (50 Kbps) to 16 megabits per second (16 Mbps). Receiving, verifying, and converting a message, however, add considerably to the actual time, reducing throughput. The maximum recommended distance for such a network is about 2 miles, or considerably less if the network is heavily used)
environ.biotope network Intersection of corridors connecting patchy ecological communities. Species survival tends to be higher in patches that have higher connectivitybiotopu tīkls
comp., MSBitLocker network unlockBitLocker tīkla atbloķēšana (A feature of BitLocker that allows unlocking of an OS volume using a key received over the network)
comp., MSBroadband Integrated Services Digital Networkplatjoslas integrēto pakalpojumu cipartīkls (An International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication [Standardization Sector] (ITU-T) communication standard for high-speed networking that provides new services, including voice, video, and data on the same network)
commun.broadband networkplatjoslas tīkls
comp., MSbroadband networkplatjoslas tīkls (A transmission medium designed for high-speed data transfers over long distances. Cable modem services and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) are examples of broadband networks)
comp., MSbroadcast networkapraides tīkls (A network that supports more than two attached routers and has the ability to address a single physical message to all of the attached routers (broadcast). Ethernet is an example of a broadcast network)
fin.broker crossing networksbrokeru šķērstīkli
comp., MSBusiness NetworkBiznesa tīkls (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
comp., MSBusiness Network profileBiznesa tīkla profils (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
comp., MSBusiness Network relationshipAttiecības biznesa tīklā (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
commun.cable networkkabeļtelevīzija
crim.law., social.sc.Camden Assets Recovery Interagency NetworkKamdenas līdzekļu atguves aģentūru tīkls
comp., MSCDMA networkCDMA tīkls (A Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network, used by phones that do not have SIM cards)
gen.closed distribution networkslēgts sadales tīkls
comp., MScluster networkklastera tīkls (A group of independent computers that work together to provide a common set of services and present a single-system image to clients. The use of a cluster enhances the availability of the services and the scalability and manageability of the operating system that provides the services)
comp., MScluster network addressklastera tīkla adrese (The network (media access control) address for the network adapter that is to be used for handling client-to-cluster traffic in a Network Load Balancing cluster)
environ.coherent European ecological networkNatura 2000 tīkls
environ.coherent European ecological networksaskaņots Eiropas ekoloģiskais tīkls
polit.Committee on the decision to set up a network for the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseasesEpidemioloģiskās uzraudzības un infekcijas slimību kontroles tīkla izveides lēmuma komiteja
commun.communication networksakaru tīkls
obs., polit.Communications Networks, Content and Technology DGInformācijas sabiedrības un saziņas līdzekļu ģenerāldirektorāts
polit.Communications Networks, Content and Technology DGKomunikācijas tīklu, satura un tehnoloģiju ģenerāldirektorāts
polit.Communications Networks, Content and Technology DGKomunikācijas tīklu, satura un tehnoloģiju ĢD
polit.Communications Networks, Content and Technology DGDG CONNECT
obs., polit.Communications Networks, Content and Technology DGInformācijas sabiedrības un saziņas līdzekļu ĢD
polit., agric.Community Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data NetworkKopienas Lauku saimniecību grāmatvedības datu tīkla komiteja FADN
fin., polit., loc.name.Community initiative concerning border development, cross-border cooperation and selected energy networksKopienas iniciatīva attiecībā uz robežu attīstību, pārrobežu sadarbību un izraudzītajiem elektroenerģijas tīkliem
comp., MScompany networkuzņēmuma tīkls (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
comp., MScomplex networkkomplekss tīkls (A type of operations network in which simultaneous operations take place or in which operations overlap, are contingent on each other, or have other complex relationships)
transp.comprehensive networkvisaptverošais tīkls
econ.computer networkdatoru tīkls
gen.Computer Network Operationsdatortīklu operācijas
comp., MScomputer-to-computer networkdatora-datora tīkls (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
commun.connection to the public telephone networkpieslēgums publiskajam telefonu tīklam
ITController Area Networkkontrolleru tīkls
ITController Area Networkdatu maģistrāle
commun., ITcore networkpamattīkls
commun.COREU networkCOREU tīkls
lawcriminal networknoziedznieku tīkls
energ.ind., el.critical network elementkritisks tīkla elements
tech., law, el.critical network element flow marginkritiskā tīkla elementa plūsmas marža
commun., IT, tech.data network topologytīkla topoloģija
comp., MSdefault networknoklusējuma tīkls (In the Macintosh environment, the physical network on which the processes of a server reside as nodes and on which the server appears to users. The default network of the server must be one to which that server is attached. Only servers on AppleTalk Phase 2 internets have default networks)
comp., MSDial-Up Networkingiezvanes tīklošana (A Windows CE-based application that enables remote users to connect to a network)
h.rghts.act., ITDirective concerning measures to ensure a high common level of network and information security across the UnionPriekšlikums Direktīvai par pasākumiem, kas nodrošinātu vienādi augsta līmeņa tīklu un informācijas drošību visā Savienībā
law, commun.Directive on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and servicesDirektīva par elektronisko komunikāciju tīklu un pakalpojumu atļaušanu
law, commun.Directive on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and servicesatļauju izsniegšanas direktīva
polit.Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyKomunikācijas tīklu, satura un tehnoloģiju ĢD
polit.Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyDG CONNECT
obs., polit.Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyInformācijas sabiedrības un saziņas līdzekļu ĢD
polit.Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyKomunikācijas tīklu, satura un tehnoloģiju ģenerāldirektorāts
obs., polit.Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and TechnologyInformācijas sabiedrības un saziņas līdzekļu ģenerāldirektorāts
tech., law, el.distribution networksadales tīkls
commun.electronic communications networkelektronisko sakaru tīkls
commun.electronic communications networkelektronisko komunikāciju tīkls
environ.electronic information network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linked to permit the exchange of data in digital or analog signalselektronisks informācijas tīkls
econ.Enterprise Europe NetworkEiropas Biznesa atbalsta tīkls
IT, environ.Environmental Information and Observation NetworkEiropas Vides informācijas un novērojumu tīkls
environ.environmental information network A system of interrelated persons and devices linked to permit the exchange of data or knowledge concerning natural resources, human health and other ecological mattersekoloģiskās informācijas tīkls
gen.EU radicalization-awareness networkES Radikalizācijas izpratnes tīkls
social.sc., empl.EURES networkEiropas Nodarbinātības dienestu tīkls
crim.law.Eurojustice network of European Prosecutors-GeneralEiropas Ģenerālprokuroru tīkls Eurojustice
transp., avia.European Air Traffic Management NetworkEiropas Gaisa satiksmes pārvaldības tīkls
health.European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance NetworkEiropas Antimikrobās rezistences uzraudzības tīkls
health.European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance NetworkEARS-NET
obs., health.European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance NetworkEiropas Antimikrobās rezistences uzraudzības sistēma
econ.European Competition NetworkEiropas Konkurences tīkls
econ.European Consumer Centres NetworkEiropas Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centru tīkla
gen.European Consumer Centres NetworkEiropas Patērētāju centru tīkls
crim.law.European Crime Prevention NetworkEiropas Noziedzības novēršanas tīkls
work.fl., ITEuropean digital library networkEiropas digitālā bibliotēka
gen.European digital library networkEuropeana
social.sc., empl.European Employment Services NetworkEiropas Nodarbinātības dienestu tīkls
IT, environ.European environment information and observation networkEiropas Vides informācijas un novērojumu tīkls
IT, environ.European Environment Monitoring and Information NetworkEiropas Vides informācijas un novērojumu tīkls
lawEuropean Extra-Judicial NetworkEiropas Ārpustiesas tīkls
lawEuropean Judicial NetworkEiropas Tiesiskās sadarbības tīkls
proced.law.European Judicial Network in civil and commercial mattersEiropas Tiesiskās sadarbības tīkls civillietās un komerclietās
law, ed.European Judicial Training NetworkEiropas Tiesiskās apmācības tīkls
social.sc.European Lifelong Guidance Policy NetworkEiropas Mūžilga karjeras atbalsta politikas tīkls
dat.proc., environ.European Marine Observation and Data NetworkEiropas Jūras novērojumu un datu tīkls
construct., immigr.European Migration NetworkEiropas migrācijas tīkls
ITEuropean Network and Information Security AgencyEiropas Savienības Tīklu un informācijas drošības aģentūru
econ.European Network and Information Security AgencyEiropas Tīklu un informācijas drošības aģentūra
health.European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activityHEPA Eiropa
health.European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activityEiropas tīkls veselību veicinošu fizisko aktivitāšu popularizēšanai
h.rghts.act.European network of contact points in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimesEiropas sakaru punktu tīkls attiecībā uz personām, kas atbildīgas par genocīdu, noziegumiem pret cilvēci un kara noziegumiem
lawEuropean Network of Councils for the JudiciaryEiropas Tiesu iestāžu padomju tīkls
social.sc., empl.European network of employment servicesEiropas Nodarbinātības dienestu tīkls
gen.European Network of Law Enforcement Technology ServicesEiropas tiesībaizsardzības tehnoloģiju dienestu tīkls
med., pharma.European Network of Paediatric Research at the EMAEMA Eiropas Pediatriskās pētniecības sadarbības tīmeklis
med., pharma.European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines AgencyEMA Eiropas Pediatriskās pētniecības sadarbības tīmeklis
el.European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricityelektroenerģijas pārvades sistēmu operatoru Eiropas tīkls
energ.ind.European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gasgāzes pārvades sistēmu operatoru Eiropas tīkls
immigr.European Patrols NetworkEiropas patruļu tīkls
law, h.rghts.act., social.sc.European Racism and Xenophobia Information NetworkEiropas Rasisma un ksenofobijas informācijas tīkls
fin.European senior service networkEiropas Vecāko ekspertu pakalpojumu tīkls
commun.European Telecommunications Network Operators' AssociationEiropas Telesakaru tīklu operatoru asociācija
ITEuropean Union Agency for Network and Information SecurityEiropas Savienības Tīklu un informācijas drošības aģentūru
obs., ITEuropean Union Agency for Network and Information SecurityEiropas Tīklu un informācijas drošības aģentūra
comp., MSextended networkpaplašinātais tīkls (The people in someone's network - their Messenger and profile contacts - plus the profile contacts of people in their network)
comp., MSexternal network numberārējais tīkla numurs (A 4-byte hexadecimal number used for addressing and routing purposes on NetWare networks. The external network number is associated with physical network adapters and networks)
crim.law., immigr.facilitation networknelegālas imigrācijas tīkls
account., polit., agric.Farm Accountancy Data Networklauku saimniecību grāmatvedības datu tīkls
econ.farm accountancy data networklauku saimniecību grāmatvedības datu tīkls
crim.law., fin.Financial Intelligence Units NetworkES finanšu izlūkošanas vienību tīkls
lawFirst Response NetworkPirmās reakcijas tīkls
polit.Forward planning, studies and academic networksIepriekšējās plānošanas, pētījumu un akadēmisko tīklu nodaļa
gen.Forward planning, studies and academic networksE1 nodaļa
immigr.Frontex Risk Analysis NetworkFrontex riska analīzes tīkls
environ.gas network Interconnected system of pipes for the distribution and supply of gasgāzes cauruļvadu tīkls
h.rghts.act.Genocide NetworkEiropas sakaru punktu tīkls attiecībā uz personām, kas atbildīgas par genocīdu, noziegumiem pret cilvēci un kara noziegumiem
health.Global Allergy and Asthma European NetworkEiropas vispārējais alerģijas un astmas pētniecības tīkls
environ.Green Diplomacy NetworkZaļās diplomātijas tīkls
comp., MSGroup Ad-hoc Networkgrupas ekspromta tīkls (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
comp., MSGSM networkGSM tīkls (A network used by phones that have SIM cards)
commun.GÉANT networkEiropas akadēmiskais multigigabitu tīkls
commun.GÉANT pan-European NetworkEiropas akadēmiskais multigigabitu tīkls
comp., MShidden networkslēpts tīkls (A Wi-Fi network that does not broadcast its name. Its name is a unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network)
comp., MShome networkmājas tīkls (Home devices that are connected together. A home network consists of a home computer or home server that controls other (non-computer) devices such as lighting, media services, appliances, etc. A home network can include a home computer network)
environ.hydrographic network The configuration or arrangement in plan view of the natural stream courses in an area. It is related to local geologic and geomorphologic features and history. Synonym: drainage patternhidrogrāfiskais tīkls
environ.ILCD Data NetworkStarptautiskā aprites cikla datu atsauces sistēmas ILCD datu tīkls
crim.law., immigr.illegal immigration networknelegālas imigrācijas tīkls
immigr.Information and Coordination Networkdalībvalstu migrācijas pārvaldes dienestu informācijas un koordinācijas tīkls
gen.Information and Coordination Networkinformācijas un koordinācijas tīkls
immigr.Information and Coordination Network for Member States' Migration Management Servicesdalībvalstu migrācijas pārvaldes dienestu informācijas un koordinācijas tīkls
immigr.Information and Coordination Network for Member States’ Migration Management ServicesInformācijas un koordinācijas tīkls dalībvalstu migrācijas pārvaldes dienestiem
gen.Information and Coordination Network for Member States' Migration Management Servicesinformācijas un koordinācijas tīkls
environ.information network A system of interrelated persons and/or devices linked to permit the exchange of data or knowledgeinformācijas tīkls
econ.information networkinformācijas tīkls
comp., MSinfrared network connectioninfrasarkanais tīkla savienojums (A direct or incoming network connection to a remote access server using an infrared port)
obs., transp.Innovation and Networks Executive AgencyEiropas Transporta tīkla izpildaģentūra
comp., MSIntegrated Services Digital NetworkIntegrētais pakalpojumu cipartīkls (A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet access)
econ.interactive networkmijdarbīgais tīkls
law, econ.Internal Market Problem Solving Networkiekšējā tirgus problēmu risināšanas tīkls
gen.International Network on Conflict and FragilityStarptautiskais Konfliktu un nestabilitātes pārvarēšanas tīkls
environ.International Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data NetworkStarptautiskā aprites cikla datu atsauces sistēmas ILCD datu tīkls
comp., MSlocal area networklokālais tīkls (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
econ.local area networklokālais tīkls
immigr.Mediterranean Coastal Patrol NetworkVidusjūras Krasta apsardzes tīkls
comp., MSmetered networkmērāms tīkls (A mobile broadband or other network for which the provider bills according to data used, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
comp., MSmetropolitan area networkpilsēttīkls (A highspeed network that can carry voice, data, and images at up to 200 Mbps or faster over distances of up to 75 km. Based on the network architecture, the transmission speed can be higher for shorter distances. A MAN, which can include one or more LANs as well as telecommunications equipment such as microwave and satellite relay stations, is smaller than a wide area network but generally operates at a higher speed)
comp., MSMicrosoft Developer NetworkMicrosoft izstrādātāju tīkls (A Microsoft Web site (and subscription program) that provides developers with the latest tools as well as information, code samples, and training materials for Microsoft development tools. ( http://msdn.microsoft.com))
commun.mobile communications networkmobilo sakaru tīkls
commun., industr.mobile network coremobilais pamattīkls
environ.monitoring network Interconnected group of monitoring stations for the surveillance of pollutionmonitoringa tīkls
comp., MSmulticast-enabled networkmultiraidei iespējots tīkls (A network that has routers that can interpret Class D IP addresses)
commun.Multi-Gigabit European Academic NetworkEiropas akadēmiskais multigigabitu tīkls
environ.municipal heating network System of heating all houses in a urban district from a central source (as from hot springs in Iceland or by cooling water from a power station)pilsētas siltumapgādes tīkls
environ.Natura 2000 networksaskaņots Eiropas ekoloģiskais tīkls
environ.Natura 2000 networkNatura 2000 tīkls
comp., MSNetwork Access ProtectionTīkla piekļuves aizsardzība (A set of operating system components that can help protect access to a private network by enforcing health policies. System administrators establish health policies which NAP enforces by inspecting and assessing the health of client computers, restricting network access when client computers are deemed noncompliant, and remediating noncompliant client computers for full network access. NAP also provides ongoing health compliance enforcement while a client computer is connected to a network)
comp., MSnetwork access servertīkla piekļuves serveris (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
comp., MSnetwork adaptertīkla adapteris (An expansion card or other device used to provide network access to a computer or other device, such as a printer. Mediates between the computer and physical media, such as cabling, over which transmissions travel)
comp., MSnetwork address translationtīkla adrešu translēšana (An Internet Protocol (IP) translation process that allows a network with private addresses to access information on the Internet)
comp., MSnetwork administratortīkla administrators (A person responsible for planning, configuring, and managing the day-to-day operation of the network)
comp., MSNetwork and Sharing CenterTīkla un koplietošanas centrs (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
comp., MSNetwork AwarenessTīkla apzinātājs (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
comp., MSnetwork basic input/output systemtīkla pamata ievadizvades sistēma (An application programming interface (API) that can be used by programs on a local area network (LAN). NetBIOS provides programs with a uniform set of commands for requesting the lower-level services required to manage names, conduct sessions, and send datagrams between nodes on a network)
comp., MSnetwork bridgetīkla tilts (Software or hardware that connects two or more networks so that they can communicate, and that operates at the data-link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model)
comp., MSnetwork card drivertīkla kartes draiveris (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
comp., MSNetwork CenterTīkla centrs (A control panel that provides the status of your network and access to networking activities)
energ.ind.network codetīkla kodekss
commun., ITnetwork congestiontīkla pārblīve
comp., MSnetwork control blocktīkla vadības bloks (NetBIOS data structures that contain information about the command to perform an optional post routine, an optional event handle, and a pointer to a buffer that is used for messages or other data)
comp., MSNetwork Diagnostics FrameworkTīkla diagnostikas struktūra (A framework designed to reduce the overhead required of network administrators and computer users to handle some common network issues as they occur)
comp., MSNetwork Diagramtīkla shēma (A diagram that shows dependencies between project tasks. Tasks are represented by boxes, or nodes, and task dependencies are represented by lines that connect the boxes)
comp., MSnetwork drivetīkla disks (On a local area network (LAN), a drive that other computers on the network can connect to. A network drive allows people to access shared files and folders)
gen.Network-Enabled Capabilitysakaru tīklu spējas
comp., MSNetwork ExplorerTīkla pārlūks (A utility in Windows Vista that presents a view of all PCs, devices, and printers on the network, and is significantly faster and more reliable than My Network Places in Windows XP)
comp., MSnetwork gatewaytīkla vārteja (A device that connects networks using different communications protocols so that information can be passed from one network to the other. A network gateway both transfers information and converts it to a form that is compatible with the protocols being used by the receiving network)
agric.Network Group for the exchange and coordination of information concerning coexistence of genetically modified, conventional and organic cropsInformācijas apmaiņas un koordinācijas grupa jautājumos par ģenētiski modificēto, parasto un bioloģiski audzēto kultūraugu līdzāspastāvēšanu
comp., MSnetwork IDtīkla ID (A number used to identify the systems that are located on the same physical network bounded by routers. The network ID should be unique to the internetwork)
commun., ITnetwork industriestīklu nozares
polit.Network Infrastructure DeploymentTīkla infrastruktūras izvēršanas dienests
comp., MSnetwork interface layertīkla interfeisa slānis (A layer of the TCP/IP DARPA model that is responsible for placing TCP/IP packets on the network medium and receiving TCP/IP packets off the network medium. The network interface layer is also called the network access layer)
comp., MSnetwork inter-site policytīkla starpvietņu politika (Defines bandwidth limitations between sites that are directly linked within a call admission control (CAC) configuration)
commun., ITnetwork latencylatentums
comp., MSnetwork latencytīkla latentums (The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another)
IT, tech.network layertīkla slānis
comp., MSnetwork layertīkla slānis (Layer three of the OSI model. A layer that addresses messages and translates logical addresses and names into physical addresses. It also determines the route from the source to the destination computer and manages traffic problems, such as switching, routing, and controlling the congestion of data packets)
comp., MSNetwork Load Balancingtīkla slodzes līdzsvarošana (A Windows network component that uses a distributed algorithm to load-balance Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across a number of hosts, helping to enhance the scalability and availability of mission-critical, IP-based services, such as Remote Desktop Services, Web services, virtual private networking, and streaming media. It also provides high availability by detecting host failures and automatically redistributing traffic to the surviving hosts)
comp., MSnetwork location awareness servicetīkla vietas apzināšanas pakalpojums (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
comp., MSnetwork logonpieteikšanās tīklā (The process of logging on to a computer by means of a network. Typically, a user first interactively logs on to a local computer, then provides logon credentials to another computer on the network, such as a server, that he or she is authorized to use)
econ., ITnetwork moneytīklā pārskaitāma elektroniskā nauda
comp., MSNetwork Monitortīkla pārraugs (A packet capture and analysis tool used to view network traffic)
comp., MSnetwork namenosaukums tīklā (A resource that Exchange 2007 Setup assigns to a clustered mailbox server. This resource represents the network name of the clustered mailbox server)
comp., MSNetwork News Transfer Protocoltīkla jaunumu pārsūtīšanas protokols (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read)
comp., MSnetwork numbertīkla numurs (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
environ.Network of Diplomats and Experts on European Diplomacy on Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentZaļās diplomātijas tīkls
R&D.network of excellenceizcilības tīkls
econ.network of navigable waterwayskuģu satiksmes ceļu tīkls
lawNetwork of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European UnionEiropas Savienības Augstāko tiesu priekšsēdētāju tīkls
comp., MSnetwork placetīkla vieta (A folder on a Web server)
comp., MSnetwork policytīkla politika (A set of conditions, settings, and constraints that determine who can connect to a network. Network policy is configured by a network administrator)
comp., MSNetwork Policy Servertīkla politikas serveris (The Microsoft implementation of a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. In the NAP architecture, the NPS server includes the NAP administration server and the system health validator (SHV) components)
comp., MSNetwork Printer Installation WizardTīkla printera instalēšanas vednis (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
comp., MSnetwork profiletīkla profils (A profile that determines the network settings for the phone, and then activates or updates that phone)
comp., MSnetwork projectortīkla projektors (A projector that is connected to a network through a wired or wireless connection, rather than one that is connected directly to a computer)
comp., MSnetwork rangetīkla diapazons (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
comp., MSnetwork regionstīkla apgabali (The network hubs or backbones that are used in the configuration of call admission control, E9-1-1, and media bypass. They interconnect parts of a network across multiple geographic areas, and every network region must be associated with a central site)
transp., mil., grnd.forc.network safety rankingceļu tīkla drošības klasificēšana
comp., MSnetwork scannertīkla skeneris (A scanner that is not connected directly to a computer, but is instead connected directly to a network through a wired or wireless connection)
comp., MSnetwork security keytīkla drošības atslēga (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
econ.network servertīkla serveris
comp., MSnetwork service set identifiertīkla pakalpojumu kopas identifikators (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
comp., MSnetwork sitetīkla atrašanās vieta (A collections of subnets with similar bandwidth, for example, a branch office location, a set of buildings, or a campus)
comp., MSNetwork Store Interfacetīkla krātuves interfeiss (A service that is responsible for delivering kernel mode networking related notifications to user mode applications)
commun.network termination pointtīkla pieslēgumpunkts
commun., IT, tech.network topologytīkla topoloģija
comp., MSNetwork Traffic reporttīkla trafika atskaite (A DPS report that provides information about the impact of synchronization jobs on network traffic)
gen.network usertīkla lietotājs
scient.networking initiativetīklu veidošanas iniciatīva
el.operational network securitytīkla ekspluatācijas drošums
el.operational network securitydarbības drošība
comp., MSoperations networkdarbību tīkls (An organization of operations that synchronizes the dependencies between operations based on starting/ending times, costs, and other criteria. The organization forms a network that follows the manufacturing process from beginning to end. The three types of networks are simple network, simultaneous operations network, and complex network)
health., pharma.Paediatric medicines Regulators' NetworkPediatrijā lietojamo zāļu uzraudzības tīmeklis
comp., MSpeer-to-peer networkvienādranga tīkls (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
comp., MSperimeter networkperimetra tīkls (One or more computers that have a connection to the Internet through an external screening router and a connection to the internal network through an interior screening router. Computers that are linked to the perimeter network have limited access to both the Internet and the internal network. This architecture is convenient if multiple hosts require direct Internet access)
comp., MSPersonal Area NetworkPersonālais tīkls (A small, Internet Protocol (IP)-based network. It is usually used for short-range, ad-hoc communication between devices and computers. A PAN may also be used to enable connectivity to a larger Local Area Network (LAN), Wide-Area Network (WAN), or the Internet. Windows XP supports the Bluetooth PAN service so you can create Personal Area Networks using Bluetooth)
comp., MSprivate networkprivātais tīkls (A network within an organization that uses Internet technologies and protocols, but is available only to certain people, such as employees of a company)
comp., MSpublic networkpubliskais tīkls (A cluster network that supports client-to-cluster communication (either with or without supporting node-to-node communication))
commun.public switched telephone networkpubliskais komutējamais telefonu tīkls
gen.public switched telephone networktīkls PSTN
commun.radio access networkradiopiekļuves tīkls
obs., commun.radio access networkradiosakaru piekļuves tīkls
commun., ITRadio Local Area Networkbezvadu lokālais tīkls
commun., ITRadio Local Area NetworkWi-FI
commun., ITRadio Local Area NetworkRLAN
econ.rail networkdzelzceļu tīkls
environ.railway network The whole system of railway distribution in a countrydzelzceļa tīkls
environ.road network The system of roads through a countryceļu tīkls
econ.road networkceļu tīkls
gen.satellite networksatelīta tīkls
comp., MSSaved networksSaglabātie tīkli (A Control Panel item that allows the user to view saved networks and reconnect to them)
immigr.Schengen Consultation NetworkŠengenas Konsultāciju tīkls
crim.law., ITSecure Information Exchange Network Applicationdrošas informācijas apmaiņas tīkla lietojumprogramma
comp., MSsimple networkvienkāršs tīkls (A type of operations network in which one operation is started and completed before the next operation begins)
comp., MSSimple Network Management Protocolvienkāršais tīkla pārvaldības protokols (A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network)
ecol., energ.ind.smart energy networkvieds enerģētikas tīkls
ecol., energ.ind.smart energy networkenerģētikas viedtīkls
gen.smart energy networkviedtīkls
comp., MSsocial networksociālais tīkls (A network made of people or organizations linked by some type of social relationship)
comp., MSsocial networksabiedrisko sakaru tīkls (A network made of people or organizations linked by some type of social relationship)
ITsocial network servicesociālās tīklošanās pakalpojums
ITsocial network servicesociālās saziņas pakalpojums
social.sc., commun.social networkingsociālā tīklošanās
comp., MSsocial networkingsabiedrisko sakaru veidošana (The use of Web sites and services that provide enhanced information and interaction capabilities with regard to people and resources)
social.sc., commun.social networkingsabiedriskā tīklošanās
ITsocial networking servicesociālās tīklošanās pakalpojums
commun., ITsocial networking sitesabiedrisko sakaru veidošanas vietne
commun., ITsocial networking sitesociālās tīklošanās vietne
commun., ITsocial networking sitesocializācijas vietne
comp., MSsocial networking sitesabiedrisko sakaru veidošanas vietne (A site that provides social networking capabilities)
polit.Subsidiarity network, Europe 2020 Platform, Covenant of Mayors and EGTCSubsidiaritātes uzraudzības tīkla, stratēģijas "Eiropa 2020" īstenošanas uzraudzības foruma, Pilsētas mēru pakta un ETSG nodaļa
gen.Subsidiarity network, Europe 2020 Platform, Covenant of Mayors and EGTCE2 nodaļa
polit.Systems Network Engineering and ArchitectureSistēmu tīkla inženierijas un arhitektūras dienests
gen.telecommunications networkstelesakaru tīkli
commun.Telex Network of European CorrespondentsCOREU tīkls
transp.TEN-T Core Networkpamattīkls
energ.ind.Ten-Year Network Development Plantīkla attīstības desmit gadu plāns
ITTESTA II communication networkTESTA II saziņas tīkls
energ.ind.Trans-European Energy NetworkEiropas enerģētikas tīkls
commun., transp., energ.ind.trans-European networkEiropas komunikāciju tīkls
econ.trans-European networkEiropas komunikāciju tīkli
transp., construct.trans-European road networkEiropas ceļu tīkls
transp.Trans-European Transport TEN-T Core Networkpamattīkls
transp.trans-European transport networkTEN-T
transp.trans-European transport networkEiropas transporta tīkls
obs., transp.Trans-European Transport Network Executive AgencyEiropas Transporta tīkla izpildaģentūra
el.transmission networkpārvades sistēma
econ.transmission networkpārraides tīkls
gen.trans-national networkstarpvalstu tīkls
econ.transport networktransporta tīkls
energ.ind.upstream pipeline networkieguves un apstrādes stadijas cauruļvadu tīkls
comp., MSvalue-added network A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network servicespievienotās vērtības tīkls (VAN)
comp., MSvideo present networkvideo tīkls (A model that relates the video present sources on a display adapter to the video present targets on the adapter and specifies how those sources and targets are configured. It is an abstraction of the display adapter's presentational subsystem)
ITvirtual local area networkvirtuālais lokālais tīkls
comp., MSvirtual networkvirtuālais tīkls (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
commun., ITvirtual private networkvirtuāls privāts tīkls
comp., MSvirtual private networkvirtuālais privātais tīkls (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
immigr.Visa Inquiry Open-Border NetworkŠengenas Konsultāciju tīkls
commun.visited networkapmeklētais sakaru tīkls
comp., MSwide area networkplaša apgabala tīkls (A communications network connecting geographically separated computers, printers, and other devices. A WAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
environ.wide area network A system of interrelated computer and telecommunications devices linking two or more computers separated by a great distance for the exchange of electronic datateritoriālais tīkls
comp., MSWi-Fi networkingWi-Fi tīkls (A toggle switch that allows phone to access available Wi-Fi networks)
commun., ITwireless local area networkRLAN
commun., ITwireless local area networkWi-FI
commun., ITwireless local area networkbezvadu lokālais tīkls
comp., MSwireless network namebezvadu tīkla nosaukums (The name used to identify a wireless network)
comp., MSwireless network profilebezvadu tīkla profils (Information about a wireless network, such as the wireless network name, service set identifier (SSID), network adapter used to connect to the network, default icon, and default printer)
comp., MSwireless wide area networkbezvadu teritoriālais tīkls (A wireless network that connects geographically separated locations by using telecommunications services, such as satellite, radio, and mobile phone technologies)
obs.Working Party on the European Judicial NetworkEiropas Tiesiskās sadarbības tīkla jautājumu darba grupa
gen.Working Party on Transport - Intermodal Questions and NetworksTransporta jautājumu darba grupa – intermodālo pārvadājumu jautājumi un tīkli