
Terms for subject Microsoft containing software | all forms | exact matches only
antimalware softwareründevaratõrje tarkvara (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
antispyware softwarenuhkvaratõrje tarkvara (A general class of software used to detect spyware and sometimes remove it)
antivirus softwareviirusetõrjetarkvara (A computer program designed to detect and respond to malicious software, such as viruses and worms. Responses may include blocking user access to infected files, cleaning infected files or systems, or informing the user that an infected program was detected)
counterfeit softwarevõltsitud tarkvara (Software that a system builder does not obtain from an authorized distributor, or that a royalty OEM does not obtain from an authorized replicator. Counterfeit software usually has many of the following problems: missing drivers, missing documentation, viruses, bugs, and other defects. Installing legitimate Microsoft products helps ensure the quality of your products, prevents customer problems, and reduces requests for customer support)
Genuine Microsoft SoftwareEhtne Microsofti tarkvara (Software that is published by Microsoft, properly licensed, and fully supported by Microsoft or a trusted partner)
independent software vendorsõltumatu tarkvaratootja (A third-party software developer; an individual or an organization that independently creates computer software)
malicious softwareründetarkvara (Software that fulfills the deliberately harmful intent of an attacker when run)
Microsoft Software AssuranceMicrosofti tarkvarakindlustus (A program offering available to Microsoft volume licensing customers that combines the right to use the latest versions of software with a range of other benefits, including productivity benefits, phone support, tools, partner services, training and IT tools that help customers deploy, manage, and migrate software)
Microsoft Software License TermsMicrosofti tarkvara litsentsitingimused (A legal agreement between Microsoft and the user, with regard to the terms of use and transfer of software)
Microsoft Windows Software ExplorerMicrosoft Windowsi tarkvarauurija (A tool in Windows Defender that can be to used change how a program runs on the computer if the program is causing a problem)
monitoring softwarejälgimistarkvara (Software that monitors activity, such as keystrokes or screen images. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a threat if they are unexpected)
remote control softwarekaugreguleerimise tarkvara (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
software asset managementtarkvaravahendite haldus (A best practice incorporating a set of proven processes and procedures for managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization, and disposal of software applications within an organization. SAM practice helps to manage risk from counterfeit as well as improperly licensed software)
software bundlertarkvara komplekteerija (A program that installs other potentially unwanted software, such as adware or spyware. The license agreement of the bundling program may require these other components in order to function)
software decodertarkvaraline dekooder (A type of digital video disc () decoder that allows a DVD drive to display movies on your computer screen. A software decoder uses only software to display movies)
Software Licensing Commerce ClientTarkvara litsentsimise kommertsklient (A service or feature of Windows that enables licensing at the feature level; thereby broadening the distribution and licensing options for retailers, ISVs, and OEMs. New business models may include: trials, subscriptions, gifting, transfers, or pay-for-use)
Software Licensing ServiceTarkvara litsentsimisteenus (A service which provides an infrastructure that enforces a software license policy based on trusted platform module; thus, enabling secure licensing to, and only to, the license holder)
Software Plus ServicesTarkvara pluss teenused (A business model which blends locally installed, full-package software with Internet-delivered or hosted applications)
software protectiontarkvarakaitse (The process of protecting data from loss or corruption by preventing installation of driver software from untrusted sources)
software routertarkvaraline marsruuter (A router that is not dedicated to performing routing, but performs routing as one of multiple processes running on the router computer)
Software + ServicesTarkvara + teenused (A business model which blends locally installed, full-package software with Internet-delivered or hosted applications)
software updatetarkvaravärskendus (Any update, update rollup, service pack, feature pack, critical update, security update, or hotfix used to improve or fix a software product released by Microsoft Corporation)
software upgradetäiend (A software package that replaces an existing version of a product with a newer and/or more powerful or sophisticated version of the same product. The upgrade process typically leaves existing customer data and preferences intact while replacing the existing software with the newer version)
unwanted softwaresoovimatu tarkvara (A software that was installed on the system without user's consent)
Windows 7 software logoWindows 7 tarkvara logo (Logo assigned to the software products that have passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7)