
Terms for subject Energy industry containing performance | all forms | exact matches only
coefficient of performancesoojustegur
coefficient of performancekasutustegur
energy performancehoone energiatõhusus
energy performance contractingenergiatõhususe leping
energy performance of a buildinghoone energiatõhusus
Energy Performance of Buildings Directivehoonete energiatõhususe direktiiv
EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildingshoonete energiatõhususe direktiiv
European Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildingshoonete energiatõhususe direktiiv
European Energy Performance of Buildings Directivehoonete energiatõhususe direktiiv
performance energy ratiosoojustegur
performance energy ratiokasutustegur
Seasonal Coefficient of Performancehooajaline kasutustegur