
Terms containing note | all forms | exact matches only
gen."A" item noteA-punkti märkus
transp., avia.air consignment notelennusaateleht
comp., MSApplication Noterakenduse artikkel (A technical article, written and distributed by Microsoft, that provides additional information about a Microsoft product or a fix for a known issue. May include a disk that contains new software, documentation, or sample files)
work.fl., commun.bottom notejoonealune märkus
work.fl., commun.bottom noteallmärkus
comp., MSbusiness noteäriline märkus (An Outlook item that can be attached to a record's history log. Typically a note contains information regarding a conversation with a customer or other people in the company they work for)
comp., MSClear NoteKustuta märge (An item on the user's My Status menu that deletes the user's current status note)
comp., MSconversation notevestluse märkus (A note you type on the Notes tab of a conversation window to potentially be forwarded along with the call and saved in the call history)
gen.cover notesaatemärkused
fin.credit linked notekrediidiriski vahetustehingut sisaldav võlakiri
obs., fin.credit linked notekrediidiriski ülekandetehingut sisaldav võlakiri
comp., MScredit notekreeditarve (An invoice with a negative amount)
comp., MSdelivery notetarneteade (A business document that documents the delivery of products between two parties)
environ.dispatch notelaadimisteatis
lawexchange of notesteadete vahetamine
fish.farm.first sales noteesmamüügi teatis
fish.farm.first sales notemüügiteatis
fish.farm.first sales noteesmakokkuostu kviitung
polit."I" item noteI-punkti märkus
gen."I/A" item noteI/A-punkti märkus
gen.information notekirjalik teave
gen.information notemärkus
comp., MSinterest noteviivisearve (A source document that documents an interest payment obligation)
ITlayman's summary notelühikokkuvõte
obs., ITlayman's summary notekokkuvõte kodanikele
fin.multiple name credit linked notemitme emitendi võlainstrumentide krediidiriski vahetustehingut sisaldav võlakiri
comp., MSnote boardmärkuste tahvel (An area for storing comments about a Web page. A note board can appear on a Web page or in a separate dialog box. The notes can be viewed, managed, and shared by using My Site)
comp., MSnote containermärgete ümbris (A flexible bounding box that contains the notes that you type or paste on a page)
ed.note downnoteerima (üles tähendama, märkmeid tegema, nt probleemse kasvandiku käitumise või tegevuse kohta)
comp., MSnote tagmärkmesilt (A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease)
comp., MSnote-taking toolmärkmete tegemise tööriist (A feature that enables users to capture notes, such as text, images, audio, video and Web content)
gen.Note Verbaleverbaalnoot
comp., MSNotes E-mailed To MeMulle saadetud märkmed (The name of a folder that contains any .one files that have been sent to you as an e-mail message attachment)
comp., MSpersonal noteisiklik märkus (A text note provided by a user that is displayed along with his or her presence status)
comp., MSPost a notePostita märkus (The link someone clicks to leave a brief note on someone else's profile)
bank., fin.promissory notelihtveksel
comp., MSpromissory notevõlatäht (A source document that documents an agreement between two parties based on an understanding that one party will commit to paying the other party at a specified time or on demand)
fish.farm.sales noteesmamüügi teatis
fish.farm.sales noteesmakokkuostu kviitung
fish.farm.sales notemüügiteatis
comp., MSsecure noteturvaline märkus (Any information (e.g. account numbers, sensitive data, etc) with a title and some free-form text that can be stored in a secure manner in a personal vault)
comp., MSSet Note...Sea märkus … (The item on the user's My Status menu that enables the user to type a note that will appear as part of his status)
fin.single name credit linked noteühe emitendi võlainstrumendi krediidiriski vahetustehingut sisaldav võlakiri
gen.Staff Noteteatis personalile
gen.Staff Notepersonalile saadetav teatis
comp., MStagged notesildistatud üksus (A OneNote item that has been marked with a note tag)
comp., MSthank you notetänusõnum (A note or email message sent to a person to thank them for something received, or for a meeting)
h.rghts.act.UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender IdentityÜRO Pagulaste Ülemvoliniku Ameti juhend, mis käsitleb pagulaste väiteid nende seksuaalse sättumuse ja soolise identiteedi kohta
comp., MSvoice notehäälsõnum (A note that contains recorded information)
fin.zero-rated notenullkupongvõlakiri