
Terms containing cattle | all forms | exact matches only
environ.agriculture and cattle industry Large scale growing of crops and livestock grazing for profitpõllumajanduslik suurtootmine
environ.beef cattle Cattle bred for the production of meatlihaveised
anim.husb.beef cattle conformationliha juurdekasv
econ., agric.cattle breedingveisekasvatus
environ.extensive cattle farming Farming system practiced in very large farms, characterized by low levels of inputs per unit area of land; in such situations the stocking rate, the number of livestock units per area , is lowekstensiivne loomakasvatus
health., anim.husb.haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattlehemorraagiline septitseemia
agric.live cattleelusveis
agric.live cattleeluskari
health., anim.husb.pasteurellosis of cattlehemorraagiline septitseemia
gen.rearing cattleKarjakasvatus
health., anim.husb.theileriosis of cattleveiste teilerioos (nosogenum:Theileria parva, theileriasis, theileriosis)