
Terms containing Fingerprint | all forms | exact matches only
int. law.Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systemsõrmejälgede automaatse tuvastamise süsteem
int. law.Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systemsõrmejälgede automatiseeritud identifitseerimise süsteem
int. law.Automatic Fingerprint Identification SystemAFIS
comp., MSdigital fingerprintdigitaalne sõrmejälg (A long, random-looking string of letters and numbers (with punctuation marks for readability) that is used to authenticate the real-world identities of Groove contacts you see in workspaces and contact lists)
nat.sc.fingerprint datasõrmejälgede andmed
comp., MSfingerprint readersõrmejäljelugeja (An authentication device that digitally scans an individual's fingerprint, records the unique pattern of the individual's ridges and valleys, and determines if the pattern matches the pattern of the person who has access permission to a particular device, such as a computer or a phone, or to a Web site)
gen.latent fingerprint imagelatentne sõrmejälg
comp., MSWindows Fingerprint Credential ProviderWindowsi sõrmejälgede mandaadipakkuja (The Windows component that provides fingerprint information that is used to gain access to local and network resources)