
Terms for subject Law containing Committee | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on Procurement and Contractshangete ja lepingute nõuandekomitee
advisory procedure committeenõuandemenetluse komitee
appeal committeeapellatsioonikomitee
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorismrahapesu tõkestamise meetmeid hindav eksperdikomitee
Committee of the RegionsEuroopa Liidu Regioonide Komitee
Committee of the Regions of the European UnionRegioonide Komitee
Committee of the Regions of the European UnionEuroopa Liidu Regioonide Komitee
Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rightsõigusküsimuste ja inimõiguste komitee
Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financingrahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise tõkestamise komitee
Committee on the Rights of the ChildLapse Õiguste Komitee
committee procedurekomiteemenetlus
Economic and Financial Committee Alternatesmajandus- ja rahanduskomitee asendusliikmed
ESS CommitteeEuroopa statistikasüsteemi komitee
European Statistical System CommitteeEuroopa statistikasüsteemi komitee
EU/Switzerland Mixed CommitteeEL-Šveitsi ühiskomitee
examination procedure committeekontrollimenetluse komitee
management committeekorralduskomitee
OLAF Supervisory Committee European Anti-fraud OfficeEuroopa Pettustevastase Ameti järelevalvekomitee
regulatory committeeregulatiivkomitee
Regulatory Procedure with Scrutiny Committeekontrolliga regulatiivmenetluse komitee
Scientific Committee for Foodtoidu teaduskomitee
Scientific Committee on Foodtoidu teaduskomitee
Scientific Committee on Medicinal Products and Medical Devicesravimite ja meditsiiniseadmete teaduskomitee
Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measuresrahapesu tõkestamise meetmeid hindav eksperdikomitee
Supervisory Committee of the European Anti-Fraud OfficeEuroopa Pettustevastase Ameti järelevalvekomitee