
Terms for subject Microsoft containing 3-D | all forms | in specified order only
3-D column chartRuumiline tulpdiagramm (A column chart subtype that compares data points along two axes)
3-D effectruumiline efekt (A diagramming capability that shows charts in three dimensions)
3-D referenceruumiline viide (A reference to a range that spans two or more worksheets in a workbook)
3-D walls and floorruumilised seinad ja põhi (The areas surrounding many 3-D chart types that give dimension and boundaries to the chart. Two walls and one floor are displayed within the plot area)
scene-coherent 3-Dtegevuspaigaga seotud ruumilisus (The camera angles and light settings that you can use to control the orientation, shadow, and perspective for grouped shapes)
Windows Flip 3DWindowsi 3D-lappamine (A feature that allows users to use the scroll wheel on their mouse to flip through open windows in a stack, and quickly locate and select the one they want to work with)