
Terms for subject Environment containing table | all forms | exact matches only
pollution of the water tablevervuiling van het grondwatervlak
pollution of the water tableverontreiniging van het grondwater
surrendered allowances tabletabel met ingeleverde emissierechten
vibration tabletrillingstafel
water table Water that occupies pores, cavities, cracks and other spaces in the crustal rocks. It includes water precipitated from the atmosphere which has percolated through the soil, water that has risen from deep magmatic sources liberated during igneous activity and fossil water retained in sedimentary rocks since their formation. The presence of groundwater is necessary for virtually all weathering processes to operate. Phreatic water is synonymous with groundwater and is the most important source of any water supplyfreatisch water
water table protection Water table is inherently susceptible to contamination from landuse activities. Remediation is very expensive and often impractical. Prevention of contamination is therefore critical in effective groundwater managementhandhaving van de waterstanden
water table protectionhandhaving van de waterstanden
water-table replenishmentaanvulling van het grondwater