
Terms for subject Environment containing service | all forms | exact matches only
building service The aggregation of services, including construction, development, maintenance and leasing, performed for human-occupied properties, such as office buildings and apartment housestechnische voorzieningen van gebouwen
building servicetechnische voorzieningen van gebouwen
CD-ROM search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on an electronic storage medium, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clientsCd-rom zoekdienst
Committee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsComité voor de aanpassing aan de vooruitgang van de techniek en voor de toepassing van de richtlijn betreffende de beheersing van de uitstoot van vluchtige organische stoffen VOS als gevolg van de opslag van benzine en de distributie van benzine vanaf terminals naar benzinestations
debt service The fees or amount of money necessary to pay interest on an outstanding debt, the principal of maturing serial bonds, and the required contributions to an amortization or sinking fund for term bondsrentebetaling
disaster control service Work done or agency established to analyze, plan, assign and coordinate available resources in order to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from damage caused by an ecological calamity, natural or human in originrampenbestrijdingsdienst
disaster control servicerampenbestrijdingsdienst
ecosystem serviceecosysteemdienst
energy serviceenergiedienst
Environment and Consumer Protection ServiceDienst milieuzaken en consumentenbelangen
environmental goods and services industryeco-industrie
environmental goods and services industrymilieu-industrie
fire service Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their preventionbrandweer
fire servicebrandweer
goods and services The total of economic assets, including both physical or storable objects and intangible acts of human assistancegoederen en diensten
goods and serviceswaren/goederen en diensten
green servicegroene dienst
health service The supply of health care to the publicgezondheidsdienst
information service An organized system of providing assistance or aid to individuals who are seeking information, such as by using databases and other information sources to communicate or supply knowledge or factual datainformatiedienst
information serviceinformatiedienst
inspection service An organization designated to look into, supervise and report upon, the staff members and workings of some institution or department, or the conforming to laws and regulations by a segment of society or other groupkeuringsdienst
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Servicesintergouvernementeel platform voor wetenschap en beleid inzake biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesIPBES
internet search service The provision of special aid by library staff trained to query bibliographic or other information contained on the Internet, a large distributed electronic system, usually to meet the research needs of the library's clientsInternetzoekoptie
internet search serviceInternetzoekopdrachtdienst
internet service providerInternetprovider
laundry servicewasserij
library servicebibliotheekwetenschap
library service The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clientsbibliotheekdienst
library servicebibliotheekdienst
local passenger serviceplaatselijk openbaar vervoer
local passenger service Passenger transport system for a limited local areaplaatselijk openbaar vervoer
municipal cleansing service Removal for treatment or disposal of those residues that can be regarded as waste including removal of litter from public places, public thoroughfares or the countrysidegemeentereinigingsdienst
municipal cleansing servicegemeentereinigingsdienst
natural resources serviceecosysteemfunctie
net service of retaining CO2netto resultaat/profijt van het vastleggen van CO2
occupational health servicesbedrijfsgezondheidszorg
on-line serviceon-linedienstverlening
on-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications networkon-linedienstverlening
on-line service Service providing an active connection with a communications networkon-linedienst
Permanent Liaison Group of North Sea Investigative ServicesPermanente Kontaktgroep Opsporingsdiensten Noordzee
public servicenutsbedrijf
public serviceoverheidsdienst
public service An enterprise concerned with the provision to the public of essentials, such as electricity or waternutsbedrijf
reference service The provision of aid by library staff trained to interpret library materials and library organizational structures to meet the informational, educational, cultural, recreational or research needs of the library's clientsreferentiedienst
reference servicerefentiedienst
rescue service Service organized to provide immediate assistance to persons injured or in distressreddingsdienst
service areadienstverleningsgebied
service areawegrestaurant met bezinestation
service areavan zender bereik
service area The area served by a particular public facility such as school, library, police station, park, etc.dienstverleningsgebied
service industrydienstverleningsbedrijf
service industrydienstverlenende sector
service occupationdienstverlenende activiteit
service reservoirreinwaterreservoir
services providing companydienstverlenende bedrijvigheid
social servicemv. sociale voorzieningen
social serviceliefdadig werk
social servicesociale dienstverlening
social service Welfare activities organized by the state or a local authority and carried out by trained personnelsociale dienstverlening
social service Welfare activities organized by the state or a local authority and carried out by trained personnelsociale dienst