
Terms containing printer | all forms | exact matches only
ITbidirectional printer %RF Falkner:Microcomputer Lex.,1982tweerichtingsdrukker
commun.combination printer/fax machinefax/printercombinatie
IT, dat.proc.to customize a printer drivereen printerdriver aanpassen
IT, dat.proc.forward jump of the printer headsprong voorwaarts van de printerkop
IT, dat.proc.generic printer drivergenerieke printerdriver
industr., construct.laser printer paperlaserpapier
IT, dat.proc.to lower the printer headde printerkop vooruit zetten
ITmultilingual printer driverdriver voor meertalige printers
comp., MSNetwork Printer Installation Wizardwizard Netwerkprinter installeren (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
commun.printer and booksellerboekhandelaar-drukker
commun.printer and publisherdrukker-uitgever
IT, dat.proc.printer bufferbuffergeheugen van de printer
IT, dat.proc.printer configurationprinterinstallatie
IT, dat.proc.printer configurationprinterdefinitie
ITprinter control circuitbesturingseenheid voor een afdrukeenheid
IT, dat.proc.printer control codeprintcode
IT, dat.proc.printer conversion tableprinterconversietabel
IT, dat.proc.printer deactivationuitschakelen van het printen
IT, dat.proc.printer definitionprinterdefinitie
IT, dat.proc.printer definitionprinterinstallatie
IT, dat.proc.printer driverprinterbesturingsbestand
comp., MSprinter driverprinterstuurprogramma (The device that communicates between your software program and your printer)
IT, dat.proc.printer driver fileprinterbesturingsbestand
IT, industr.printer elementdrukkam
IT, dat.proc.printer fontprinterlettertype
IT, dat.proc.printer fontprinterfont
comp., MSprinter fontprinterlettertype (A font residing in or intended for a printer. Font cartridges are available for laser printers that allow your printer print additional fonts. Printer fonts are distinct from screen fonts, which are designed for displaying text on a computer)
ITprinter gateafdrukpoort
el.printer imagerbeeldgenerator voor drukkers
IT, dat.proc.printer initializationprinterdefinitie
IT, dat.proc.printer initializationprinterinstallatie
market., ITprinter layoutlijstbeeld
market., ITprinter layoutafdrukbeeld
ITprinter limitedafdrukmachine-afhankelijk
comp., MSPrinter MigrationPrintermigratie (A tool that allows moving (copying) print queues, settings, drivers, forms and spooler settings from one machine to another machine that has the same or a newer version of Windows)
ITprinter outletprinteruitgang
IT, dat.proc.printer outputuitvoer naar de printer
industr.printer paperprinterpapier
IT, dat.proc.printer pauseprintpauze
comp., MSprinter permissionsprintermachtigingen (Permissions that specify the type of access that a user or group has to a printer. The printer permissions are Print, Manage Printers, and Manage Documents)
ITprinter portprinterpoort
commun., lab.law.printer-publisher and booksellerboekdrukker uitgever
IT, dat.proc.printer resolutionprinterresolutie
patents.printer ribbonslint voor printers
med.printer's asthmadrukkersastma
commun.printer's colophonboekdrukkersmerk
polygr., model.Printer's Devicedrukkersmerk
commun.printer's errordrukfout
cultur., commun.printer's errorzetfout
commun., ITprinter's imprintcolofon
commun.printer's markdrukkermark
arts.printer's markdrukkersmerk
comp., MSprinter's marksprintermarkeringen (marks printed outside the printable area on each page of your publication to help you or your commercial printing service trim, align, and control color in your publication)
industr.printer's metalletterspijs
industr.printer's metallood
industr.printer's metallettermetaal
health.printer's palsydrukkersverlamming door antimoonintoxicatie
gen.printer's proofdrukproef
gen.printer's rolldrukrol
industr., construct., chem.printer's rubbing brushrubberschaaf
ITprinter serverprinterserver
commun.printer slotterdruksleufmachine
ITprinter speeddruksnelheid
patents.printer stands and traysprinterstellingen en -bakken
ITprinter tapeafdrukband
comp., MSPrinter windowprintervenster (A window that shows information about any pending print jobs for the printer. For each printer you have installed or to which you are connected, you can view information such as how many documents are waiting to be printed, who owns them, and how large they are. Also called the queue view)
ITtape-to-printer routinemagneetband-afdrukprogramma
IT, nat.sc.thermal printer headthermische drukkop
IT, earth.sc.thermal printer headthermische afdrukkop
patents.universal printer standsuniversele printerstandaarden
IT, dat.proc.upward jump of the printer headterugspringen van printerkop
comp., MSvirtual printer memoryvirtueel printergeheugen (In a PostScript printer, a part of memory that stores font information. The memory in PostScript printers is divided into two areas: banded memory and virtual memory. The banded memory contains graphics and page-layout information needed to print your documents. The virtual memory contains any font information that is sent to your printer either when you print a document or when you download fonts)
cultur., commun.yellow printer negativenegatieve geeldrukker
cultur., commun.yellow printer positivepositieve geeldrukker