
Terms for subject Medical containing covering | all forms | exact matches only
bacterial covering membranecelwand van een bacterie
below a tough outer coveringsubcapsulair
to cover a soreeen wond bedekken
cover cell tumormesothelioma
cover cell tumormesothelioom
cover cell tumorcoelothelioma
cover-glass culturedekglasmethode
covering cellsdekcel
covering diseasedourine (exanthema coitale paralyticum)
covering diseaseexanthema coitale paralyticum
covering diseaseboosaardige dekziekte (exanthema coitale paralyticum)
covering of brain and spinal chorddura mater
covering of internal and external body surfacesepitheel
outer covering of the proprietary medicinal productbestanddeel dat aan de farmaceutische specialiteit zijn farmaceutische vorm geeft
under the white of the eye coveringsubconjunctivaal