
Terms for subject Environment containing chain | all forms | exact matches only
catalytic destruction chainkatalytische destructiecyclus
chain-and-flight collecting mechanismkettingschraper
chain-and-flight collecting mechanismkettingruimer
chain management The administration, organization and planning for the flow of materials or merchandise through various stages of production and distribution, involving a network of vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and other trading partnersketenbeheer
chain managementketenbeheer
concentration in the successive links in the food chainophoping in de successieve schakels van de voedselketen
concentration in the successive links in the food chainconcentratie in de successieve schakels van de voedselketen
concentration of pollutants in the food chainopeenhoping van schadelijke stoffen in de voedselketen
food chainvoedselketen
food chain A sequence of organisms on successive trophic levels within a community, through which energy is transferred by feeding; energy enters the food chain during fixation by primary producers (mainly green plants) and passes to the herbivores (primary consumers) and then to the carnivores (secondary and tertiary consumers)voedselketen
food chainvoedingsketen
integrated chain managementintegraal ketenbeheer
monitoring of radioactive contamination of the food chaintoezicht op de radioactieve besmetting van de voedselketen
pollution chainketen van vervuilers
short-chain chlorinated paraffinkortketenige gechloreerde paraffine
short-chain chlorinated paraffingechloreerde paraffine met een korte keten
timber producing chain All interrelated steps of the lumber manufacturing process including tree felling, the removal of tops, branches and bark, the piling and sawing of logs, and the transportation and loading of finished boards or other productshoutproductieketen
timber producing chainhoutproductieketen
transfer coefficient in the food chaincoëfficient van overdracht in de voedselketen
trophic chainvoedingsketen
trophic chainvoedselketen