
Terms for subject Environment containing The Reports | all forms
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changeevaluatierapport van de Intergouvernementele Werkgroep inzake klimaatverandering
Committee on the standardisation and rationalisation of reports on the implementation of certain directives relating to the environmentComité inzake standaardisering en rationalisering van de verslagen over de toepassing van bepaalde richtlijnen op milieugebied
Report on the Environmental Dimensionrapport "De Milieudimensie"
report on the state of the environmentmilieurapport
report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regionmilieurapport
report on the state of the environmentState of the Environment Report overzichtsrapport van de stand van zaken wat het milieu betreft
report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entityverslag uitbrengen aan de Minister
report to the ministerrapportage aan de minister