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Terms containing Technology Integrated | all forms
IT, nat.sc.computer integrated technologycomputer-geïntegreerde technologie
IT, tech., R&D.computer-integrated technologiescomputergeïntegreerde technologieën
IThybrid integrated electro-optic technologyhybride geïntegreerde elektro-optische techniek
environ.integrated environmental protection technologyintegrale milieubehoudsstechnologie
environ.integrated environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Integrated environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a processgeïntegreerde milieubeschermingstechnologie
environ.integrated environmental protection technologygeïntegreerde milieubeschermingstechnologie
IT, polit.Integrated Mediterranean Programme for Information Technologygeïntegreerd mediterraan programma voor de informatietechnologie