
Terms for subject Medical containing Artery | all forms | exact matches only
artery and vein-relatedarterioveneus
artery of Adamkiewiczarterie van Adamkiewicz (ramus spinalis arteriae vertebralis)
artery of Adamkiewiczarteria radicularis magna (ramus spinalis arteriae vertebralis)
artery X-rayarteriografie
axillary arteryarteria axillaris
axillary arteryokselslagader
balloon-flotation pulmonary artery catheterSwan-Ganz-kathether
carotid arteryhalsslagader (arteria carotis)
catheterisation of the umbilical arterycatheterisatie van de navelarterie
catheterisation of the umbilical arterycatheterisatie van de arteria umbilicalis
catheterization of the umbilical arterycatheterisatie van de navelarterie
catheterization of the umbilical arterycatheterisatie van de arteria umbilicalis
central retinal artery thrombosistrombose van de centrale arterie van de retina (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)
cerebral arterieshersenslagaders
cerebral arteriesarteriae cerebri
cerebral arteriesarteriae cerebrales
cerebral artery strokehersenstaminfarct (infarctus trunci encephali)
Charcot arteryarterie van Charcot (arteria lenticulostriata)
Charcot arteryarteria lenticulostriata
Chaussier great muscular arteryarteria van Chaussier
complete basilar artery occlusionhersenstaminfarct
constructive pericarditis of pulmonary arterysyndroom van Gouley
copper-wire arterycopperwire arteries
coronary arterykransslagader
coronary artery bypasscoronaire bypass
coronary-artery insufficiencyinsufficiëntia coronaria
coronary-artery insufficiencykransvateninsufficiëntie
coronary-artery insufficiencycoronaire insufficiëntie
coronary artery stenosiskransslagadervernauwing
coronary artery tonetonus van de kransslagaderen
deep artery of clitorisarteria profunda clitoridis
embolisation of the external carotid artery branchesembolisatie van de takken van de a.carotis externa
embolization of the external carotid artery branchesembolisatie van de takken van de a.carotis externa
fixed coronary artery occlusive diseasepermanente afsluiting in een van de kransslagaders
hardening of the arteriesarteriosclerose
hemorrhagic arteryarteria lenticulostriata
hemorrhagic arteryarterie van Charcot (arteria lenticulostriata)
homoioplastic artery transplantarterieel homoeotransplantaat
homoioplastic artery transplanthomoplastisch arterieel transplantaat
homoioplastic artery transplanthomoioplastisch arterieel transplantaat
homoioplastic artery transplantisoplastisch arterieel transplantaat
inferior left colic arteriesarteriae sigmoideae
Konstantinowitsch arteryarterie van Konstantinowitsch
leg arteriesbeenarteriën (arteriae membri inferioris)
medial calcification of arteries of infantsinfantiele arteriosclerose
narrowing of the small arteriesvasoconstrictie
orbital arteryarteria zygomatico-orbitalis
orbito-frontal arteryarteria orbitofrontalis
ovarian arteriesarteriae ovaricae
parieto-occipital arteryarteria parieto-occipitalis
pericallous arteryarteria pericallosa
plantar artery of the tibial halluxarteria plantaris medialis van de grote teen (arteria plantaris medialis hallucis)
prerolandic arteryramus frontalis
pressure of the central retinal arterybloeddruk in de arteria centralis retinae
pulmonary artery angiographyangiografie van de pulmonale circulatie
radial arterypolsslagader
renal arterynierslagader (arteria renalis)
renal arteryarteria renalis
saphenous arteryarteria saphena
stroke of cerebral artery territoriesherseninfarct tgv.vaatafsluiting ter hoogte van de proximale grote vaten
sudden blocking of an arteryembolie
superficial temporal arteryarteria temporalis superficialis (arteria temporalis superficialis)
superior pancreaticoduodenal arteryarteria pancreatico-duodenalis superior
superior pancreaticoduodenal arteryarteria pancreatico-duodenalis caudalis
supratrochlear arteryarteria supratrochlearis
swelling in artery wallaneurysma
temporal artery biopsybiopsie van de temporele arterie
thickening of the arteriesatheromatose
thrombosis of the central retinal arterytrombose van de centrale arterie van de retina (thrombosis arteriae centralis retinae)
umbilical arterynavelslagader (arteria umbilicalis)
umbilical arteryarteria umbilicalis
umbilical artery-vein transfusionwisseltransfusie door de navelarterie
umbilical artery-vein transfusionnavelarterie-navelvene methode
umbilical artery-vein transfusionexsanguinatie door de navelarterie
vertebral artery compressioncervicale migraine
zygomatico-orbital arteryarteria zygomatico-orbitalis