
Terms containing secure | all forms | exact matches only
fin.additional depreciation in excess of that economically required, recorded to secure a tax benefitammortamento anticipato
market.all practices designed to secure a privileged positiontutte le pratiche aventi per oggetto di assicurare una posizione di privilegio
transp.body securing vacuum mattresscuscino immobilizzatore a depressione
gen.catch securingrizzamento delle catture
mech.eng.complete securing platepiastra di sostegno completa
ITCybersecurity Strategy of the European Union: An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspacestrategia dell'Unione europea per la cibersicurezza: un ciberspazio aperto e sicuro
gen.Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union: An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspacestrategia dell'Unione europea per la cibersicurezza
energ.ind.Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energyEnergia 2020 - Una strategia per un'energia competitiva, sostenibile e sicura
gen.Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energystrategia Energia 2020
crim.law., ITEuropol's computerised tool for secure exchange of information and intelligencesistema di scambio di informazioni
energ.ind.Green Paper - A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure EnergyLibro Verde Una strategia europea per un'energia sostenibile, competitiva e sicura
insur.organisation for securing businessrete di produzione
lawpledge securing a loanpegno costituito a garanzia di un prestito
econ., fin.price securingfissazione dei prezzi
lawpriority right to secure liabilitiesgaranzia reale, diritto di prelazione
lawpriority right to secure liabilitiesdiritto reale di garanzia
mater.sc., industr., construct.rope for securing wagon loadsfune
gen.safe and secure environmentcontesto sicuro
gen.safe and secure environmentclima di sicurezza
lawto secure a data fileporre al sicuro una collezione
lawto secure a majorityottenere la maggioranza dei voti
lawto secure a patent under government warrantottenere un brevetto
gen.secure access management and administrationgestione e amministrazione di accessi sicuri
ITSecure and Fast Encryption Routineroutine di cifratura rapida e sicura
econ., fin.secure assetcespite sicuro
comp., MSsecure bitbit di protezione (The bit in a key message used to notify the supplicant and authenticator when a key exchange is complete and a link is considered secure. The bit is set to 0 (not secure) or 1 (secure))
IT, construct.secure buildingedificio vincolato da norme di sicurezza
comp., MSsecure channelcanale sicuro (A Security Support Provider (SSP) that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Internet standard authentication protocols)
commun.secure communicationcomunicazione sicura
gen.to secure compliance with the rule laid down in paragraph lcontrollare l'osservanza della norma enunciata nel paragrafo l
commun.Secure Customs Enforcement NetworkSystem customs enforcement network
lawsecure delivery of componentsfornitura sicura dei componenti
comp., MSsecure desktopdesktop protetto (A desktop that is isolated from other processes running on the system. The secure desktop increases the security of the elevation prompt)
comp., MSsecure digital cardscheda Secure Digital (A memory card about the size of a postage stamp that is supported by many types of devices)
commun.Secure Digital Music InitiativeIniziativa per una musica digitale sicura
industr.secure documenttitolo di pagamento
ITsecure electronic infrastructureinfrastruttura elettronica sicura
fin., commun., industr.Secure Electronic Transactionprotocollo SET
gen.Secure Electronic TransactionSecure Electronic Transaction
fin., commun., industr.Secure Electronic Transaction protocolprotocollo SET
fin., commun., industr.Secure Electronic Transactions specificationprotocollo SET
econ.to secure for the transPort undertakings a properly balanced financial positionassicurare l'equilibrio finanziario delle imprese di trasporto
comp., MSSecure FTPFTP sicuro (A protocol that is used to upload configuration files over any reliable data stream; for example, to upload Directory Services user entries to the Administration Center)
comp., MSSecure FTP modemodalità FTP sicuro (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via Secure FTP (SFTP). This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. This mode permits specifying multiple domains per file)
polit., ITsecure general rapid alert systemsistema globale e sicuro di allarme rapido
ITsecure hash algorithmalgoritmo di compattazione sicuro
crim.law., ITSecure Information Exchange Network Applicationapplicazione di rete per lo scambio di informazioni protetta
construct.secure lockserratura di sicurezza
comp., MSSecure Mail Publishing WizardPubblicazione guidata protezione messaggi (A wizard that enables the publishing of multiple mail protocols at once)
comp., MSSecure/Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsSecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, estensioni S/MIME (An Internet e-mail security-oriented protocol that adds public key encryption and support for digital signatures to the widely used MIME e-mail protocol)
comp., MSsecure networkrete protetta (A logical portion of a network that client computers can access if they either meet corporate health policy or are exempt from meeting corporate health policy)
comp., MSsecure notenota protetta (Any information (e.g. account numbers, sensitive data, etc) with a title and some free-form text that can be stored in a secure manner in a personal vault)
ITsecure operating systemsistema operativo sicuro
ITsecure protocolprotocollo di sicurezza
polit.secure reading roomsala di lettura sicura
comp., MSsecure receiptconferma di protezione (A secure e-mail feature used to check that your digital signature is being validated by the recipients security software. If your digital signature is validated, a notification appears in your Inbox)
ed.secure residential Youth Development Complexcomplesso residenziale che accoglierà i pazienti giovani
ITsecure serverserver sicuro
comp., MSSecure Socket Layer bridgingbridging Secure Socket Layer (A network protocol which forwards Secure Socket Layer (SSL) packets)
comp., MSSecure Socket Layer tunnelingtunneling Secure Socket Layer (A network protocol which encapsulates a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or session inside another)
comp., MSSecure Socket Layer tunnelingtunneling SSL (A network protocol which encapsulates a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or session inside another)
ITSecure Sockets LayerSecure Socket Layer
reliabil.secure state of an electric power systemstato sicuro
comp., MSSecure Store Serviceservizio di archiviazione sicura (The shared service that securely stores credential sets for external data sources and associates those credential sets to identities of individuals or to group identities. This service can be used to support a variety of solutions. For example, the stored credentials can be leveraged by certain applications to enable single sign-on)
ITsecure teleconference systemsistema di teleconferenza ad alta affidabilità
gen.secure telephone systemsistema telefonico protetto
insur.secure training measuremisura educativa
mech.eng.to secure two positive waysdoppio accoppiamento geometrico
econ.to secure uniformity as regards the liberalisation listsuniformare gli elenchi di liberalizzazione
ITsecure Web serverserver Web crittografato
mech.eng.securing boltchiavistello di sicurezza
mech.eng.securing boltchiavarda di fissaggio
mech.eng.securing chaincatena d'ancoraggio
mech.eng.securing chaincatena di stivaggio
mech.eng.securing chaincatena di stivamento
transp., construct.securing dolphinbricola di sicurezza
fish.farm.securing of a bait boxchiudere la cassa di esche
transp.securing of cargorizzatura del carico
transp., mech.eng.securing of couplingsagganciamento degli organi di attacco
mech.eng.securing ringcollare d'attacco
transp., mech.eng.securing strapstaffa a morsetta
transp.securing winchverricello di connessione
transp.the making of rates on a basis calculated to secure for the transport undertakings concerned a properly balanced financial positiongli adattamenti di prezzi di trasporto tendenti ad assicurare l'equilibrio finanziario delle imprese di trasporto
agric.thinning to secure maximum increment on selected stemsdiradamento incrementale