
Terms for subject Microsoft containing bad | all forms | exact matches only
bad blockblocco danneggiato (A disk sector that cannot be used for data storage, usually because of media damage or imperfections. Finding, marking, and avoiding bad sectors on a disk is one of the many tasks performed by a computer's operating system. A disk-formatting utility can also find and mark the bad sectors on a disk)
bad debtsvalutazione crediti (An accounts receivable that will likely remain uncollectable and will be written off)
Bad LanguageLinguaggio volgare (A content descriptor developed by the Pan European Gaming Information (PEGI) and the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC))
bad sectorsettore danneggiato (A disk sector that cannot be used for data storage, usually because of media damage or imperfections. Finding, marking, and avoiding bad sectors on a disk is one of the many tasks performed by a computer's operating system. A disk-formatting utility can also find and mark the bad sectors on a disk)
bad wordparola non consentita (A specific word or phrase that is specified on the basis of an organization's messsaging policy and used in keyword filtering (content filtering) to identify and prevent unwanted e-mail messages from being delivered to users in the organization)
bad word supervision policycriteri di supervisione delle parole non consentite (" E-mail policy settings that prevent sending and receiving e-mail that has specifically banned content. Administrators can use this policy to reject e-mail that contains profanity or other objectionable words, also known as "bad words".")