
Terms for subject Microsoft containing attendant | all forms | exact matches only
attendant consoleconsole operatore (A console for call handling)
Auto AttendantOperatore automatico (A feature that supplies a caller with information and performs an action without the intervention of a human operator. It automatically routes calls based on selections made by the caller)
Booking AttendantOperatore Prenotazione (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)
Calendar AttendantOperatore Calendario (An Exchange Server feature that automatically places meetings marked Tentative on the recipient's calendar without requiring the intervention of any client software such as Outlook)
Conferencing AttendantOperatore Conferenza (The server application that makes it possible for an enterprise user without access to a unified communications client to use a PSTN phone to dial in to a scheduled conference. Conferencing Attendant also provides such a user with basic conference controls)
Resource Booking AttendantOperatore Prenotazione risorse (A calendaring feature that automatically manages resources. Resource requests are automatically accepted or denied depending on availability and policies)