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transp.a light is operated and kept in service by a keeper able to intervene at once in case of needbevogtet fyr
gen.a special committee appointed by the Council to assist the Commissionet særligt udvalg udpeget af Rådet til at bistå den
environ., agric.Ac tion by the Community relating to nat ure conservationFællesskabsaktioner med henblik på naturbeskyttelseACNAT
lawact not open to challenge by the beneficiaryretsakt,som ikke kan anfægtes af den begunstigede
environ.Action by the Community relating to Nature Conservationfællesskabsaktioner med henblik på naturbevaring
environ.action by the Community relating to nature conservationfællesskabsaktioner med henblik på naturbevaring
arts.Action Programme to promote knowledge and dissemination of European artistic and literary creation, notably by means of translationprogram til støtte for bøger og læsning
arts.Action Programme to promote knowledge and dissemination of European artistic and literary creation, notably by means of translationhandlingsprogram, der skal forbedre kendskabet til og udbredelsen af moderne europæiske litterære værker, bl.a. gennem oversættelse
law, transp., avia.Additional Protocol concerning the replacement of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges of 12 February 1981 by the relevant provisions of the consolidated text of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air navigation as amended at Brussels in 1997, including its Annex IVtillægsprotokol vedrørende erstatning af den multilaterale aftale vedrørende en route-afgifter af 12. februar 1981 med de relevante bestemmelser i den konsoliderede tekst i den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed, som ændret i Bruxelles i 1997, herunder annex IV
econ.advances made directly by residents to non-residentslån direkte fra hjemmehørende til ikke-hjemmehørende
transp.Advisory Committee on Aids to Transport by Rail, Road and Inland WaterwayDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Støtte til Transport med Jernbane, ad Landevej og Indre Vandvej
fin., transp.Advisory Committee on aids to transport by rail, road and inland waterwayDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Støtte til Transport med Jernbane, ad Landeveje og Indre Vandveje
fin., transp.Advisory Committee on measures to be taken in the event of a crisis in the market in the carriage of goods by roadDet Rådgivende Udvalg for de Foranstaltninger, der skal Træffes i Tilfælde af Krise på Markedet for Vejgodstransport
polit.Advisory Committee on measures to be taken in the event of a crisis in the market in the carriage of goods by road and for laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road haulage services within a Member State cabotageDet Rådgivende Udvalg for de Foranstaltninger, der skal Træffes i Tilfælde af Krise på Markedet for Vejgodstransport og for Betingelserne for Transportvirksomheders Adgang til at Udføre Godstransport ad Landevej i en Medlemsstat, hvor de ikke er Hjemmehørende cabotage
gen.Advisory Committee on measures to be taken in the event of a crisis in the market in the carriage of goods by road and for laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road haulage services within a Member State cabotageDet Rådgivende Udvalg for de Foranstaltninger, der Skal Træffes i Tilfælde af Krise på Markedet for Vejgodstransport og for Betingelserne for Transportvirksomheders Adgang til at Udføre Godstransport ad Landevej i en Medlemsstat, hvor de ikke Er Hjemmehørende Cabotage
fin., transp.Advisory Committee on the Granting of Aids to Transport by Rail, Road and Inland WaterwayDet Rådgivende Udvalg for Støtte til Transport med Jernbane, ad Landeveje og Indre Vandveje
lawagent assisted by an adviser or by a lawyer entitled to practise before a court of a Member Stateden befuldmægtigede kan bistås af en rådgiver eller af en advokat,der har beskikkelse i en af Medlemsstaterne
agric.agitation by simple return to the tankhydraulisk omrøring
transp., avia.Agreement between the European Community and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of PNR data by Air Carriers to the United States Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protectionaftale mellem Det Εuropæiske Fællesskab og Amerikas Forenede Stater om luftfartsselskabers behandling og overførsel af PNR-oplysninger til United States Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
transp., avia.Agreement between the European Union and the United States of America on the processing and transfer of passenger name record PNR data by air carriers to the United States Department of Homeland Securityaftale mellem Den Europæiske Union og Amerikas Forenede Stater om luftfartsselskabers behandling og overførsel af passagerliste PNR-oplysninger til United States Department of Homeland Security
int. law.Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the other, in areas of the Schengen acquis which apply to these Statesaftale indgået af Rådet for Den Europæiske Union og Republikken Island og Kongeriget Norge om fastsættelse af rettigheder og forpligtelser mellem Irland og Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland paa den ene side og Republikken Island og Kongeriget Norge på den anden side på de områder af Schengenreglerne, der gælder for disse stater
fish.farm., UNAgreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seasaftale om fremme af fiskerfartøjers overholdelse af internationale bevarelses- og forvaltningsforanstaltninger på det åbne hav
gen.Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High SeasFAO-overholdelsesaftalen
fin.aid to make good the damage caused by exceptional occurrencesstøtte, hvis formål er at råde bod på skader, der er forårsaget af usædvanlige begivenheder
fin.amendments to appropriations introduced by means of transferændringer i bevillinger ved overførsler
transp., nautic.Amendments to the Annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, adopted by the Conference of Contracting Governments on 5 March 1986ændringer i tillægget til konventionen om lettelse af international samfærdsel ad søvejen, 1965, med ændringer, vedtaget af en konference af de kontraherende regeringer den 5.3.1986
lawapplication or other procedural document addressed to the Court of Justice lodged by mistake with the Registrar of the Court of First Instancestævning eller andet processkrift,der er stilet til Domstolen,men fejlagtigt indgivet til Rettens justitssekretær
lawapplication to set aside a judgment by defaultgenoptagelse af en sag,hvori der er afsagt udeblivelsesdom
transp., nautic., min.prod.Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974Athenkonvention angående transport af passagerer og deres bagage til søs, 1974
gen.Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974Athenkonventionen
transp., mech.eng.axle-box fastened to the bogie frame by means of small articulated rodsakselkasse der er fastgjort til bogien med små styrearme
lawbe assisted in one's defence by a person of one's own choice, togive møde med en af ham udpeget bisidder
lawbe entitled to protection by the diplomatic or consular authorities of any Member Statenyde enhver Medlemsstats diplomatiske og konsulære myndigheders beskyttelse
gen.to be entitled to protection by the diplomatic or consular authorities of any Member Statenyde enhver medlemsstats diplomatiske og konsulære myndigheders beskyttelse
lawto be objected to by any partyenhver part,der mener,at...er inhabilt
fin., lab.law.be paid by the day or by the month, tooppebære dagløn eller månedsløn
econ.benefits in kind provided by employers to their employeesnaturalieindkomst,som de ansatte modtager af deres arbejdsgiver
transp.block signal locked when automatically returned to danger by trainsignalblokering
lawBrussels International Convention of 27 May 1967 for the unification of rules relating to the carriage of passengers'luggage by seainternational konvention om indførelse af ensartede regler om befordring af rejsegods ad søvejen, undertegnet i Bruxelles den 27. maj 1967
gen.by delegation toper procura
gen.by delegation toifølge fuldmagt
econ.by enabling a national of to use land and buildingsat gøre det muligt for statsborgere i at udnytte fast ejendom
law, commun.cast a vote by means of teleconferencing, toafgive stemme ved anvendelse af telekonference
lawchanged facts judgment by a second court, in order to vary that of the first court, would have to be based on changed factsnye faktiske omstændigheder
lawcharge, duty or fee which is calculated by reference to the value of the matter in issuegebyr, som beregnes is forhold til sagens værdi
gen.Committee for adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the directive on prevention and reduction of environmental pollution by asbestosUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Forebyggelse af Miljøforurening med Asbest
environ.Committee for adaptation to scientific and technical progress of the directive on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sourcesKomitéen for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Beskyttelse af Vand mod Forurening Forårsaget af Nitrater, der Stammer fra Landbruget
gen.Committee for adaptation to technical progress of the directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoorsUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Indbyrdes Tilnærmelse af Medlemsstaternes Lovgivning om Støjemission i Miljøet fra Maskiner til Udendørs Brug
lawCommittee for implementation of the directive to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid for such disputesUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Direktivet om Forbedret Adgang til Domstolene i Grænseoverskridende Tvister gennem Fastsættelse af Fælles Mindsteregler for Retshjælp i Forbindelse med Tvister af denne Art
polit.Committee for the adaptation to scientific and technical progress and implementation of the directive on protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sourcesKomitéen for Beskyttelse af Vand mod Forurening Forårsaget af Nitrater, der Stammer fra Landbruget
polit.Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the prevention and reduction of environmental pollution by asbestosUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Forebyggelse af Miljøforurening med Asbest
polit.Committee for the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on the procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industryUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Metoder til Overvågning af og Kontrol med Miljøer, der Berøres af Udledninger fra Titandioxidindustrien
environ.Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on Monitoring of Environments concerned by Waste from the Titanium Dioxide IndustryUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Kontrol med Miljøer, der Berøres af Udledninger fra Titandioxidindustrien
environ., chem.Committee for the Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Directives on Protection of Fresh, Coastal and Marine Waters against Pollution caused by Nitrates from Diffuse SourcesUdvalget for tilpasning til Den Tekniske Udvikling - Beskyttelse af Ferskvand, Kystvand og Havvand mod Forurening Forårsaget af Nitrater fra Diffuse Kilder
tech., energ.ind.Committee for the Adaptation to Scientific and Technical Progress of the Directives on the Indication by Labelling of the Energy Consumption of Household AppliancesUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Videnskabelige og Tekniske Udvikling af Direktiverne om Oplysning gennem Mærkning om Husholdningsapparaters Energiforbrug
tax., transp.Committee of Government Experts on the Co-ordination of Studies to be carried ou by the Member States in connection with the Proposal for a Council Decision on the Introduction of a Common System of Charging for the Use of Transport InfrastructureUdvalget af Regeringseksperter vedrørende Samordning af Undersøgelser, som Medlemsstaterne Skal Foretage i Tilslutning til Forslaget til Rådets Beslutning om Indførelse af en Fælles Afgiftsordning for Brugen af Transportinfrastrukturer
polit.Committee on implementation of Protocol No 9 of the Act of Accession of Austria to the European Union concerning transit by road and rail and combined transport EcopointsUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Protokol Nr. 9 i Akten vedrørende Østrigs Tiltrædelse af Den Europæiske Union om Vejtransport, Jernbanetransport og Kombineret Transport i Østrig økopoint
environ.Committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the directive on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industryUdvalget for Tilpasning til den Tekniske Udvikling af Direktivet om Metoder til Overvågning af og Kontrol med Miljøer, der Berøres af Udledninger fra Titandioxidindustrien
commun., ITcommunication to the public by satellitetilgængeliggørelse for almenheden via satellit
relig., commun., patents.communication to the public by satellitespredning til almenheden via satellit
relig., commun., patents.communication to the public by satellitekommunikation til offenligheden via satellit
environ., industr., construct.Community action programme to combat environmental pollution by cadmiumHandlingsprogram for Fællesskabet til nedbringelse af miljøforureningen med cadmium
polit., loc.name., commun.Community Programme for the Development of Certain Less-favoured Regions of the Community by Improving Access to Advanced Telecommunications Servicesfællesskabsprogram til udvikling af visse ugunstigt stillede regioner i Fællesskabet gennem bedre adgang til avancerede telekommunikationstjenester
ITCommunity programme for the development of certain less-favoured regions of the Community by improving access to advanced telecommunications services-Special Telecommunications Action for Regional DevelopmentFællesskabsprogram til udvikling af visse ugunstigt stillede regioner i Fællesskabet gennem bedre adgang til avancerede telekommunikationstjenester
law, social.sc.compulsory declaration of arrival to be made by foreign nationalsobligatorisk ankomsterklæring for udlændinge
lawconsent to be bound by a treatysamtykke til at være bundet af en traktat
gen.constriction caused by exposure to coldkuldeprovokeret karkonstriktion
chem.Contains lead. Should not be used on surfaces liable to be chewed or sucked by children. Warning! Contains lead.Indeholder bly. Må ikke anvendes på genstande, som børn vil kunne tygge eller sutte på. Advarsel! Indeholder bly.
lawto contract to pay by instalmentsforpligte sig til ratevis betaling
gen.Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Workerkonvention om maksimumsvægten af byrder, der må bæres af en enkelt arbejder
gen.Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions Entrusted by the Said Conventions to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and Introducing therein Certain Further Amendments Consequential upon the Dissolution of the League of Nations and the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisationkonvention om delvis revision af de af Den Internationale Arbejdsorganisations Generalkonference på dens første 28 møder vedtagne konventioner
transp.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Airkonvention om indførelse af visse ensartede regler for international luftbefordring
transp.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by AirMontreal-konventionen
transp.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Airkonventionen angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Airkonvention angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by AirWarszawakonventionen
transp.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by AirWarszawa-konventionen
law, transp., avia.Convention on damage caused by foreign aircraft to third parties on the surface, signed at Rome on 7 October 1952Romkonventionen af 7. oktober 1952 angående skade tilføjet tredjemand på jorden af udenlandsk luftfartøj
gen.Convention on the accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgements in civil and commercial matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justicekonvention om Kongeriget Danmarks, Irlands og Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritanniens og Nordirlands tiltrædelse af konventionen om retternes kompetence og om fuldbyrdelse af retsafgørelser i borgerlige sager, herunder handelssager, samt af protokollen vedrørende Domstolens fortolkning af denne konvention
gen.Convention on the Accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters and to the Protocol on its Interpretation by the Court of Justice with the Adjustments made to them by earlier Conventions on accession to themkonvention om Kongeriget Spaniens og Den Portugisiske Republiks tiltrædelse af konventionen om retternes kompetence og om fuldbyrdelse af retsafgørelser i borgerlige sager, herunder handelssager, samt af protokollen vedrørende Domstolens fortolkning af denne konvention med de tilpasninger af disse, som er foretaget ved ... tidligere konventioner om tiltrædelse heraf
law, polit.Convention Relating to the Distribution of Programme-Carrying Signals Transmitted by Satellitekonvention om spredning af programbærende signaler transmitteret via satellit
transp., avia.Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carriertillægskonvention til Warszawakonventionen, angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring, der udføres af en anden person end den kontraherende befordrer
commer.costs to be borne by the companyomkostning,der påhviler selskabet
fin.credit by other intermediaries to the private sectorandre kreditgivende institutters kredit til den private sektor
gen.danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposurealvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning
gen.danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposureR48
interntl.trade.Decision on texts relating to minimum values and imports by sole agents, sole distributors and sole concessionairesbeslutning om tekster vedrørende minimumsværdier og indførelser foretaget af eneagenturer, eneforhandlere og enekoncessionshavere
lawDeclaration by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany on the application of the Treaties to Berlinerklæring fra regeringen for Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland vedrørende traktaternes anvendelse på Berlin
lawDeclaration by the Government of the French Republic on applications for patents covering information to be kept secret for defence reasonserklæring fra regeringen for Den Franske Republik vedrørende ansøgninger om patenter, der angår viden, som er underkastet bestemmelser om hemmeligholdelse af hensyn til forsvaret
health.device intended by the manufacturer to be able to be used by lay persons in a home environmentudstyr, som af fabrikanten er bestemt til at kunne anvendes af lægmand i et hjemligt miljø
environ.dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Conventiondialog om en langsigtet samarbejdsindsats om at imødegå klimaændringer ved at styrke konventionens gennemførelse
crim.law., h.rghts.act., econ.Directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such dataForslag til direktiv om beskyttelse af fysiske personer i forbindelse med de kompetente myndigheders behandling af personoplysninger med henblik på at forebygge, efterforske, opdage eller retsforfølge straffelovsovertrædelser eller fuldbyrde strafferetlige sanktioner og om fri udveksling af sådanne oplysninger
gen.do not mix with...to be specified by the manufacturermå ikke blandes med...angives af fabrikanten
law, immigr.document check by carrier prior to boardingtransportvirksomheds kontrol af rejsedokumenter
lawdocument in writing adduced by the party seeking to rely on itet dokument,som stammer fra den part,der påberåber sig det
polit.Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site http://www.consilium.europa.eu. Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asteriskDokumenter med en dokumentreference er tilgængelige på Rådets internetsted http: (www.consilium.europa.eu. Asterisk ved en afgørelse betyder, at der er fremsat offentligt tilgængelige erklæringer til optagelse i Rådets protokol)
gen.Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site http://www.consilium.europa.eu. Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asteriskdisse erklæringer findes ligeledes på Rådets internetsted eller kan fås ved henvendelse til Pressetjenesten.
insur., sec.sys., lab.law.drawing up accounts relating to the costs to be borne by the institutionsforetage den regnskabsmæssige opgørelse af de udgifter der påhviler institutionerne
lawEach Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed shall be those determined by the Member States in order to give effect to Article ... of Regulation ...Hver medlemsstat fastsætter, hvilke sanktioner der skal anvendes ved overtrædelse af denne forordning. Sanktionerne skal være effektive, stå i rimeligt forhold til overtrædelsen og have afskrækkende virkning.brIndtil der om nødvendigt vedtages lovgivning herom, er det de sanktioner, som medlemsstaterne har fastsat for at gennemføre artikel ... i forordning ..., der skal anvendes ved overtrædelse af denne forordning.
econ.employer's contributions to the pension funds established by himarbejdsgiverens bidrag til de pensionsfonde,som han har oprettet
patents.European Convention relating to Questions on Copyright Law and Neighbouring Rights in the framework of Transfrontier Broadcasting by Satelliteeuropæisk konvention om ophavsrettigheder og ophavsretsbeslægtede rettigheder i forbindelse med grænseoverskridende radio- og TV-udsendelse via satellit
law, h.rghts.act.everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by lawenhver har ret til en retfærdig og offentlig rettergang inden en rimelig frist for en uafhængig og upartisk domstol, der forudgående er oprettet ved lov
econ., market.exception to rights conferred by a patentundtagelse fra indrømmende rettigheder
econ.expenditure by employers which is to their own benefit as well as to that of their employeesudgifter,som arbejdsgivere afholder til gavn for sig selv og de ansatte
lawfailure by a State to fulfil obligationstraktatbrud
fin.failure to observe formalities prescribed by the Financial Regulationtilsidesættelse af de i finansforordningen foreskrevne former
fin.failure to observe formalities prescribed by the Financial Regulationtilsidesættelse af de formkrav,der foreskrives i finansforordningen
fin.failure to submit by the final dateoverskridelse af fristen
lawfailure to take account of observation submitted by the Member Statemanglende hensyntagen til de af staten fremsatte bemærkninger
gen.fees for obtaining and maintaining a Community authorisation to market medicinal products for human and veterinary use and for the other services supplied by the Agencygebyrer for at opnå og opretholde en EF-tilladelse til markedsføring af human- og veterinærlægemidler samt for andre tjenesteydelser fra agenturet
lawFirst Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligationsførste protokol om De Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstols fortolkning af konventionen om,hvilken lov der skal anvendes på kontraktlige forpligtelser
gen.First Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligationsførste protokol om De Europæiske Fællesskabers Domstols fortolkning af konventionen om, hvilken lov der skal anvendes på kontraktlige forpligtelser, åbnet for undertegnelse i Rom den 19. juni 1980
lawgeneral access to the test plot by visitorsbesøgendes almindelige adgang til prøvningsstedet
el.generating station owned by an autoproducer and connected to the public supply networkegenproduktionsanlæg sluttet til det offentlige forsyningsnet
work.fl.Green Paper - Public Access to Documents held by institutions of the European Community - A reviewgrønbogen "Aktindsigt i dokumenter, som opbevares af institutionerne i Det Europæiske Fællesskab - En redegørelse"
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowedfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indtagelse
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowedR48/22
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skinfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved hudkontakt
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skinR48/21
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowedfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved hudkontakt og indtagelse
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowedR48/21/22
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationR48/20
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowedfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding og indtagelse
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowedR48/20/22
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skinfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding og hudkontakt
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skinR48/20/21
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowedfarlig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding,hudkontakt og indtagelse
gen.harmful:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowedR48/20/21/22
econ.housing allowances paid in cash by employers to their employeeskontant boligtilskud fra arbejdsgivere til ansatte
gen.if action by the Community should prove necessary tosåfremt en handling fra Fællesskabets side viser sig påkrævet for at
gen.in carrying out the tasks entrusted to it, the Commission shall be guided by...Kommissionen tager under udøvelsen af de hverv, der er betroet den, hensyn til...
lawInstructions to the Registrar shall be adopted by the CourtDomstolen udarbejder en instruks for justitssekretæren
polit., fin.interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its main refinancing operationsDen Europæiske Centralbanks rentesats for de vigtigste refinansieringstransaktioner
law, transp., avia.International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, and Additional Protocol, signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929Warszawakonventionen af 12. oktober 1929 om indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring og tillægsprotokollen
environ., agric.inventory of damage caused to forests by atmospheric pollutionoversigt over skader, der er sket på skove som følge af luftforurening
fin.Joint Declaration by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on various measures to improve the budgetary procedure, of 30 June 1982fælleserklæring fra Europa-Parlamentet, Rådet og Kommissionen om forskellige foranstaltninger til sikring af en bedre afvikling af budgetproceduren, af 30. juni 1982
immigr.Joint Declaration by the European Union, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on the follow-up to the Zagreb Summit regarding regional co-operation in the area of asylum and immigrationFælleserklæring fra Den Europæiske Union, Albanien, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Kroatien, Den Tidligere Jugoslaviske Republik Makedonien og Forbundsrepublikken Jugoslavien om opfølgning af topmødet i Zagreb om regionalt samarbejde på området asyl og indvandring
lawjudgments by default and applications to set them asideudeblivelsesdomme og genoptagelse
lawjurisdiction based on proceedings to pursue a remedy by way of appealkompetence i henhold til appel-eller genoptagelsesmuligheder
gen.keep away from...incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufactureropbevares adskilt fra...uforligelige stoffer,som angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep contents under...inert gas to be specified by the manufactureropbevares under...en inaktiv gas,som angives af fabrikanten
gen.keep wet with...appropriate material to be specified by the manufacturerholdes befugtet med...passende middel angives af fabrikanten
gen.Management Committee on support to bodies set up by the international community after conflicts either to take charge of the interim civilian administration of certain regions or to implement peace agreementsForvaltningsudvalget for Støtte til Visse Enheder, som det Internationale Samfund Etablerer efter Konflikter til at Sikre den Civile Administration af Visse Regioner i en Overgangsperiode og Gennemførelsen af Fredsaftaler
med.to maximize the exposure by inhalation to the test substanceden maksimalt mulige eksponering for teststoffet ved inhalering
environ.Munich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in EuropeDen Multilaterale Konference om Årsager til og Forhindring af Skader på Skov- og Vandområder som følge af Luftforurening i Europa
med.muscular rigidity caused by exposure to coldstivhed af kulde
met.normal straightening of half rounds and flay rounds straightening bar to normal commercial limits/ straightness by reeling, spinning or by other mechanical meansnormal retning af halvrundstål og fladhalvrundstål
lawnot to be bound by any instructionsikke bundet af nogen instrukser
hobby, construct.opening up of scenic areas to the public by means of tourist routesåbning op for områder ved hjælp af turistveje
laworder the parties to bear their own costs where so required by equityfordele sagens omkostninger mellem parterne,såfremt det findes rimeligt
UNParis Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or armed groupsParistilsagnene om beskyttelse af børn mod ulovlig rekruttering til eller brug i væbnede styrker eller væbnede grupper
gen.Paris Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or armed groupsParistilsagnene
econ., fin.parity communicated to and recognized by the IMFden til IMF anmeldte og af denne anerkendte paritet
econ.payments to certain bond holders which are determined by lotteryudtrukne præmier fra præmieobligationer
R&D.Plan to stimulate the international cooperation and interchange needed by European research scientists 1988-92Plan til stimulering af forskersamarbejde og-udveksling i Europa1988-1992
nat.sc.plan to stimulate the international cooperation and interchange needed by European research scientistsprogram for stimulering af internationalt forskersamarbejde og -udveksling i Europa
nat.sc., transp.power supply to electric vehicles by high frequency induction circuits under the roadenergiforsyning af el-bil med højfrekvent induktionsredsløb under vejbelægningen
transp.power supply to electric vehicles by the invertor systemenergiforsyning af el-bil med ensretteranlæg
transp.power supply to the electric vehicles by HF induction circuits under the roadenergiforsyning af el-bil med højfrekvent induktionskredsløb under vejbelægningen
lawpractice of the government of the United Kingdom to fund its borrowing requirement by the sale of debt to the private sectorDet Forenede Kongerige finansierer normalt sit lånebehov ved salg af gældsinstrumenter til den private sektor
econ., agric.price to be paid by the producer at the delivered-to-factory stagepris
econ., agric.price to be paid by the producer at the delivered-to-factory stageder betales til producenten ved levering frit fabrik
econ.profits assigned by employers to their employees on a voluntary basisfrivillig overskudsdeling til ansatte
ed., R&D.Programme Plan to Stimulate the International Cooperation and Interchange Needed by European Research Scientists 1988 to 1992plan, i henhold til rammeprogrammet, til stimulering af internationalt samarbejde og nødvendig udveksling af europæiske forskere 1988-1992
gen.to promote access by all to respective cultural achievementsat fremme adgang for alle til de respektive kulturelle frembringelser
crim.law.Protocol, established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on the European Union, to the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Unionprotokol udarbejdet af Rådet i overensstemmelse med artikel 34 i traktaten om Den Europæiske Union, til konventionen om gensidig retshjælp i straffesager mellem Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
transp., nautic., environ.Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating theretoprotokol af 1997, som ændrer MARPOL-konventionen af 1973, som ændret ved protokollen af 1978
transp., nautic., environ.Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating theretoprotokol af 1997 om ændring af den internationale konvention af 1973 om forebyggelse af forurening fra skibe, som ændret ved protokollen af 1978 herom
transp., nautic.Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974protokol af 2002 til Athenkonventionen angående transport af passagerer og deres bagage til søs, 1974
gen.Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974Athenprotokollen
environ., min.prod.Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances, 2000protokol af 2000 om beredskab, bekæmpelse og samarbejde vedrørende forureningsulykker forårsaget af farlige og giftige stoffer
transp., avia.Protocol on the accession of the European Community to the Eurocontrol International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amended and as consolidated by the Protocol of 27 June 1997protokol om Det Europæiske Fællesskabs tiltrædelse af den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention af 13. december 1960 vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed med senere ændringer, konsolideret ved protokollen af 27. juni 1997
environ., min.prod.Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution by Substances other than Oilprotokol vedrørende indgriben på det åbne hav ved forurening af havet med andre stoffer end olie, 1973
transp., avia.Protocol to Amend the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air Signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929protokol til ændring af den i Warszawa den 12. oktober 1929 undertegnede konvention angående indførelse af visse ensartede regler om international luftbefordring
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31 January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982ændringsprotokol til tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31 January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29 July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982protokol om ændring af tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31st January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29th July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964ændringsprotokol til tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention of 31st January 1963 supplementary to the Paris Convention of 29th July 1960 on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964protokol om ændring af tillægskonventionen af 31. januar 1963 til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982ændringsprotokol til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy of 29 July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28 January 1964 and by the Protocol of 16 November 1982protokol om ændring af konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964 og ved protokol af 16. november 1982
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy of 29th July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964ændringsprotokol til konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
energ.ind., nucl.phys.Protocol to amend the Convention on Third Party Liability in the field of Nuclear Energy of 29th July 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 28th January 1964protokol om ændring af konventionen af 29. juli 1960 om ansvar over for tredjemand på den nukleare energis område som ændret ved tillægsprotokol af 28. januar 1964
environ.Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per centprotokol til konventionen af 1979 vedrørende grænseoverskridende luftforurening over store afstande, angående reduktion af svovludsendelser eller disses grænseoverskridende strømme med mindst 30 procent
transp., environ.Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution providing for a 30% reduction in all emissions or transfrontier flows of sulphur dioxyde by 1993protokol til konvention om grænsoverskridende luftforurening over storeafstande, som tilsigter en 30%'s nedskæring af de samlede emissioner eller af de grænsoverskridende strømme af svovldioxyd frem til 1993
transp.Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road CMRprotokol til konventionen om fragtaftaler ved international godsbefordring ad landevej CMR
gen.QUESTION No H- ---/9- put to the Council by ... for QUESTION TIME Subject:SPØRGSMÅL Nr. H- ---/9- til Rådet fra ... til SPØRGETIDEN Vedr.:
lawquestions to be answered by expertsskønstema
coal.radio set to transmit signals and data by the inductive techniquefjernstyring og fjernoverførelse af data ved hjælp af en sender og induktionskabel
gen.Regulation No.1 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic CommunityForordning nr.1 om den ordning,der skal gælde for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab på det sproglige område
fin.replacement of references to the ecu by references to the euroudskiftning af henvisninger til ecuen med henvisninger til euroen
gen.research contract given by a company to a universitytildeling af en forskningskontrakt fra industrien til et universitet
R&D.research programme to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community and for the European Economic Community 1984 to 1987Forskningsprogram,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab og for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab1984-1987
gen.Restricted Group of Experts charged by the Commission with various matters relating to the Compensation of Occupational DiseasesSnæver Gruppe sammensat af uafhængige eksperter, der af Kommissionen har fået pålagt forskelligt arbejde vedrørende erstatning for Erhvervssygdomme
med.right to be looked after by the parentsret til at blive passet af forældrene
environ.risk of damage to hearing resulting from noise emitted by toysrisiko for høreskader på grund af støj fra legetøj
econ.sales of land by residents to non-residentshjemmehørendes salg af jord til ikke-hjemmehørende
patents.services relating to communications by computer terminalstjenesteydelser vedrørende kommunikation via computerskærme
patents.services relating to the communication and transmission of data by computertjenesteydelser vedrørende kommunikation og overføring af data via computer
proced.law.society, help and comfort owed by one spouse to anotherindbyrdes hjælp mellem ægtefæller
environ.some of the damage to germinal cells by radiation may be irreversibleen del af strålingsbeskadigelsen af kimceller kan være uoprettelig
mater.sc.Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, to be carried out by means of direct actions for the European Community by the Joint Research CentreSærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling, herunder demonstration, der ved hjælp af direkte aktioner skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Fællesskab
gen.Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration, to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration, der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
nat.sc., el.specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Communitysærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling, herunder demonstration, der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
gen.Specific programme of research and technological development, including demonstration, to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySærprogram for forskning og teknologisk udvikling samt demonstration,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
earth.sc., mater.sc.Specific research programmes to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community 1988-91Særprogrammer for 1988-1991,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
earth.sc., mater.sc.Specific research programmes to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Economic Community 1988 to 1991Særprogrammer for 1988-1991,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab
gen.subject as a body to a vote of approval by the European Parliamentsom kollegium godkendes ved en afstemning i Europa-Parlamentet
fin.sum to be contributed by the Communityudgifterne for Fællesskabet
fin.sum to be contributed by the Communityomfang af Fællesskabets intervention
gen.summary assessing the external and internal threat represented by terrorism to Member States of the European Unionterrortrusselsdokument
gen.summary assessing the external and internal threat represented by terrorism to Member States of the European Unionsammenfattende vurdering af den eksterne og interne terrortrussel i Den Europæiske Unions medlemsstater
R&D.Supplementary research programme to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySupplerende forskningsprogram, som skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
scient., mater.sc.Supplementary research programme to be implemented by the joint research centre for the European Atomic Energy Community 1992-95Supplerende forskningsprogram,der skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab1992-1995
R&D.Supplementary research programme to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy CommunitySupplerende forskningsprogram,som skal gennemføres af Det Fælles Forskningscenter for Det Europæiske Atomenergifællesskab
med.swelling caused by exposure to coldkuldeprovokeret hævelse
transp.tariff subjet to approval by the aeronautical authoritiestakst, der forelægges luftfartsmyndighederne
fin.the amount of each national central bank's monetary income shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to any interest paid by that central bankden enkelte nationale centralbanks monetære indtægter reduceres med et beløb svarende til den pågældende centralbanks rentebetalinger
lawthe appeal procedure laid down in Article 4 of the Protocol of 3.6.1971 on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the Convention of 27.9.1968 is intended solely to clarify points of lawmed strengt juridiske formål
agric., chem.the appearance of phenomena similar to those produced by muscarinic and nicotinic effectfremkomsten af symptomer, der ligner dem, der frembringes ved en muskarin eller nikotin virkning
patents.the appellant is opposed by another party to the proceedingsklageren har en modpart i sagen
econ.the compensatory amounts shall be determined by direct reference to...udligningsbeløbene fastsættes på grundlag af...
fin.the European Community is financed by resources which accrue to it as of rightdet europæiske Fællesskab finansieres ved hjælp af midler, som Fællesskabet har ret til
environ.the isolating of the calcium by the alginate would intervene to promote the passage of the leadbinding af calcium til alginet fremmer passagen af bly
gen.the official shall be bound by the duty to behave with integrity and discretiontjenestemanden skal overholde pligten til at udvise hæderlighed og tilbageholdenhed
gen.the official shall be bound by the duty to behave with integrity and discretiontjenestemanden skaloverholde pligten til at udvise hæderlighed og tilbageholdenhed
lawthe order for its enforcement shall be appended to the decision by the national authorityfuldbyrdelsespåtegning skal påføres af den nationale myndighed
lawthe provisions under which the Regulation is adopted preceded by the words "Having regard to"de bestemmelser,i henhold til hvilke forordningen er udstedt
lawthe provisions under which the Regulation is adopted preceded by the words "Having regard to"angivelsen indledes med ordene "under henvisning til"
lawthe register of electors is open to inspection by the publicvalglisten fremlægges til almindeligt eftersyn
polit.The Special Report, which is shortly to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, was adopted by the Court at its meeting on ... and is accompanied by the replies from ... and the Commission, which was notified of the preliminary findings on ...Denne særberetning, der i nær fremtid vil blive offentliggjort i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende, blev vedtaget af Revisionsretten på mødet den ...
gen.The Special Report, which is shortly to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union, was adopted by the Court at its meeting on ... and is accompanied by the replies from ... and the Commission, which was notified of the preliminary findings on ...den er ledsaget af svar fra ... og Kommissionen, der fik forelagt de foreløbige revisionsresultater den ...
gen.the tasks entrusted to the Community shall be carried out by...de opgaver, der påhviler fællesskabet, varetages af
lawthe United Kingdom is therefore not taking part in its adoption and is not bound by it or subject to its application.Denne/Dette instrument udgør en udvikling af de bestemmelser i Schengenreglerne, som Det Forenede Kongerige ikke deltager i, jf. Rådets afgørelse 2000/365/EF af 29. maj 2000 om anmodningen fra Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland om at deltage i visse bestemmelser i Schengenreglerne*
gen.the United Kingdom is therefore not taking part in its adoption and is not bound by it or subject to its application.Det Forenede Kongerige deltager derfor ikke i vedtagelsen af denne/dette instrument, som ikke er bindende for og ikke finder anvendelse i Det Forenede Kongerige.
econ.the work is to be carried out by the undertaking with its own resourcesarbejderne skal udføres med virksomhedens egne midler
patents.to an extent justified by the circumstancesnår omstændighederne tilsiger det
lawto the detriment of the wife of a foreigner who has been declared dead by judgment of the courttil skade for en kvinde,som er gift med en udlænding,der er erklæret for død
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowedR48/25
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowedgiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indtagelse
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skinR48/24
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skingiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved hudkontakt
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowedR48/24/25
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowedgiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved hudkontakt og indtagelse
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationgiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalationR48/23
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowedR48/23/25
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowedgiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding og indtagelse
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skinR48/23/24
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skingiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding og hudkontakt
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowedR48/23/24/25
gen.toxic:danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowedgiftig:alvorlig sundhedsfare ved længere tids påvirkning ved indånding,hudkontakt og indtagelse
med.treatment by means of injections to correct varicosevaricesklerosering
med.treatment by means of injections to correct varicosescleroserende behandling af åreknuder
comp., MSusername (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thebrugernavn
fin.vote attaching to share issued by the undertakingstemmen,der er knyttet til kapitalandel,som virksomheden har udstedt
lawWhen Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States.Disse love og bestemmelser skal ved vedtagelsen indeholde en henvisning til dette direktiv eller skal ved offentliggørelsen ledsages af en sådan henvisning. De nærmere regler for henvisningen fastsættes af medlemsstaterne.
fin.Working Party on Coordination of Legislation relating to Periodic Financial Information to be submitted to the Supervisory Authorities by the Credit InstitutionsArbejdsgruppe vedrørende samordning af de lovmæssige bestemmelser vedrørende kreditinstitutioners periodiske meldepligt til Tilsynsmyndighederne
gen.Working Party on the Fitting out of Cabs and Berths of Vehicles Assigned to the Transport of Goods by RoadArbejdsgruppe vedrørende udstyring af førerhuse og sovekabiner i køretøjer, der anvendes til godstransport ad Landevej