
Terms for subject Education containing through the | all forms
Committee for implementation of the programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries Erasmus MundusUdvalget for Gennemførelse af Programmet, der Skal Øge Kvaliteten af de Videregående Uddannelser og Fremme den Mellemfolkelige Forståelse gennem Samarbejde med Tredjelande Erasmus Mundus
Community action in the field of learning technologies-Development of European learning through technological advance-exploratory actionFællesskabsaktion inden for undervisningsteknologi-det teknologiske fremskridt i undervisningens tjeneste i Europa-forsøgsaktion
Programme for the enhancement of quality in higher education and the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countriesprogram til at øge kvaliteten af de videregående uddannelser og fremme den mellemfolkelige forståelse gennem samarbejde med tredjelande