Subject | English | Danish |
gen. | a motion for rejection of the text | et forslag om forkastelse |
law, transp., avia. | Additional Protocol concerning the replacement of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges of 12 February 1981 by the relevant provisions of the consolidated text of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air navigation as amended at Brussels in 1997, including its Annex IV | tillægsprotokol vedrørende erstatning af den multilaterale aftale vedrørende en route-afgifter af 12. februar 1981 med de relevante bestemmelser i den konsoliderede tekst i den internationale Eurocontrolkonvention vedrørende samarbejde om luftfartens sikkerhed, som ændret i Bruxelles i 1997, herunder annex IV |
commun., el. | alarm text | alarmtekst |
gen. | all four texts being equally authentic | de fire tekster har samme gyldighed |
comp., MS | alternative text | tekstalternativ (Text displayed by Web browsers during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off, and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words) |
IT, dat.proc. | to anchor a graphic and a text | sammenknytte grafik og tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to anchor a graphic and a text | forankre grafik og tekst |
cultur., commun. | arrange the illustrations to fit the text | tilpasse billederne til teksten |
polit., law | authentic text | retsgyldig tekst |
polit., int. law. | authentic text | være autentisk |
polit., int. law. | authentic text | bekræftet tekst |
polit., int. law. | authentic text | autentisk tekst |
law | authentic text | autentisk udgave |
law | authentication of a text | bekræftelse af teksten |
law | authoritative text | autentisk udgave |
IT | automated retrieval of texts | automatisk udnyttelse af dokumenter |
IT, dat.proc. | available public text | tilgængelig offentlig tekst |
el. | average word of a text | gennemsnitsord af en tekst |
fin. | basic texts and reference texts on the euro | basis- og referencedokumenter om euroen |
commun. | board for preprinted text | fortrykskarton |
comp., MS | body text | brødtekst (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example) |
IT, dat.proc. | body text expansion | brødtekstudvidelse |
comp., MS | boilerplate text | standardtekst (Recyclable text; a piece of writing or code, such as an organization's mission statement or the graphics code that prints a software company's logo, which can be used over and over in many different documents) |
IT, dat.proc. | boxed text | indrammet tekst |
commun. | brief text | kort beskrivelse |
comp., MS | caption text | billedtekst (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image) |
gen. | "catch-all" text | opsamlingstekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to center text | centrere tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | centered text | centreret sats |
IT, dat.proc. | centered text | centreret tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to centre text | centrere tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to chain a graphic and a text | forankre grafik og tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to chain a graphic and a text | sammenknytte grafik og tekst |
IT | clarifying text | afklarende tekst |
immigr., tech. | clear text | klartekst |
IT | clear text | almindelig tekst |
immigr., tech. | clear text | "clear text" |
el. | clear text code | klartekstkode |
comp., MS | clear-text password | adgangskode i klartekst (A password that is not scrambled, thus making it more susceptible to network sniffers) |
comp., MS | ClearType Text Tuner | ClearType-teksttuner (A program that helps make the text on your screen easier to read for long periods of time) |
law | codified text | kodificeret udgave |
law | codified text | kodificeret tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | collapse of body text | svigt af brødtekst |
immigr. | Compilation of texts on European practice with respect to asylum | tekstsamling om europæisk asylpraksis |
gen. | compromise text | kompromistekst |
law | consolidated text | konsolideret udgave |
law | consolidated text | konsolideret tekst |
law | consolidated text of the arrangement | arrangementets konsoliderede tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | consolidation of text blocks | sammenføjning af tekstafsnit |
IT | Construction and Interrogation of Knowledge Bases Using Natural Language Text and Graphics | Opbygning af og opslag i videnbaser ved hjælp af naturligt sprog og grafik |
IT, dat.proc. | conversion in standard text | omdannelse til standardtekst |
IT | coverage of texts | tekstdækning |
commun. | custom text message | tekstmeddelelse | | Decision on texts relating to minimum values and imports by sole agents, sole distributors and sole concessionaires | beslutning om tekster vedrørende minimumsværdier og indførelser foretaget af eneagenturer, eneforhandlere og enekoncessionshavere |
comp., MS | delimited text file | afgrænset tekstfil (A file containing data where individual field values are separated by a character, such as a comma or a tab) |
IT, dat.proc. | display text | display |
IT, dat.proc. | display text | afbildning |
IT, dat.proc. | display text | display text |
polit. | Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk | Dokumenter med en dokumentreference er tilgængelige på Rådets internetsted http: ( Asterisk ved en afgørelse betyder, at der er fremsat offentligt tilgængelige erklæringer til optagelse i Rådets protokol) |
gen. | Documents referenced in the text are available on the Council's Internet site Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk | disse erklæringer findes ligeledes på Rådets internetsted eller kan fås ved henvendelse til Pressetjenesten. |
comp., MS | Draw Text tool | Tegne- og tekstværktøj (An annotation tool used to add notes or comments to a slide) |
comp., MS | dynamic text field | dynamisk tekstfelt (A text field that displays changing text, most often used in conjunction with a progress bar in order to indicate progress) |
patents. | editing of written texts | redigering af skrevne tekster |
IT, tech. | end of text | tekstsluttegn |
IT, tech. | end of text | slut på tekst |
IT, tech. | end of text character | slut på tekst |
IT, tech. | end of text character | tekstsluttegn |
commun., industr. | endless text | kontinuerligt tryk |
IT, dat.proc. | entity text | entitetstekst |
comp., MS | Explain text | Forklarende tekst (Help text displayed when viewing the properties of most Group Policy settings) |
IT, dat.proc. | to fix a text block | fastholde tekstblok |
IT, dat.proc. | to fix a text block | forankre tekstblok |
comp., MS | fixed-width text file | tekstfil med fast bredde (A file containing data, where each field has a fixed width) |
IT, dat.proc. | to flow text | lade tekst løbe |
gen. | forwarding of text | følgeskrivelse |
gen. | forwarding of text | fremsendelse af tekst |
gen. | Forwarding of texts | fremsendelse af tekster |
IT, dat.proc. | frame text | rammetekst |
market. | franchisees'permanent training text book | franchisetagers blivende håndbog |
commun., IT | free text | løbende fri tekst |
IT | free text | fritekst |
IT | free text message | fri tekst meddelelse |
work.fl., IT | free text search | fritekstsøgning |
work.fl., IT | free text search | fri tekstsøgning |
comp., MS | free-text searchable | søgbar med fritekstsøgning (" A Yes/No flag in a property definition that indicates whether the property can be found through a free-text search. To set this flag to Yes, the property type must be string or enumerated. A free-text search locates exact matches and words that are inflectionally generated from the one(s) you specified. For example, the word "drive" would return matches for drives, drove, driving, and driven.") |
gen. | freezing of a text | fastfrysning af en tekst |
gen. | freezing of a text | fastfrossen tekst |
gen. | frozen text | fastfrossen tekst |
gen. | frozen text | fastfrysning af en tekst |
IT, R&D. | full text | fuld tekst |
gen. | full text | fuldtekst |
IT, R&D. | full-text database | fuldtekstdatabase |
comp., MS | full-text index | fuldtekstindeks (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties) |
IT | full-text search | fuldtekstsøgning |
IT | full-text search | fritekstsøgning |
comp., MS | full-text search | fuldtekstsøgning (A search for one or more documents, records, or strings based on all of the actual text data rather than on an index containing a limited set of keywords) |
comp., MS | full-text search index | søgeindeks til fuldtekstsøgning (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties) |
comp., MS | Global text direction | global tekstretning (Defines the flow of text in text entry boxes and edit controls. You can choose a left-to-right or right-to-left direction, or base the direction on the context of the first strong character that is detected) |
comp., MS | group text | gruppe-sms (A text message thread between a group of people (usually more than 2). It allows you to keep all the replies from people in one thread, so that you can see the whole conversation) |
commun. | guiding text | ledetekst |
commun., IT | help text files | hjælpetekstfiler |
IT, dat.proc. | hidden text | skjult tekst |
comp., MS | hidden text | skjult tekst (Text that does not display in the normal view of a document's content) |
IT, dat.proc. | hidden-text mark | mærke for skjult tekst |
IT | high quality text printer | tekstskriver |
law | horizontal text | horisontal tekst |
comp., MS | hyperlink display text | hyperlinktekst (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen) |
comp., MS | hyperlink display text | linktekst (The part of a hyperlink in a document or Web page that displays as text on the screen) |
IT, dat.proc. | to import text | importere tekst |
law, | informal composite negotiating text | uofficiel kombineret forhandlingstekst |
patents. | information-processing installations and apparatus, computers, personal computers, computer terminals, computer peripheral devices, computer accessories, computer parts and computer memories, text-processing | installationer og apparater til informationsbehandling, computere, pc'er, computerterminaler, perifert udstyr til computere, tilbehør til computere, dele til computere og hukommelse til computere, tekstbehandlingsudstyr |
IT | intelligent text categorization aid | hjælpmiddel til intelligent tekstkategorisering |
law | Interinstitutional Agreement of 20 December 1994 - Accelerated working method for official codification of legislative texts | aftale mellem institutionerne af 20. december 1994 om en hurtig arbejdsmetode ved officiel kodifikation af lovtekster |
IT, dat.proc. | ISO text description | ISO-tekstbeskrivelse |
polit., law | joint text | fælles udkast |
obs., fin. | joint text | fælles indstilling |
environ. | legal text | aktstykke |
environ. | legal text The exact wording or language of a law or other document in conformity with the law or having the authority of law | retsakt |
environ. | legal text | retsakt |
ed. | legal text | lovtekst |
law, IT | legislative texts | lovtekster |
law, IT | legislative texts | lovgivningstekster |
IT | machine-tractable text | maskinlæsbar tekst |
patents. | magnetic and optical carriers provided with pre-recorded sound, images, graphics, text, data, programs and | magnetiske og optiske bærere forsynet med indspillet lyd, billede, grafik, tekst, data, programmer og information |
IT | mail box messaging for text image and voice | postbesørgede meddelelser for tekst billede og stemme |
IT | mail box messaging for text image and voice | elektronisk postbesørgelse af tekst billede og tale |
cultur. | manuscript text | håndskrevet tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to mark text | mærkning af en tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | to mark text | mærke en tekst |
commun. | master copy of a text | tekst-forlæg til reproduktion |
commun. | master copy of a text | tekst-forlæg |
commun., IT | Message Oriented Text Interchange System | tekstudvekslingssystem |
commun., IT | Message Oriented Text Interchange System | meddelelsesorienteret tekstombytningsystem |
fin., IT | message text | meddelelsestekst |
comp., MS | Microsoft text telephone | Microsoft teksttelefon (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another) |
polit. | non-legislative text | ikke-lovgivningsmæssig tekst |
law | non-mandatory text | ikke-bindende tekst |
gen. | obliterated text | udstreget tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | omitted public text | udeladt offentlig tekst |
commun., transp., mech.eng. | original text | originaltekst |
comp., MS | overflow text | tekstoverløb (Text that does not fit within a text box. The text is hidden until it can be flowed into a new text box, or until the text box it overflows is resized to include it) |
industr., construct. | permanent text | fast præg |
comp., MS | placeholder text | pladsholdertekst (Text or some other element used in an application as an indicator that the user should enter in his or her own text) |
commun. | plain language text | tekst i klart sprog |
IT | plain text | almindelig tekst |
IT | plain text | klartekst |
comp., MS | plain text | almindelig tekst (A string of text that is displayed with one value for each text attribute: typeface, slant, and weight) |
immigr. | Police and customs cooperation in the EU - Contact points and texts | Police and customs cooperation in the EU - Contact points and texts |
commun. | printed text | trykt tekst |
immigr., commun. | printed text | fortrykt tekst |
gen. | to produce consolidated texts of amended Community legislation | konsolidering af ændrede fællesskabsretsakter |
fin., IT, dat.proc. | public text | offentlig tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | public text display version | skærmversion af offentlig tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | public text display version | displayversion af offentlig tekst |
patents. | publication of books and texts | udgivelse af bøger og tekster |
patents. | publication of books, magazines, journals, periodicals, reports, manuals, texts, computer software | udgivelse af bøger, blade, dagblade, tidsskrifter, rapporter, manualer, tekster, computersoftware |
patents. | publication of publicity texts | offentliggørelse af reklametekster |
gen. | publication of publicity texts | reklametekster offentliggørelse af - |
patents. | publication of texts | udgivelse af tekster |
comp., MS | recognized text | genkendt tekst (Text that appears under your handwriting on the writing pad or in place of the handwritten letter in the character pad) |
law | reconcile texts | få tekster til at harmonere |
law | reconcile texts | bringe tekster i overensstemmelse |
IT, dat.proc. | replacement text | erstatningstekst |
law, | revised single negotiating text | revideret fælles forhandlingstekst |
comp., MS | rich-text box | felt med RTF-formatering (A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties) |
comp., MS | rich-text editor | RTF-editor (A text-editing program that lets users create instant messages or blog posts that contain rich text elements, such as text formatting and embedded images) |
IT | Rich Text Format | RTF-format |
comp., MS | rich text XML mapping | XML-tilknytning til RTF (A type of XML mapping that links WordprocessingML content directly to the backing data in the custom XML part) |
IT, dat.proc. | running text | brødtekst |
econ. | sacred text | hellig skrift |
IT, dat.proc. | save in DOS text file | gemning som DOS-tekstfil |
comp., MS | scrolling text control | kontrolelement med rullende tekst (A control or component on a page that displays moving text) |
IT | searching free texts | søgning efter dokumenter,som er udformet i forskellige formater |
IT, dat.proc. | SGML text entity | SGML-tekstentitet |
law, | single negotiating text | fælles forhandlingstekst |
gen. | smoothly read text | tekst oplæst med jævn stemmeføring |
IT | source text | kildetekst |
IT, dat.proc. | Standard Generalized Markup Language text entity | SGML-tekstentitet |
IT, dat.proc. | standing text | boilerplate |
IT, dat.proc. | standing text | stående sats |
commun. | start of text | start på tekst |
commun. | start of text signal | signal for start på tekst |
comp., MS | static text field | statisk tekstfelt (A standard Windows control used for instructions, control labels, and all text that the user doesn't need to horizontally scroll, edit, or select. Compare text box) |
gen. | Statute of the Council of Europe incorporating Amendments and Texts of a Statutory Character adopted in May and August 1951 | Statut for Europarådet med ændringer og tekster af statutmæssig karakter vedtaget i maj og august 1951 |
commun., environ. | statutory text | lovtekst |
commun., environ. | statutory text | retstekst |
environ. | statutory text A document or a portion thereof expressing an official enactment of a legislative body, with emphasis on the document's precise wording or language | retstekst |
immigr., tech. | superimposed texts | overtryk |
IT, dat.proc. | text attribute | tekstattribut |
IT, dat.proc. | text attribute | typografisk attribut |
comp., MS | Text-Based Designer | Tekstbaseret designer (A text-based workflow editor that enables users to create and edit workflows by using declarative statements) |
IT, dat.proc. | text block | tekstblok |
comp., MS | text block | tekstblok (The text area associated with a shape that appears when you click the shape with the text tool or select it with the pointer tool) |
book.bind. | text block | bogblok |
IT, dat.proc. | text block delimiter | tekstblokseparator |
commun. | text-book | håndbog |
ed. | text book | lærebog |
IT | text box | tekstboks |
comp., MS | text box | tekstfelt (A rectangular control in an application that allows the user to enter or edit text) |
el. | text-busy signal | blokeringssignal |
IT, dat.proc. | text center line | tekstmidterlinje |
IT, dat.proc. | text centre line | tekstmidterlinje |
IT | text centring | tekstcentrering |
IT, dat.proc. | text column | tekstspalte |
IT, R&D. | text communication | tekstkommunikation |
IT | text communication | Tekstkommunikation |
IT, dat.proc. | text coordinate | tekstkoordinat |
IT | text co-processor | tekst coprocessor |
IT | text coverage | tekstdækning |
IT, dat.proc. | text cursor | tekstmarkør |
comp., MS | Text Cycle | Tekstcyklus (A SmartArt graphic layout used to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the arrows or flow rather than the stages or steps. Works best with Level 1 text only) |
IT, | text data decoder | tekstdatadekoder |
IT | text data decoding | dekodning af tekstdata |
IT, dat.proc. | text database | tekstdatabase |
comp., MS | text direction | tekstretning (The direction text is written in a document, for instance left to right, right to left, horizontal or vertical) |
IT, dat.proc. | text display mode | visning af tekst uden koder |
comp., MS | Text Display Size | Tekstvisningsstørrelse (An item on the Edit menu that displays a list of relative text sizes for instant message text) |
IT, dat.proc. | text editing | tekstredigering |
IT, dat.proc. | text editing | teksteditering |
patents. | text-editing | tekstredigering |
patents. | text-editing services | tekstredigering |
IT | text editor | tekstbehandlingsprogram |
IT | text editor | videnbaseeditor |
comp., MS | text editor | tekstredigeringsprogram (A program that creates files or makes changes to existing files) |
comp., MS | text editor | teksteditor (A program that creates files or makes changes to existing files) |
comp., MS | text editor | tekstbehandlingsprogram (A program that creates files or makes changes to existing files) |
IT | text editor | videnbaseret editor |
comp., MS | text effect | teksteffekt (A visual effect that colors, tweaks, or otherwise graphically alters fonts) |
IT, dat.proc. | text file | tekstfil |
comp., MS | text file | tekstfil (" A file composed of text characters. A text file can be a word-processing file or a "plain" ASCII file encoded in a format practically all computers can use.") |
law | text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts | efter endelig udformning af teksten i Jurist-Lingvist-Gruppen |
law | text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts | efter gennemgang af teksten i Jurist-Lingvist-Gruppen |
law | text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts | efter jurist-lingvisternes endelige udformning af teksten |
law | text finalised by the legal/linguistic experts | efter jurist-lingvisternes gennemgang af teksten |
law | text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts | efter gennemgang af teksten i Jurist-Lingvist-Gruppen |
law | text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts | efter jurist-lingvisternes endelige udformning af teksten |
law | text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts | efter jurist-lingvisternes gennemgang af teksten |
law | text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Experts | efter endelig udformning af teksten i Jurist-Lingvist-Gruppen |
comp., MS | text flow | tekstretning (The way text is displayed in a document, how it behaves and breaks according to settings) |
comp., MS | text formatting | tekstformatering (Formatting that controls the appearance of a text. Examples include text alignment, intercharacter spacing, text justification, and text and background colors) |
IT, dat.proc. | text frame | tekstramme |
comp., MS | text harvesting | tekstindsamling (A process of extending a handwriting recognizer's lexicon by gathering and storing the user's vocabulary) |
IT, dat.proc. | text icon | tekstikon |
IT, dat.proc. | text identifier | tekstkendenavn |
IT, dat.proc. | text identifier | tekstidentifikator |
IT, dat.proc. | text image area | tekstbilledeområde |
law | text in the second language indicated by the applicant | tekst der er affattet på det andet sprog,som ansøgeren har angivet |
IT, dat.proc. | text indicator | tekstindikator |
work.fl., IT | text keyword | tekstnøgleord |
work.fl., IT | text keyword indexing | Indeksering med tekstnøgleord |
comp., MS | text label | tekstnavn (Descriptive text that you can add to a form, worksheet, chart, or other document) |
IT, dat.proc. | text macro | tekstmakro |
commun. | text mailbox | tekstpostkasse |
IT, dat.proc. | text-marking code | tekstmærkningskode |
comp., MS | text message | sms-besked (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol) |
IT | text messaging | elektronisk postbesørgelse af tekstmeddelelser |
comp., MS | text messaging | sms-beskeder (The process of creating and sending text messages between or to mobile phones and devices using the SMS protocol) |
commun. | text mode | tekst-format |
commun. | text mode | tekst-form |
comp., MS | text-mode Setup | tekstbaseret installation (The second of the three stages of Setup, where the basic hardware of the computer (CPU, motherboard, hard disk controllers, file systems, and memory) is determined, the base operating system necessary to continue is installed, and specified folders are created) |
comp., MS | text object | tekstobjekt (An entity containing text in a document, for instance a text box or table cell) |
law | text of the application | selve ansøgningen |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only file | ukodet tekstfil |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only file | tekstfil uden mark-up |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only file format | rent tekstformat |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only file format | ASCII-format |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only-with-line-breaks file | ren tekstfil med linjeskift |
IT, dat.proc. | text-only-with-line-breaks format | rent tekstformat med linjeskift |
comp., MS | text placeholder | pladsholder til tekst (A symbolic value used instead of a real value which in this case is text) |
comp., MS | text prediction | tekstfuldførelse (A recognition feature that helps increase input speed and reduce effort by providing users with word completion and next word prediction alternates as the user is writing/typing) |
IT, dat.proc. | text-processing | elektronisk tekstbehandling |
IT, dat.proc. | text processing | etb |
IT, dat.proc. | text processing | tekstbehandling |
IT, dat.proc. | text-processing | tekstbehandling |
IT, dat.proc. | text-processing | etb |
IT, dat.proc. | text processing | elektronisk tekstbehandling |
IT, dat.proc. | text processing application | tekstbehandlingsprogram |
IT, dat.proc. | text processing application | tekstbehandlingsapplikation |
IT, R&D. | text processing machine | tekstbehandlingsmaskine |
IT, dat.proc. | text replace | erstatning af tekst |
work.fl., IT | text retrieval | genfinding ud fra tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | text rotation | tekstrotation |
IT, dat.proc. | text scroll | tekstgennemløb |
IT, dat.proc. | text scroll | gennemløb af tekst |
IT | text section | styretekst-del |
comp., MS | text service | sprogtjeneste (A program that enables a user to enter or edit text. Text services include keyboard layouts, handwriting and speech recognition programs, and Input Method Editors (IMEs). IMEs are used to enter East Asian language characters with a keyboard) |
comp., MS | Text slide | diasset Tekst (A blank collaborative slide on which participants can type notes or comments) |
commun., IT | text station | tekstbehandlingsanlæg |
commun. | text string | tekststreng |
comp., MS | text string | tekststreng (A group of characters or character bytes representing text handled as a single entity) |
comp., MS | text suggestion | tekstforslag (A word that's suggested as users type, which they can select to quickly insert) |
commun. | text telephone | skrivetelefon |
commun. | text telephone | teksttelefon |
comp., MS | text telephone | teksttelefon (A device that enables the transmission of typed messages over phone lines. These devices typically include keyboards for typing messages to send and display and/or printers to receive messages from one device to another) |
comp., MS | text-to-speech | tekst-til-tale (Pertaining to technologies for converting textual (ASCII) information into synthetic speech output. Used in voice-processing applications requiring production of broad, unrelated, and unpredictable vocabularies, such as products in a catalog or names and addresses. This technology is appropriate when system design constraints prevent the more efficient use of speech concatenation alone) |
IT | text-to-speech synthesis | tekst-til-talesyntese |
IT | text-to-speech synthesis | tekst-til-tale-omsætning |
comp., MS | text trainer | teksttræning (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user's vocabulary is analyzed in order to "teach" the recognizer which words should be recognized. The text trainer transforms raw user text from text harvesting into a form that can be used by a personalized recognizer) |
IT, dat.proc. | text truncation | tekstafskæring |
IT, dat.proc. | text truncation | afskæring af tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | text type | brødskrift |
IT, dat.proc. | text unit | tekstenhed |
comp., MS | text wrap | tekstombrydning (The ability of a word-processing program or a text-editing program to break lines of text automatically to stay within the page margins or window boundaries of a document without the user having to do so with carriage returns, as is typically necessary on a typewriter) |
comp., MS | text wrapping | tekstombrydning (A feature that consists of advanced text wrap functionality, allowing the user to select from various styles to specify how text flows around objects or graphics in a document) |
law | the Conciliation Committee approves a joint text | Forligsudvalget godkender et fælles udkast |
gen. | The decision exists in all languages, but English / French is the sole authentic version of the agreement. Translations of the text of the agreement will be published in the Official Journal. | Afgørelsen findes på alle sprog, men den engelske udgave af aftalen er den eneste autentiske. Oversættelserne af aftaleteksten vil blive offentliggjort i EU-Tidende. |
polit., law | the texts shall be authentic | teksterne er retsgyldige |
comp., MS | transaction text | posteringstekst (A description for a journal line. Transaction text stays with the journal line until an event causes new transaction text to be added, such as when the transaction is settled) |
law | translation corresponding to the relevant original text | oversættelse der er i overensstemmelse med den oprindelige tekst |
comp., MS | typed text | maskinskrevet tekst (Text that you enter by using a keyboard or that your Tablet PC converts from handwriting or speech) |
commun. | typescript text | maskinskrevet tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | unabridged text | uforkortet tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | unavailable public text | utilgængelig offentlig tekst |
IT, dat.proc. | unjustified text | ujusteret sats |
IT, dat.proc. | to unthread text | ophæve tekstsammenkædning |
commun. | variable text | variabel tekst |
comp., MS | Video, In Text | Video, i tekst (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker) |
commun., IT | video-text | videotekst |
patents. | video text and teletext transmission services | transmission af videotekst og tekst-tv |
econ. | vote on a text as a whole | bunden afstemning |
polit. | Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks. | Når Rådet formelt har vedtaget erklæringer, konklusioner eller resolutioner, angives dette i overskriften for det pågældende punkt, og teksten er sat i anførselstegn. |
comp., MS | WordArt text | WordArt-tekst (The text of a WordArt object) |