
Terms containing rise | all forms | exact matches only
med.abortive riseabortiv stigning
earth.sc.adiabatic temperature riseadiabatisk temperaturstigning
construct.arch risepilhøjde
tech., industr., construct.batcher with a rising driven rolleroprulningsvalse med opadgående drevvalse
tech., industr., construct.batcher with rising driven batchoprulningsvalse med opadgående drev
tech., industr., construct.body risebody rise/stigning
fin.to buy for a riseat spekulere i haussen
transp.capillary risekapillarstigning
transp.capillary risekapillær stighøjde
nat.sc., agric.capillary risekapillær opstigning
tech., industr., construct.capillary risesugehøjde
life.sc.centre of risesisallobarisk maksimum
fin.check to the rise of public expenditureafdæmpning af stigningen i de offentlige udgifter
polit., lawcircumstance giving rise to urgencyomstændigheder,der medfører uopsættelighed
polit., lawcircumstances giving rise to urgencyomstændigheder, der medfører uopsættelighed
mech.eng.coefficient of pressure rise on shutting offtrykstigningskoefficient ved lukning
gen.Times 070277.19 ..compensation for the rise in the cost of livinglønforhøjelse som følge af dyrtidsregulering
health.conflicts giving rise to insomniakonflikt, der forårsager søvnløshed
med.conflicts giving rise to insomniakonflikter der forårsager søvnløshed
earth.sc., environ., geogr.continental risekontinentalhævning
earth.sc., environ., geogr.continental risehævning
tech.design temperature risekonstruktionsbestemmende temperaturstigning
earth.sc., met.discharge current rise timeudladningsstrøms stigetid
earth.sc., transp.drag risestigning i luftmodstanden
earth.sc., transp.drag rise Mach numbermodstandsstignings-Machtal
construct.dry rising maintørt stigrør
life.sc., agric.duration of capillary risevarighed af kapillær stigning
life.sc.duration of risetidevandperiode
commun., el.equivalent rise timeækvivalent stigetid
lawevent which gives rise to and is at the origin of the damagetil grund for skaden liggende handling
commun.generator output rise timegeneratorudgangsstigetider
econ.to give rise, either in law or in fact, to any direct or indirect discriminationretligt eller faktisk føre til direkte eller indirekte forskelsbehandling
lawgive rise to a disputegive anledning til tvist
lawto give rise to a right of priorityanse for prioritetsbegrundet
lawto give rise to claim for damagesgive grundlag for krav om skadeserstatning
patents.giving rise to a right of priorityprioritetsbegrundende
gen.heating will cause rise in pressure with risk of burstingopvarmning vil forårsage trykstigning med risiko for brud på emballage
construct.high-rise apartment building USApunkthus
construct.high-rise apartment building USAhøjhus
construct.high-rise apartment building USAbeboelseshøjhus
construct.high-rise block of flatshøjhus
construct.high-rise block of flatspunkthus
construct.high-rise block of flatsbeboelseshøjhus
environ.high-rise buildinghøjhus
environ.high-rise building Any tall, multistoried structure or edifice that is equipped with elevatorshøjhus
mater.sc., mech.eng.high rise storehøjloftet kølehus
construct.low-rise buildinglav bebyggelse
construct.low-rise buildinglavt byggeri
construct.low-rise buildinglav bygning
construct.low rise buildinglav bebyggelse
earth.sc.magma risemagmastigning
nat.sc., agric.maximum risemaksimal terrænstigning
el.maximum rise time to togglemaksimal skiftestigetid
el.maximum toggle rise timemaksimal skiftestigetid
law, patents.measure giving rise toretsstiftende kendsgerning
law, patents.measure giving rise toretsstiftende handling
econ.measure which may give rise to expenditure chargeable to the budgetforanstaltning med udgiftsvirkning for budgettet
health.mechanism which gives rise to the immune reactionmekanismen,der fører til immunreaktion
comp., MSnew+risingnye + populære (The category of apps and similar items that are suggested to users due to their recent popularity)
chem., el.non-rising stem valveventil med ikke-stigende spindel
chem., el.non-rising stem valveventil med fast spindel
gen.on the rise sideoven for tunnelniveau
commun.output rise timeudgangssignals stigetid
econ.pay riseajourføring af lønninger
earth.sc., el.permeability rise factorpermeabilitets stigefaktor
el.photocurrent rise timefotostrøm-stigetid
el.photocurrent saturated rise timefotostrøm-stigetid i mætning
earth.sc.phreatic risevandrejsning
life.sc.plume riseopstigning af fane
el.power-dissipation rise-time relationshipeffektforbrug/stigetid forhold
nat.sc., mech.eng.pressure risetrykstigning
el.pulse rise delaystigetidsforsinkelse
el.pulse rise timestigetid af stød
earth.sc.pulse rise time discriminatorimpulsstigende diskriminator
mech.eng.pump rising mainpumpestigerør
gen.questions likely to give rise to disputesspørgsmål, som kan give anledning til tvister
coal., met.rate of temperature risehastighedstemperaturkoefficient for kulforgasning
coal., met.rate of temperature risegennemvarmningshastighed for kul
mater.sc.rate-of-rise heat detectordifferentialmelder
mech.eng.rise and fall adjustmentvertikal forskydning
mech.eng., construct.rise and fall doorhæve og sænke dør
el.rise and fall pendanthejselampe
el.rise and fall timesstigetid og faldetid
industr., construct., mech.eng.rise-and-fall sawrundsav med indstillelig klingehøjde
el.rise delaystigetidsforsinkelse
el.rise delay timeopstartforsinkelsestid
life.sc.rise driftrise
coal.rise headingforbindelsestunnel
coal.rise headinggennemslag
transp.rise heightsvævehøjde
health.rise in blood-pressureforhøjelse af blodtrykket
fin.rise in expenditureudgiftsstigning
el.rise in frequencyfrekvensstigning
econ., lab.law.rise in productivityproduktivitetsstigning
econ., lab.law.rise in productivityproduktivitetforøgelse
econ.rise in the level of educationforbedring af uddannelsesniveauet
econ.rise in the standard of livingforhøjelse af levestandarden
econ.rise in the standard of livingstigning i levestandarden
econ.rise in the standard of livingforøgelse af levestandard
demogr.rise in valueværdiforøgelse
chem., el.rise of crownspidsen på topstykket
chem., el.rise of crownkuppelhøjde
transp., nautic., fish.farm.rise of floorbundrejsning
econ.rise of pricesprisstigning
life.sc.rise of the piezometric surfacestigning med tiden i den artesiske trykflade
scient.rise-span ratiopilhøjdeforhold
commun.rise timestigetid
IT, el.rise timeindløbstid
IT, el.rise timestigningstid
el.rise-time budgetstigetidsoverslag
el.rise-time budgetstigetidsbudget
el.rise-time compensationstigetidskompensation
el.rise-time delaystigetidsforsinkelse
commun., el.rise time of a pulsestigetid
tech., el.rise time of a pulseindsvingningstid
el.rise-time responsestigetidsrespons
stat., fin.to rise to parat stige til pari
el.rising characteristicstigende karakteristik
insur.rising cost methodmetode til engangspræmie
gen.rising minemine med egen opdrift som frigives fra mineankeret efter fastsat kriterium
agric.rising of creamflødeafsætning
mech.eng., el.rising out of synchronismhæves ud af synkronisme
transp., nautic.rising part of bulwarkgilling
transp.rising plateoploebende plade
environ.rising sea levelstigende vandstand
environ.rising sea level Sea level rises are a possible consequence of global warming. As the amount of free water in the ocean increases, and as the water becomes warmer, global warming will increase. In addition, according to theory, the heating at the poles may reduce the amount of water trapped in glaciers and ice caps. By the year 3000, the seas could rise between one and two metres. Such an event would clearly threaten low-lying areas, particularly in Asia, where million of people live and farm on river deltas and flood plainsstigende havoverflade
environ.rising sea levelstigende havoverflade
econ., stat.rising standard of livingstigende levestandard
met.rising steeluberoliget stål
transp.rising stem plateopløbende stævnplade
chem.rising table blow moldingKautex-metode
chem.rising table blow mouldingKautex-metode
tax.rising tax burdenøget skattebyrde
med.rising-temperature bathbad med stigende temperatur
health.rising temperature douchebrusebad med stigende temperatur
environ.rising tidestigende vande
environ.rising tidestigende tidevand
met.rising topblomkålstop
el.saturation rise timestigetid i mætning
earth.sc.scintillation rise timescintillationsstigetid
environ.sea level rise Sea-level rises are a possible consequence of global warming. As the amount of free water in the oceans increases, and as the water becomes warmer, global warming will increase. In addition, according to theory, the heating at the poles may reduce the amount of water trapped in glaciers and ice capsstigning i vandstand
environ.sea level risestigning i vandstand
earth.sc.Sea-level Risestigende havvandstand
earth.sc.Sea-level Risestigning i havniveauet
earth.sc.Sea-level Risestigning i havvandstanden
earth.sc.Sea-level Risestigende havniveau
earth.sc.Sea-level Risehavniveaustigning
fin.sharp rise in pricesstærk prisstigning
fin.sharp rise in pricespriseksplosion
commun.signal rise timesignalets stigetid
fin.to speculate for a riseat spekulere i haussen
tax.tax riseskatteforhøjelse
tax.tax riseskattestigning
tech., mech.eng.temperature risetemperaturstigning
mech.eng., el.temperature-rise testtemperaturstigningsprøvning
mech.eng., el.temperature-rise testtemperaturstigningsafprøvning
econ., stat.tendency for prices to riseprisopsving
econ., stat.tendency for prices to riseprisstigningstendens
econ., stat.tendency for prices to riseopadgående tendens i priserne
econ., market.tendency to riseprisopsving
econ., stat.tendency to riseprisstigningstendens
econ., market.tendency to riseopadgående tendens i priserne
econ.the price shall be increased proportionately to any rise in the common priceprisen forhøjes proportionalt med den eventuelle forhøjelse af den fælles pris
lab.law.trend rise in unemploymenttendens til stigning i arbejdsløsheden
el.unsaturated photocurrent rise timefotostrøm-stigetid
el.voltage drop or rise for a specified load conditionspændingsfald eller stigning under given belastning
construct.wet rising mainvådt stigrør
gen.Working Party on the Rise of the Sea LevelArbejdsgruppen om Den Stigende Vandstand i Verdenshavene