
Terms containing maps | all forms | exact matches only
commun., ITN-address-mappinget lags adresseafbildning
commun., ITaddress-mapping of a layeret lags adresseafbildning
life.sc.aeronautical mapflyverkort
life.sc.aeronautical mapaeronautisk kort
life.sc., agric.all maps relating to a land consolidation procedurealle kort i jordfordelingsprocessen
life.sc., agric.allocation mapfordelingskort
life.sc.analysed mapanalyseret kort
comp., MSapplication mapprogramtilknytninger (A mapping between file name extensions and HTTP request handlers that enables Web hosting applications to determine which handler responds to requests for specific types of files)
life.sc.automatic multitemporal mappingautomatisk korttegning for en række tidspunkter på året
commun.automatically mapping agricultural classesautomatisk kortlægning af kategorier af landbrug
commun., life.sc.base mapbasiskort
commun., life.sc.base mapgrundkort
life.sc.base maparbejdskort
commun., life.sc.base map symbolgrundkortsymbol
commun., life.sc.base map symbolbasiskortsymbol
commun., life.sc.basic mapbasiskort
commun., life.sc.basic mapgrundkort
life.sc.basic map seriesgrundkortserie
comp., MSBing MapsBing Kort (The Bing service that allows search and view of maps and satellite images)
fin., ITbit mapbitmap
ITbit-map graphicsbitmap-grafik
ITbit-map printerbit map-skriver
ITbit-map storage terminalterminal med bitmap-lager
life.sc.body of a maphovedfelt af et kort
life.sc.border of a mapkortramme
comp., MSbubble mapboblekort (A geographical map that displays a circle over specific locations, where the radius of the circle is proportional to a numeric value)
comp., MSbump mapujævnhedsafbildning (A set of per-pixel color and luminance data used to simulate relief, detail, or texture (bumps) on the surface of a graphic object without modifying the geometry of the object model)
stat.bunch-map analysisknippediagram analyse
stat., scient.bunch-map analysisbunch-map analyse
math.bunch map analysisknippediagram analyse
fin.business line mappingindplacering af aktivitet under de forskellige forretningsområder
obs., fin.business line mappingkonvertering af forretningsområder
law, life.sc.cadastral map seriesmatrikelkortværk
comp., MScharacter maptegnoversigt (In text-based computer graphics, a block of memory addresses that correspond to character spaces on a display screen. The memory allocated to each character space is used to hold the description of the character to be displayed in that space)
comp., MSCharacter MapTegnoversigt (A feature in Windows that makes it possible to use characters that are not displayed on the keyboard)
life.sc.chorographic mapkorografisk kort
med.chromosome mapkromosomkort
med.chromosome mappinggenetisk kortlægning
comp., MSclickable mapklikbart grafikobjekt (An image that contains more than one hyperlink on a Web page. Clicking different parts of the image links the user to other resources on another part of the Web page or a different Web page or in a file)
comp., MSclient-side image mapklikbart objekt (An image map that directly encodes in a Web page the destination URL of each hot spot in that image map. Client-side image maps do not require processing from a server when a site visitor follows the hyperlinks in the image map)
life.sc.climatological mapklimatologisk kort
med.cognitive mapkognitivt skema
el.colour mappingcolor mapping
construct.comprehensive development area maparealudnyttelsesplan
construct., mun.plan.comprehensive development zone mapegnsudviklingsplan
construct., mun.plan.comprehensive development zone mapkort over byplanlægningszone
life.sc.configuration mapskeletkort
life.sc.continental mapkort over verdensdel
life.sc.contour lines maphøjdekurveplan
med.corticocerebral maptopografisk kort over storhjernens overflade
med.corticocerebral mapkort over storhjernens overflade
comp., MScoverage mapDækningskort (A digital map indicating the area in which one can expect good cell-phone reception from a specific mobile operator)
crim.law.crime mappinggeografisk kriminalitetsanalyse
agric.crop suitability mapkort over jordbundens egnethed til dyrkning af afgrøder
IT, dat.proc.current mapaktuelt kort
comp., MScustom mapbrugerdefineret kort (A map that you add to your application, as opposed to a map that is available by default (in the application))
met.damage mappingkortlægning af skader
comp., MSdata mapdatatilknytning (A mapping between source files and Microsoft Dynamics CRM that can be used with either the Import Wizard or the Data Migration Wizard and take either the form of an import map or a data migration map)
life.sc.derived mapafledt kort
life.sc.diagrammatic mapdiagramkort
environ., industr.difference mapdifferenskort
commun., ITdigital mapdigitalt kort
IT, life.sc.digital mapdigitalt frembragt kort
geogr.Digital Map ArchiveDigital Map Archive
ITdigital mappingdigital kartografi
IT, transp.digital road mapdigital vejkort
IT, life.sc.digital technique for map makingdigitalteknik for kortfremstilling
comp., MSdirectional mapvejvisningskort (A map created with transportation and mass transit shapes, such as highways, parkways, intersections, road and street signs, routes, railroad tracks, transit terminals, rivers, and buildings)
comp., MSDocument Mapdokumentoversigt (A vertical pane along the left edge of the document window that displays an outline of the document's headings, and enables the user to navigate to or manipulate different parts of the document)
gen.draft mapbasiskort
life.sc., environ.ecological mappingøkologisk kortlægning
demogr., life.sc.economic mapmatrikelkort
IT, dat.proc.empty maptomt kort
nat.sc., environ.Environmental Mapping and Modellingkortlægning og miljømodellering
comp., MSexternal URL mappingtilknytning af eksterne URL-adresser (A URL mapping for objects that are not part of the WSS system)
law, life.sc.extract of property map USAmatrikelkortkopi
life.sc.face of a mapbilledside af kort
stat.feature change mapkort med opdatering af karakteristiske træk
life.sc.field mapmatrikelkort
commun.field mapping conventionregler for felt-mapping
agric.fire mapbrandkort
agric.fire occurrence mapbrandkort
agric.fire progress mapkort over brandudviklingen
agric.fire status mapkort over brandudviklingen
agric.fire-finder mapbrandsporingskort
agric.fire-plotting mapbrandpositionskort
environ.flood hazard mapkort over faren for oversvømmelse
environ.flood mappingkortlægning af oversvømmelser
environ.flood vulnerability mapsårbarhedskort for oversvømmelser
transp.footprint mapkort over fodspor
transp.footprint mapkort over fodaftryk
life.sc., transp., avia.forecast mapprognosekort
med.gene mapgenkortlægning
med.gene mappinggenetisk kortlægning
med.gene mappinggenetisk kartografi
med.genetic linkage mapkort over genkobling
med.genetic mapgenkort
health., nat.sc.genetic mapgenetisk kort
med.genetic mappinggenetisk kortlægning
health.genetic mapping librarybibliotek for genetisk kortlægning
med.genome mappinggenom-kortlægning
med.genome physical mapgenomkort
transp.geographical maplandkort
commun.geographical mapgeografisk kort
gen.geographical mapsgeografiske kort
life.sc.geological mappinggeologisk kartografi
life.sc.geological survey mapgeologisk rids
life.sc.geometrically corrected mapgeometrisk korrigeret kort
cultur.hand-drawn maplandkort tegnet i hånden
cultur.hand-drawn maphåndtegnet landkort
health.hazards mappingrisikokortlægning
med.heteroduplex mappingheterodupleks-kortlægning
life.sc.historical maphistorisk kort
health., life.sc., R&D.human gene mappingkortlægning af menneskets gener
health., life.sc., R&D.human gene mappingkortlægning af det menneskelige genom
health., life.sc., R&D.human gene mappingkortlægning af de menneskelige gener
nat.sc.human genetic mapgenetisk kortlægning af mennesket
med.human genetic maphumangenetiske kort
med.human genome mapkort over menneskets genom
health., life.sc., R&D.human genome mappingkortlægning af menneskets gener
gen.hydrogeological maphydrogeologisk kort
life.sc.hydro-isopleth maphydroisoplethkort
life.sc.hypogeological mapisohypsekort
ITimage mapimagemap
comp., MSimage mapklikbart grafikobjekt (An image that contains more than one hyperlink on a Web page. Clicking different parts of the image links the user to other resources on another part of the Web page or a different Web page or in a file)
commun., ITimage mappingbilledbaseret korttegning
life.sc., agric.index mapoversigtskort
comp., MSindoor mapoversigtskort (A Maps feature that shows the layout and location of stores in a shopping mall)
commun., life.sc.inset mapbikort
commun., life.sc.inset-mapbikort
fin.internal market road mapkortlægning af det indre marked
life.sc.international map of the worldinternationalt verdenskort
med.intracistronic mapgenkortlægning
life.sc.isochore mapisohypsekort
life.sc.isochrone mapisochron
life.sc.isochrone maptidsarealdiagram
life.sc.isohyetal mapisohyetkort
life.sc.isopachous maptykkelseskort
life.sc.isopachous mapisopakkort
life.sc.isopercental mapisoprocentkort
life.sc.isopluvial mapisohyetkort
life.sc., el.isotach mapisoventkort
life.sc., el.isotach mapisotachkort
life.sc., el.isovent mapisotachkort
life.sc., el.isovent mapisoventkort
IT, tech.K-mapKarnaugh-kort
IT, tech.K-mapKarnaugh-diagram
IT, tech.Karnaugh mapKarnaugh-diagram
IT, tech.Karnaugh mapKarnaugh-kort
agric.land registry mapmatrikelkort
demogr., life.sc.land use mapmatrikelkort
life.sc., agric.landownership mapjordfordelingsplan
construct.land-use maparealudnyttelsesplan
stat., scient.level mapniveau-kurver
ITload mapadresseliste
med.low resolution mapgen-kort med en lav grad af opløselighed
life.sc.lunar mapmånekort
comp., MSmain maphovedkort (The map that users can access by touching the map card on the card screen in Concierge. The main map can be a Virtual Earth map or a custom map)
construct.management mapskovkort
life.sc.map archivingkortarkivering
life.sc.map bibliographykortbibliografi
comp., MSmap cardkort (A card that appears on the card screen that users can touch to open the main map of Concierge)
industr., construct.map-casekorttaske
environ.map chart A map, generally designed for navigation or other particular purposes, in which essential map information is combined with various other data critical to the intended usesøkort
environ.map chartsøkort
life.sc.map collectionkortsamling
comp., MSmap controlkontrolelement til kort (A JavaScript control that contains the objects, methods, and events that you need to display maps powered by Bing Maps™ on your Web site)
comp., MSmap control blockafbildningskontrolblok (A structure that file systems use to map the virtual block numbers (VBNs) for a file to the corresponding logical block numbers (LBNs) on the disk)
life.sc.map convergencemeridiankonvergens
construct.map crackingkrakelering
IT, dat.proc.map databankkartografisk databank
ITmap digitizingdigitalisering af geografiske kort
commun., life.sc.map gridkortnet
commun., life.sc.map indexkortindeks
life.sc.map insetsidekort
life.sc.map insetbikort
transp.map-matchingkartografisk navigation
life.sc., transp.map-matching guidancepositionsbestemmelse efter kort
commun., ITmap-matching techniquekortsammenligningsteknik
life.sc.map measurekortmål
R&D.map of research excellencekortlægning af topforskning
R&D.map of research excellencekortlægning af førende forskning
life.sc.map of skeleton linesskeletkort
life.sc.map orientationorientering af kort
life.sc.map paperpapir til kortfremstilling
tech., industr., construct.map paperkortpapir
life.sc.map plottingkortindprikning
IT, life.sc.map projectionkortprojektion
life.sc.map referencekortreference
life.sc.map reference codekortreferencekode
ITmap revisionkortopdatering
life.sc.map scalekortmålforhold
comp., MSmap screenkortskærm (The screen within Concierge that displays a map that users can interact with. The map can be a Virtual Earth map or a custom map that you have added. Users can view the map screen in a road or aerial view)
life.sc.map serieskortserie
life.sc.map sheetkortblad
life.sc.map showing details up to the sheet marginrammekort
life.sc.map showing only a selected, isolated regionøkort
life.sc.map surfacekortflade
life.sc.map symbolskortsignatur
med.to map the genomekortlægge genomet
comp., MSmap tilekortdel (One of a number of 256 x 256 pixel images that are combined to create a Bing map. A map tile contains a segment of a view of the earth in Mercator projection, with possible road and text overlays depending on the style of the Bing map)
commun.map,tosammenholde med
commun., ITmapping abstraction to realityetablere forbindelse mellem abstraktion og virkelighed
life.sc.mapping agencykartografisk myndighed
cultur., industr., construct.mapping cameraflykamera til kartografisk fotografering
IT, environ.mapping datakartografisk data
IT, dat.proc.mapping databankkartografisk databank
life.sc.mapping of areas at riskkortlægning af risikoområder
life.sc., environ., chem.mapping of groundwater bodieskortlægning af grundvandsforekomster
environ.mapping of lichens Maps of lichens distribution indicating air quality. Fruticose lichens (with branched structures well above the surface) are more susceptible to SO2 damage than foliose lichens (whose leaflike thallus lies nearly flat on surface) and both in turn are more susceptible than crustose lichens (which embed their tissue in the cracks of bark, soil, or rocks). The use of morphological lichen types as indicators of air pollution concentrations is well developedkortlægning af laver
environ.mapping of lichenskortlægning af laver
coal.mapping of polluted mine areaskortlægning af forurenede mineområder
earth.sc.mapping of seismological precursorskortlægning af seismologiske forløbere
fin.mapping process to business linesindplacering af aktiverne under de forskellige forretningsområder
obs., fin.mapping process to business lineskonvertering til forretningsområder
IT, dat.proc.mapping PROMadresseomsætnings-PROM
patents.maps and pictureskort og billeder
patents.maps, wall chartskort, vægkort
comp., MSmemory maphukommelsestilknytning (A representation of the layout of objects in an area of memory)
IT, el.memory mapadresseomsætter
ITmemory maplagerliste
IT, el.memory mapmemory map
IT, el.memory mapping control circuitmemory mapper kontrolkredsløb
ITmemory mapping unitlagerkortenhed
ITmemory mapping unitlagerdipositionsenhed
stat., scient.method of overlapping mapsde overlappende korts metode
stat.metropolitan map seriesstorbykortserie
comp., MSMicrosoft Power Map for ExcelMicrosoft Power-plotning til Excel (The Excel feature that allows users to plot geographic and temporal data visually, analyze that data in 3D, and create interactive tours to share with others)
gen.Middle East road mapkøreplan for fred i Mellemøsten
life.sc.monthly composite temperature mapmånedlig kombineret kort over temperaturer
life.sc.moon mapmånekort
life.sc.morphographic mapmorfologisk kort
life.sc.mosaic mapfotomosaik
life.sc., transp.moving map displaybevægelig kortpræsentation
commun., ITnetwork mapnetplan
pharma., scient., earth.sc.noise mapstøjkortlægning
environ.noise mapstøjkort
commun., ITon-board digitized mapindbygget numerisk kort
construct.ordnance survey mapmatrikelkort for bymæssig bebyggelse
law, life.sc.original maporiginalkort
commun., life.sc.orthophoto maportofotokort
life.sc., tech.ortophoto maportofotokort
commun., life.sc.outline mapskitsekort
life.sc.outline maptomt kort
life.sc., construct.overall map of a mineoversigtskort over mine
life.sc., environ.ozone mapozonkort
earth.sc.panoramic-photograph mapfoto-panorama
agric.panoramic-profile mappanoramakort
med.peptide mappeptidkort
med.peptide mapprotein-fingeraftryk
life.sc.photo-index mapphoto-registerkort
med.physical mapfysiske kort
life.sc.pigment concentrations mapkort over pigmentkoncentrationer
life.sc.plan or map of trigonometric nettriangulationsnetskitse
life.sc.planimetric mapplanimetrisk kort
construct.planning purpose mapudviklingsplan
life.sc.plastic relief mapreliefkort
comp., MSPower MapPower-plotning (The Excel feature that allows users to plot geographic and temporal data visually, analyze that data in 3D, and create interactive tours to share with others)
mater.sc.preservation and rehabilitation area mapfrednings-og renoveringsplan
life.sc.pressure surface mapkort visende den phreatiske flade
life.sc.pressure surface mapkort over overfladetryk
patents.printed matter, cardboard and cardboard articles and tickets, newspapers, periodical publications, brochures, books and stationery, writing instruments, address books and diaries, personal organisers, photographs and posters, playing cards, greeting cards, postcards, maps and picturestryksager, pap og papvarer og billetter, aviser, tidsskrifter, brochurer, bøger og papirvarer, skriveredskaber, adressebøger og dagbøger, personlige planlægningskalendere, fotografier og plakater, spillekort, lykønskningskort, postkort, kort og billeder
commun., life.sc.printing size of map or chartkortformat
commun., life.sc.projected map displayprojiceret kortpræsentation
commun.publisher of mapsforlægger af landkort
life.sc.quadrangle mapkortramme begrænset af meridianer og paralleller
commun.radiation situation mapkort over den radioaktive strålingssituation
life.sc.radiometric survey mapradiometrisk kort
gen.redrawing of the world's political mapomformning af det politiske verdenskort
construct.reference mapreferenceplan
gen.regional aid mapregionalstøttekort
life.sc.relief mapreliefkort
met.residual stress mappingkortlægning af residualspændinger
med.restriction maprestriktionskort
earth.sc.revision of topographic mapsrevision af topografiske kort
med.RFLP mappingRFLP-kortlægning
environ.risk maprisikokort
construct.road mapplan
life.sc.road mapvejkort
construct.road mapkøreplan
patents.route mapsvejkort
construct., mun.plan.rural development mapmarkplan
commun.schematic geographic mapskematisk landkort
agric.seen area mapkort over udkigspostens synsområde
earth.sc.seismic zoning mapkort over seismiske områder
IT, dat.proc.short reference mapliste over korte henvisninger
life.sc.single-valued image:single-valued mappingentydig afbildning
ITsite mapoversigt
ITsite mapsitemap
comp., MSsite mapoversigt over websted (A file or other store that describes the logical layout of a Web site (as distinct from the physical layout of pages). Site maps are used by site navigation controls to display navigation using a menu, tree view, or SiteMapPath (breadcrumb) control)
agric.site mapskovkort visende vækstlokaliteterne
commun.situation mapsituationskort
commun.situation mapplottebord
life.sc.sketch mapkrokis
life.sc.sketch mapkortskitse
life.sc.sketch map of routerutekrokis
environ.soil classification mapjordklassifikationskort
environ.soil classification mapjordklassificeringskort
environ.soil map A two-dimensional representation that shows the areal extent or the distribution of soils in relation to other features of the land surfacejordkort
environ.soil mapjordkort
environ., energ.ind.solar energy mapsolkort
environ., energ.ind.solar energy mapsolindstrålingskort
environ., energ.ind.solar irradiance mapsolkort
environ., energ.ind.solar irradiance mapsolindstrålingskort
environ., energ.ind.solar mapsolindstrålingskort
environ., energ.ind.solar mapsolkort
earth.sc.sonar underwater mapping systemsonarsystem til undervandskartografi
gen.source display mapkort over årsager
cultur., life.sc.special job cover mapspecialkort til brug ved luftfotografering af større områder
polygr., model.star maphimmelkort
polygr., model.star mapkort over de to halvgugler
stat., scient.statistical mapkartogram
commun., transp.stellar map-matching guidanceastronavigation
life.sc., agric.stock mapskovkort
ITstorage maplagerliste
ITstorage maplageroversigt
ITstorage maplagerskema
ITstorage utilization maplagerbenyttelsesplan
ITstorage utilization maplagerbenyttelsesoversigt
comp., MSstrategy mapstrategioversigt (A performance management tool for visually presenting an organization's or organizational unit's objectives and goals, their groupings of objectives and goals, and their mappings of objectives and goals to themes, initiatives, KPIs, targets, business processes, and action plans. Each item in the visualization contains a set of metadata, which itself is customizable)
life.sc.surface forecast mapprognosekort for overfladevejr
life.sc.surface mapbundkort
life.sc.surface mapsynoptisk overfladekort
life.sc., construct.surveying and mappingkortlægning samt udarbejdelse af kort
life.sc.surveying and mappinglandmåling
comp., MSsymbol mapsymboltilknytning (The representation of the associations between symbol names and memory addresses in a program)
stat., ITsynagraphic mappingsynagrafisk kortlægning
environ.synoptic chart weather mapvejrkort
environ.synoptic chart weather mapsynoptisk kort
environ.synoptic mapvejrkort
environ.synoptic mapsynoptisk kort
nat.sc., geogr.temperature maptemperaturkort
life.sc.thematic maptematisk kort
life.sc.thematic map of complex representationkomplekst temakort
commun., ITthematic mappingtematisk korttegning
life.sc.theoretical size of mapgivet kortformat
life.sc.thermal isoline maptermoisopletdiagram
earth.sc.thermal mappingtermisk topografisk afbildning
earth.sc., life.sc.thermal mapping systeminfrarød og mikrobølgedetektor
life.sc.time contour mapisokronkort
earth.sc.time series of SST/windfield mapstidsserie af SST/vindfeltkort
transp.topographic mapgeneralstabskort
transp.topographic maptopografisk kort
nat.sc.topographic mappingtopografisk kortlægning
environ., chem.total ozone mapping spectrometerTOMS-instrument
construct.town plan mapbyplan
construct.town plan mapbyudviklingsplan
construct.town planning mapbyplan
construct.town planning mapbyudviklingsplan
med.transcriptional maptranskriptionskort
agric.travel-time mapkort visende transporttiden
life.sc., agric.type mapskovkort
earth.sc.updating of topographic mapsrevision af topografiske kort
comp., MSURL mappingwebadressetilknytning (The process of associating a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with a physical directory)
met.veining mappingåringsstriber
commun.video mapvideokort
agric.visibility area mapkort over udkigspostens synsområde
agric.visibility mapkort over udkigspostens synsområde
agric.visible area mapkort over udkigspostens synsområde
el.voltage mapspændingsplan
comp., MSvolume map control blockkontrolblok for enhedstilknytning (An opaque structure that stores virtual block number (VBN) to logical block number (LBN) mappings for an a volume file of a file system)
environ.vulnerability mapsårbarhedskort
commun.wall mapvægkort
environ., agric.water supply mapplan over vandforsyningssteder
life.sc.weather mapvejrkort