
Terms for subject Labor law containing change | all forms | exact matches only
allowance for change of residenceforflyttelsestillæg
allowance for change of residenceflyttegodtgørelse
change of gradeændring af tjenestegraden
change of residenceskiften tjenestested
change of residenceforflyttelse
change roomomklædningsrum
changing room facilitiesindretning af omklædningsrum
decontamination area change roomomklædningsrum for dekontamineringsområde
direct participation in organizational changedirekte medindflydelse ved organisatoriske ændringer
the unemployed workers have been caused to change their homede arbejdsledige har måttet skifte bopæl
vocational retraining for workers having to change their employmentomskoling af arbejdstagere, som må skifte beskæftigelse
washing and changing periodsforberedelsestid