
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing capacity | all forms | exact matches only
capacity for strainudvidelsesevne
capacity for strainudvidelighed
capacity of the plasma cutting torchplasmaskærebrænderens kapacitet
capacity to deformationformbarhed
commitment to close down a proportion of production capacityminimale lukningstilsagn
covering capacitydækkeevne
cutting capacityspåntagningskapacitet
cutting capacity of the blowpipeskærebrænderens kapacitet
cutting capacity of the burnerskærebrænderens kapacitet
cutting capacity of the cutting attachmentskæreindsatsens kapacitet
cutting capacity of the nozzledysestørrelse
cutting capacity of the torchskærebrænderens kapacitet
specific furnace capacityspecifik ovnkapacitet
streamlining the capacityrationalisering af produktionsapparatet
the maximum cross-sectional area of mild steel than can be welded within the rated capacity of a machinemærkesvejsetværsnit
the maximum number of welds per hour that can be made within the rated capacity of the machinemaximalt antal svejsninger pr.time
work capacity of a forming machinearbejdsevne af en presse