
Terms for subject Medical containing bones | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal bone thickeninghyperostosis
accessory tarsal bonesaccessoriske fodrodsknogler
arteries of the hip bonehoftebenets arterier (arteriae illiacae)
basal bonebasalknogle
bone-conduction headphonebenledningstelefon
bone-conduction headphoneknogleledningsmodtager
bone-conduction headphonebenlednings-hovedtelefon
bone-conduction receiverknogleledningsmodtager
bone-conduction receiverbenledningstelefon
bone-conduction receiverbenlednings-hovedtelefon
bone-conduction transducerbenledningstelefon
bone-conduction transducerknogleledningsmodtager
bone-conduction transducerbenlednings-hovedtelefon
bone-conduction vibratorknogleledningsmodtager
bone-conduction vibratorbenledningstelefon
bone-conduction vibratorbenlednings-hovedtelefon
bone growth-relatedepifyse-
bone marrow cancermyelomatosis
bone marrow cancermyeloma
bone marrow poisoningagranulocytose
bone part of the ribribbensknogle
bone perforatorinstrument til perforation
bones of facesplanchnokraniet
bones of faceansigtsskelet
bones of the digits of the footphalanges
bones of the digits of the footfingrenes og tæernes knogler
bones of the digits of the handfingrenes og tæernes knogler
bones of the digits of the handphalanges
bones of the skullkranium
bones of the skullkraniets knogler
carpal boneshåndrodsknogle
cavalry bonekavalleriben
central bone of the wristos centrale manus (os centrale carpi)
clod boneoverarmsknoglen (os brachii, os humeri, humerus)
clod bonehumerus (os brachii, os humeri, humerus)
clod boneoverarmsben (os brachii, os humeri, humerus)
coccygeal bonehaleben (os coccygis)
condyle of the metacarpal bonemetacarpalknoglens ledhovede
condyle of the metacarpal bonecapitulum ossis metacarpalis
condyle of the third occipital bonecondylus tertius ossis occipitalis
congenital anomaly of face boneskongenit ansigtsmisdannelse
cuboid boneterningebenet
cuneiform boneskileben (ossa cuneiformia)
curvature index of the frontal bonepandebenets krumningsindex
cutting a boneosteotomi
defective bone formationosteodystrophia
dermal bonebindevævsknogle
destructive to bone marrowmyelotoksisk
dislocation of the scaphoid bonenavicularis-luksation
episternal bonesossa suprasternalia
ethmoid bonesiben (os ethmoidale)
face boneansigtsknogle
face bone-relatedmaxillaris
facial bonesansigtets knogler
fish-bone protractorfiskebenfanger
foot bonesfodskelet
handle bone drilldrilbor
handle bone drilldril
head of metacarpal bonescapitulum ossium metacarpalium
head of metatarsal bonescapitulum ossium metatarsalium
heel bonecalcaneus
heel bonehælben
hip bonehofteben (os coxae)
hyoid bonetungeben (os hyoideum)
hyoid part of the petrous portion of the temporal bonepars hyoidea ossis temporalis
hypoplasia of the bone marrowhypoplasi i knoglemarven
Incarial boneinca-ben
intermaxillary boneintermaxillare
interparietal boneinterparietalknogle
interparietal boneinterparietalben
ischial bonesædeben (os ischii)
jugal bonejugale
jugal bonekindben
jugular process of the occipital boneprocessus jugularis ossis occipitalis
lacrimal boneståreben
leg-bonesbenets skelet
length of the pubic boneskambenslængde
loss of bone densitytab af knogledensitet
malar boneskindben
marble bonesAlbers-Schönbergs sygdom
marble bonesmarmorknogler
marble bonesosteopetrosis
mastoid part of the temporal bonepars mastoidea ossis temporalis
material for ringing a bonefraktursuturering fra en knogle
meningioma of the sphenoid bonesphenoidalismeningeom
meningioma of the sphenoid bonekilebensmeningeom
metatarsophalangeal bonefodstråle
nasal bonesnæsebenet
nasal part of the frontal bonepars nasalis ossis frontalis
navicular bonebådbenet (os naviculare pedis)
neck of stirrup bonecollum stapedis
occipital bonenakkeben
orbital plate of the frontal bonepars orbitalis ossis frontalis
osteosynthesis with bone nailsmarvsømning
osteosynthesis with bone nailssømning
osteosynthesis with bone nailsosteosyntese med sømning
osteosynthesis with bone nailsfiksering med knogleskruer
overlying bonebindevævsknogle
Paget's disease of bonePaget's knoglesygdom (osteitis deformans)
palatine bonesos palatinum
pelvic bonesædebenischium
pelvic boneskinkeben
petrosal part of the temporal bonepyramis
petrosal part of the temporal bonepars petrosa ossis temporalis
petrous portion of the temporal bonepars petrosa
pieces of bonesekvester
primordial boneerstatningsknogle
promyelocyte bonepromyelocytmarv
pubic boneskamben (os pubis)
scaphoid bonebådbenet (os naviculare manus)
sclerotic calcification of bonessklerotisk forkalkning af knogler
sclerotic calcification of bonesosteosklerose
sesamoid bonesesamknogle (os sesamoideum)
sesamoid bonessesamknogler
shank bonetibia
shank boneskinneben
shin boneskinneben
shin bonetibia
short bonekort knogle
small boneossiculum
soft tissue bone flapbløddelsknogletransplantat
sphenoid bonekilebenet
sphenoid bonehvepsebenet
sphenoidal process of the palatine boneprocessus sphenoidalis ossis palatini
squamous part of the occipital bonesquama occipitalis
squamous part of the temporal bonesquama temporalis
stopping bone marrow activitymyelinsuppression
sutural bonesossa Wormiana
Tc99 bone scintigraphytechnitium-scintigrafi
Tc99 bone scintigraphyknoglescintigrafi med technitium-99
technetium-99 bone scintigraphyknoglescintigrafi med technitium-99
technetium-99 bone scintigraphytechnitium-scintigrafi
temporal bonetindingeben (os temporale)
temporal process of the zygomatic boneprocessus temporalis ossis zygomatici
transversal index of the nasal bonetransversale næsebensindex
tympanic part of the temporal bonepars tympanica ossis temporalis
vaginal process of the sphenoid boneprocessus vaginalis ossis sphenoidalis
vitreous bonesglasknogler
wing of the sphenoid bonelille kilebensvinge
zygomatic bonejugale
zygomatic bonekindben
zygomatic boneskindben
zygomatic process of the frontal boneprocessus zygomaticus ossis frontalis
zygomatic process of the temporal boneprocessus zygomaticus ossis temporalis