
Terms for subject Employment containing and | all forms | exact matches only
Convention concerning Protection of the Right to Organise and Procedures for Determining Conditions of Employment in the Public Servicekonvention om beskyttelse af organisationsretten og metoder for fastsættelse af arbejdsvilkår i den offentlige sektor
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Officeskonvention angående regulering af arbejdstiden i handels- og kontorvirksomheder
European Information Exchange Network on Local Development and Local Employment Initiativeseuropæisk informationsudvekslingsnet for lokale beskæftigelsesfremmende initiativer
European Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical EmployeesDen Europæiske Regionalorganisation inden for Det Internationale Funktionær- og Teknikerforbund
pacts for employment and competitivenesspagter for beskæftigelse og konkurrenceevne