
Terms for subject Taxes containing and | all forms | exact matches only
Advisory Committee on Customs and Indirect Taxationrådgivende told- og afgiftsudvalg
Agreement between the European Community and the Principality of Andorra providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC on taxation of savings income in the form of interest paymentsaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Fyrstendømmet Andorra om fastlæggelse af foranstaltninger svarende til dem, der er fastlagt i Rådets direktiv 2003/48/EF om beskatning af indtægter fra opsparing i form af rentebetalinger
Agreement between the European Community and the Principality of Monaco providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/ECaftale mellem Det Europæiske Fællesskab og Fyrstendømmet Monaco om fastlæggelse af foranstaltninger svarende til dem, der er fastlagt i Rådets direktiv 2003/48/EF
Central Customs and Tax AdministrationTold- og Skattestyrelsen
Central Customs and Tax AdministrationTold og Skat
central management and controlhovedkontor
Centre for administration of import duty, exemption and drawbackcentret for administration af importtold, fritagelse og godtgørelse
Committee on Customs Warehouse and Free ZonesUdvalget for Toldoplag og Frizoner
Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Capital and to certain other Taxeskonventionen mellem Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland og Amerikas Forenede Stater med henblik på at undgå dobbeltbeskatning og forebygge skattesvig for så vidt angår beskatning af indtægter og kapital og andre afgifter
Convention on Mutual Assistance and Cooperation between Customs AdministrationsKonventionen om gensidig bistand og samarbejde mellem toldmyndighed
Convention on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the Convention on the elimination of double taxation in connection with the adjustment of profits of associated enterpriseskonvention om Republikken Østrigs, Republikken Finlands og Kongeriget Sveriges tiltrædelse af konventionen om ophævelse af dobbeltbeskatning i forbindelse med regulering af forbundne foretagenders overskud
Council Directive 2003/96/EC restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricityenergibeskatningsdirektiv
Customs and Fiscal Assistance OfficeKontoret for Skatte- og Toldmæssig Bistand
direct and indirect taxesdirekte og indirekte skatter
Directive on the general arrangements for products subject to excise duty and on the holding, movement and monitoring of such productsdirektivet om den generelle ordning for punktafgiftspligtige varer, om oplægning og omsætning heraf samt om kontrol hermed
Directorate-General for Customs and ExciseGeneraldirektoratet for Told- og Forbrugsafgifter
harmonisation and closer alignment of indirect taxationharmonisering og tilnærmelse af de indirekte skatter
harmonisation of the systems for the carry-forward and carry-back of losses for tax purposesharmonisering af reglerne for skattemæssig overførsel af tab
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding Systemharmoniseret varebeskrivelses- og varenomenklatursystem
highest and lowest marginal rates of personal income taxyderpunkterne i indkomstskatten
Holding and movements Directivedirektivet om den generelle ordning for punktafgiftspligtige varer, om oplægning og omsætning heraf samt om kontrol hermed
income tax and wealth taxindkomst - og formuebeskatning
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Proceduresinternational konvention om forenkling og harmonisering af regler om toldbehandling
International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs ProceduresKyoto-konventionen
investment and development grantsskattemæssigt fradrag for investeringer
investment and development grantsskattemæssig investeringsfradrag
investment and development grantsinvesteringstilskud
occupation and business taxerhvervsskat
rates and taxesskattebyrde
rates and taxesafgiftsbyrde
research and development tax creditskattefordel ved forskning
special arrangements for second–hand goods, works of art, collectors' items and antiquessærordning for brugte genstande, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter
substitute inheritance and gift taxsubstituerende arveafgift og gaveskat
succession and gift dutiesafgift ved ejerskifte
sugar and isoglucose levy paymentssukker- og isoglucoseafgifter
supplier and recipientleverandør og modtager
tax on capital transfers and documented legal actstinglysnings- og stempelafgifter
tax on carbon dioxide emissions and energyCO2-energiafgift
tax on carbon dioxide emissions and energyafgift af CO2-emissioner og af energi
tax on certain chlorofluorocarbons and halonsafgift af visse chlorfluorcarboner og haloner
tax on certain chlorofluorocarbons and halonsCFC afgift
tax on football-pool betting and lottoafgift af tipning og lotto
tax on imports and deliveries of goods in the Canary Islandsafgift med betegnelsen "arbitrio sobre las importaciones y entregas de mercancías en las Islas Canarias"
tax on incandescent lamps and electric fusesafgift af glødelamper og sikringer
taxes on lotteries,gambling and betting,other than those on winningsspilleafgifter med undtagelse af de afgifter,der pålægges gevinster
tax-free allowance for tobacco products and alcoholic beveragesafgiftsfritagelse for tobaksvarer og alkoholholdige drikkevarer
tobacco and alcohol allowancesafgiftsfritagelse ved indførsel af tobak og alkoholholdige drikkevarer
transnational social security benefit and contribution fraudgrænseoverskridende bedrageri i forbindelse med sociale sikringsydelser og -bidrag
VAT invoiced to the producer on purchases of fixed capital goods and of goods put into stockmoms der faktureres producenten ved køb af realkapitalgoder og varer der lægges på lager
VAT invoiced to the producer on purchases of fixed capital goods and of goods put into stockfradragsberettiget moms på køb af kapitalgoder